Manage Pipeline Templates

Use spin to manage your managed pipeline templates (MPT).


Note: spin only supports pipeline templates v2.

spin can manage the whole lifecycle of your v2 pipeline templates:

$ spin pipeline-templates

   pipeline-template [command]

  pipeline-template, pipeline-templates, pt

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete the provided pipeline template
  get         Get the pipeline template with the provided ID
  list        List the pipeline templates for the provided scopes
  plan        Plan the provided pipeline template config
  save        Save the provided pipeline

  -h, --help   help for pipeline-template

Global Flags:
      --config string          path to config file (default $HOME/.spin/config)
      --gate-endpoint string   Gate (API server) endpoint (default http://localhost:8084)
  -k, --insecure               ignore certificate errors
      --no-color               disable color (default true)
      --output string          configure output formatting
  -q, --quiet                  squelch non-essential output

Use " pipeline-template [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The following assumes Spinnaker is running and Gate is listening on http://localhost:8084. If gate is running elsewhere, you can set the Gate endpoint with the global --gate-endpoint flag.

Managing Your Pipeline Template’s Lifecycle

Create and update pipeline templates with save

$ spin pipeline-templates save --file <path to pipeline json>

Pipeline template save succeeded

Note that save accepts the pipeline template in JSON format. You can quickly export an existing pipeline template into a valid argument to the --file flag by using the get command.

List pipeline templates for a set of scopes with list

spin pipeline-templates list --scopes app1,app2
# Note: --scopes is optional, by default all pipeline templates are global.

  "id": "myPipelineTemplate"
  "pipeline": {...}

Retrieve a single pipeline template with get

spin pipeline-templates get --id myPipelineTemplate
  "id": "myPipelineTemplate"
  "pipeline": {...}

Visualize a hydrated pipeline with plan

spin pipeline-templates plan --file <path to pipeline config>

  "application": "my-spinnaker-app"
  "stages": [...] # Evaluated pipeline config based on template config values.

Delete a pipeline template with delete

spin pipeline-template delete myPipelineTemplate

Pipeline template deleted
Last modified May 4, 2021: more cleanup (0281411)