Spinnaker Release 1.37.0
https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/pull/6342 adds retry logic to AWS credential parsing, controlled with these new configuration properties and their defaults:
maxRetries: 10
backOffInMs: 5000
exponentialBackoff: false
exponentialBackoffMultiplier: 2
exponentialBackOffIntervalMs: 10000
https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/pull/6344 makes the duration of assume role sessions configurable via a new per-account propery sessionDurationSeconds
defaultSessionDurationSeconds: (no default value)
The per-account property takes precedence. If neither aws.defaultSessionDurationSeconds
nor a per-account sessionDurationSeconds
is set, the duration of assume role sessions is the default provided by the aws sdk. In version 1.12.261, that’s 900 seconds.
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4803 adds support for a connection pool named read
for some read-only database queries when using sql, configured as follows:
jdbcUrl: jdbc:...
user: <username, e.g. orca_service>
With https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4804, the api /applications/{application}/pipelines?expand=false&limit=2
performance is improved when using sql as the backend.
Orca’s queries to its sql db are optimized while handling the data obtained from front50.
TaskController is refactored to support externalized config properties.
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4825 adds a new configuration property to orca: echo.events.ignoreTaskEvents
that defaults to false. When true, orca doesn’t send events whose type is “task”. See https://spinnaker.io/docs/setup/other_config/features/notifications/#add-a-listening-webhook-to-spinnaker and https://spinnaker.io/docs/setup/other_config/features/notifications/#detailstype for details.
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4819 adds the following:
Exclusion of Execution Retrieval for Disabled Pipelines in an Application:
- A new configuration has been added to exclude execution retrieval for disabled pipelines in Front50. This can be enabled with:
tasks: controller: excludeExecutionsOfDisabledPipelines: false|true # Defaults to false
- When enabled, Orca will call Front50 with the
query parameter, which returns only the enabled pipelines for an application (Front50 change https://github.com/spinnaker/front50/pull/1520). This helps reduce load for applications with numerous pipelines, especially when obsolete, disabled pipelines are retained for historical reasons.
- A new configuration has been added to exclude execution retrieval for disabled pipelines in Front50. This can be enabled with:
Agent for Disabling Unused Pipelines:
- An agent has been introduced to detect and disable unused or unexecuted pipelines within an application.
This agent checks pipelines that have not been executed for the past
days and disables them in Front50. - This feature is only available for SQL execution repositories and is configurable with the following settings:
pollers: unused-pipelines-disable: enabled: false | true # default: false intervalSec: 3600 # default: 3600 thresholdDays: 365 # default: 365 dryRun: false | true # default: true. When true an info is logged about the intention to disable a pipelineConfigId in the application evaluated
- An agent has been introduced to detect and disable unused or unexecuted pipelines within an application.
This agent checks pipelines that have not been executed for the past
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4841 adds support for a new pipeline stage configuration property backoffPeriodMs
. Before this, pipeline authors had no control over the backoff period. It came from either spinnaker configuration properties or implementations of RetryableTask.getDynamicBackoffPeriod.
This makes it possible for pipeline authors to, for example, control the delay between attempts when webhook stages retry. The actual backoff used is the largest of:
in the stagetasks.global.backOffPeriod
tasks.<cloud provider>.backOffPeriod
tasks.<cloud provider>.<account name>.backOffPeriod
There are also a number of additions to webhook stages:
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4833 adds an allow list with the following properties:
webhook.allowedRequestsEnabled (default: false)
webhook.allowedRequests: (default: empty list)
- httpMethods: list of strings, e.g. [ "GET" ]
urlPrefix: "https://my-url:port/path/starts/with"
Note, if allowRequestsEnabled is true, and allowedRequests is empty, no requests are allowed.
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4837 adds request and response size limits via new config properties webhook.maxRequestBytes
and webhook.maxResponseBytes
. The default value for both is 0.
When greater than 0, only requests/responses whose header + body size is less than or equal to the max are allowed.
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4838 adds a new webhook.followRedirects
property that defaults to true. When false, webhook stages don’t follow redirects.
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4839 adds webhook-specific configuration properties for read and connect timeout with these defaults:
readTimeoutMs: 20000
connectTimeoutMs: 15000
If not present, fall back to ok-http-client.readTimeoutMs
and ok-http-client.connectTimeoutMs
(same defaults) to mantain behavior where those ok-http-client properties are set.
https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4840 adds a new webhook.auditLoggingEnabled
config property which defaults to false. When true, log information about each webhook request and response.
With https://github.com/spinnaker/igor/pull/1301, GCB CI supports private pool within the same project, addressing the issue in https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/6600 . With CloudBuild Options in GCB Manifest
- args:
- '-c'
- 'echo hello'
entrypoint: bash
name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/git
name: projects/PROJECT_NAME/locations/REGION/workerPools/WORKER_POOL_NAME
BuildClient uses location information from the pool.name
parameter to find the correct worker pool which resulted in 404 earlier.
Depending on the permission setup, it may be able to use build pools outside the project but it does not support other operation, So it is advised not to use build pools outside the project.
https://github.com/spinnaker/rosco/pull/1135 adds a new configuration property to rosco: helm.overridesFileThreshold
to help in situations where the overrides in a helm bake manifest stage are long enough to exceed the command line length limit when helm invokes helm template
. If the total length of override values exceeds helm.overridesFileThreshold
, rosco writes the overrides to a file and uses the –values option when invoking Helm. The default behaviour (threshold of 0)o retains the current approach of not using a file, regardless of the length of the overrides.
