Google App Engine
In Google App Engine , an Account maps to a credential able to authenticate against a given Google Cloud Platform project.
You need a
Google Cloud Platform
project to run Spinnaker against. The next steps assume you’ve already
a project
and installed
You can check that gcloud
is installed and authenticated by running:
gcloud info
If this is your first time deploying to App Engine in your project, create an App Engine application. You cannot change your application’s region, so pick wisely:
gcloud app create --region <e.g., us-central>
You will also need to enable the App Engine Admin API for your project:
gcloud services enable
Downloading credentials
Spinnaker does not need to be given service account credentials if it is running on a Google Compute Engine VM whose application default credentials have sufficient scopes to deploy to App Engine and Spinnaker is deploying to an App Engine application inside the same Google Cloud Platform project in which it is running. If Spinnaker will not need to be given service account credentials, or if you already have such a service account with the corresponding JSON key downloaded, skip ahead to Adding an Account .
Run the following commands to create a service account
with the roles/appengine.appAdmin
and roles/storage.admin
roles enabled:
gcloud iam service-accounts create \
--display-name $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME
SA_EMAIL=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list \
--filter="displayName:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME" \
PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
--role roles/storage.admin \
--member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
--role roles/appengine.appAdmin \
--member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL
mkdir -p $(dirname $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST)
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST \
--iam-account $SA_EMAIL
Your service account JSON key now sits inside $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEST
Adding an account
First, make sure that the provider is enabled:
hal config provider appengine enable
Next, run the following hal
command to add an account named my-appengine-account
to your list of App Engine accounts:
hal config provider appengine account add my-appengine-account \
--project $PROJECT \
You can omit the --json-path
flag if Spinnaker does not need service account credentials.
Deploying to App Engine
Deploying from Git
Spinnaker supports deploying your source code to App Engine by cloning your application’s git repository and submitting it to App Engine. Unless your code is public, Spinnaker needs a mechanism to authenticate with your repositories - many of the configuration flags for App Engine manage this authentication.
You can view the available configuration flags for App Engine within the Halyard reference .
Deploying from storage
Much like deploying from Git, Spinnaker also supports deploying your source code to App Engine from a Google Cloud Storage bucket. This method of deploying requires you to bundle your code into a .tar archive and then store that on GCS. When the deploy stage executes, Spinnaker will fetch your tar archive, untar it, and then deploy the code to App Engine.
Deploying from Google Container Registry URL
Spinnaker supports deploying Docker containers on the App Engine Flex runtime from images built and stored in Google Container Registry from just a URL.
You’ll find an option in the Create Server Group dialog in Deck to use a Container Image as a deployment’s Source Type. Selecting the Container Image option reveals a textbox that can then be used to specify the URL. Alternatively you can use an Artifact as the source of the container image URL.
Next steps
Optionally, you can set up another cloud provider , but otherwise you’re ready to choose an environment in which to install Spinnaker.