Configure a Git Repo Artifact Account
This shows how to configure a Git repo artifact account so that Spinnaker can use an entire repo as a single artifact.
Artifacts are remote, deployable resources in Spinnaker. Depending on their “ type ”, they will need credentials to be downloaded or uploaded. These pages take you through configuring those credentials.
This shows how to configure a Git repo artifact account so that Spinnaker can use an entire repo as a single artifact.
Configure a GitHub artifact account so that Spinnaker can download files from GitHub.
Configure a GitLab artifact account so that Spinnaker can download files from GitLab.
Spinnaker supports reading data from Bitbucket artifacts directly.
Spinnaker stages that consume artifacts can read from a Helm provider directly.
Spinnaker supports reading HTTP files directly for artifacts.
Spinnaker supports artifacts stored in a Maven repository.
Spinnaker stages that read data from artifacts can read S3 files directly.
Spinnaker supports using GCS objects as artifacts.
Spinnaker supports ORacle Object Storage as an artifact source.