Breaking changes:
These configuration properties:
are replaced by the below configuration along with few more newly added ones:
optimize-execution-retrieval: <boolean>
retrofit2 upgrade
All retrofit clients are upgraded to retrofit2 and any references to retrofit1 dependencies are removed in the following services.
- Echo - https://github.com/spinnaker/echo/pull/1466
- Fiat - https://github.com/spinnaker/fiat/pull/1195
- Clouddriver - https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/pull/6340
- Gate - https://github.com/spinnaker/gate/pull/1866
Clouddriver 5.91.0
- aws: configurable duration of assume role sessions ( fdd0e902 )
- aws: configurable duration of assume role sessions ( fdd0e902 )
- aws: add retries to AWS credential parsing ( 98a69ca0 )
- aws: CleanupAlarmsAgent with an optional user-defined name pattern ( 53f11a88 )
- provider/google: Added new disks type for gce in clouddriver ( f5f4b112 )
- aws: CleanupAlarmsAgent cycle to catch exceptions ( c4df1366 )
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds due to a bug in latest … ( 2ca7a336 )
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds due to a bug in latest ubuntu kernel mismatch ( 2ca7a336 )
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds due to a bug in latest ubuntu kernel mismatch ( 2ca7a336 )
- core: fix InMemoryTaskRepository.listByThisInstance ( ebba3bac )
- core: fix InMemoryTaskRepository.listByThisInstance ( ebba3bac )
- ecs: Alarms with custom dimensions should be processed ( 3e932e47 )
- ecs: Cloudwatch alarms cleanup on destroy ecs group ( 3192885a )
- ecs: evaluate targetgroup healthcheck in instance healthcheck ( 7ce44a3c )
- ecs: include healthcheck status from targetgroups in instance healthcheck ( 7ce44a3c )
- ecs: check null for loadBalancer attribute ( 7ce44a3c )
- ecs: evaluate TargetHealth check if container deployed does have target groups associated ( 7ce44a3c )
- gce: remove multiple calls to get region and location ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: wrap whole method in try catch statement ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: log all zones when configure zones explicit ( bbcd4c78 )
- gha: fix branch detection error ( 8ff849d6 )
- google: Add partner metadata on instanceTemplate properties ( fcc53944 )
- google: include partnerMetadata in InstanceTemplates ( fcc53944 )
- google: remove default view and add tests ( fcc53944 )
- google: format comment ( fcc53944 )
- google: remove unused imports ( fcc53944 )
- google: make FULL the default view in instanceTemplate client ( fcc53944 )
- kubernetes: tolerate an empty manifest in KubernetesDeployManifestOperation ( 8c2c3880 )
- lambda: keep up with lambdaEnabled accessor change (get -> is) ( fdd0e902 )
- lambda/test: keep up with lambdaEnabled accessor change (get -> is) ( fdd0e902 )
- mergify: Mergify config needs adjusting for latest mergify releases ( 3f43ac29 )
- mergify: Mergify config needs adjusting for latest mergify releases ( 3f43ac29 )
- mergify: Add integration test checks ( 3f43ac29 )
- mergify: Add integration test checks ( 3f43ac29 )
- mergify: Add integration test checks ( 3f43ac29 )
- mergify: Use just queue_conditions ( 3f43ac29 )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( 0cc36f8b )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( 0cc36f8b )
- tests: refactor a test to consume retrofit2 interfaces FiatService ( 369374d0 )
- core: add test for TaskRepository.listByThisInstance ( ebba3bac )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 15f5d51f )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f39c6ab6 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b12d2706 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 503ddc7c )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c0d1fe76 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 369374d0 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 369374d0 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( f017f160 )
- ecs: add tests for default behavior and targetgroup healthchecks ( 7ce44a3c )
- ecs: improve testing and use targetHealth to determine status only if containerHealthcheck is UNKNOWN ( 7ce44a3c )
- gce: Refactor BasicGoogleDeployHandler to be more readable and testable ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: return Scheduling object instead ServiceAccount ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: split BasicGoogleDeployHandler into small methods and change it to java ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: write test for BasicGoogleDeployHandler.java ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: deprecate BasicGoogleDeployHandler.groovy ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: check if acceleratorConfig is not null ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: check if acceleratorConfig is not null ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: check if getUseSourceCapacity is not null ( bbcd4c78 )
- gce: fix merge conflicts with master ( bbcd4c78 )
- retrofit2: add test to verify retrofit2 error handling ( 2b7ed899 )
- retrofit2: replace retrofit client with retrofit2 client ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: Upgrade EddaApi client from retrofit to retrofit2 ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: Upgrade MetadataService client from retrofit to retrofit2 ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: Upgrade Front50Service client from retrofit to retrofit2 ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: Upgrade AgentApi, KeyValueApi and CatalogApi clients from retrofit to retrofit2 ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: Upgrade Eureka, EurekaApi clients from retrofit to retrofit2 ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: Upgrade TokenService client from retrofit to retrofit2 ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: Upgrade DockerRegistryService client from retrofit to retrofit2 ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: remove all retrofit1 references ( 67a05a3f )
- retrofit2: cleaned up unused comments, imports etc ( 67a05a3f )
- sql: clean up some imports and add comments to SqlTaskRepository.runningTaskIds ( ebba3bac )
- web: add logging to OperationsController.destroy ( ebba3bac )
Deck 3.20.0
- amazon: support ALBRequestCountPerTarget scaling policies ( c6b3c0c5 )
- amazon: support ALBRequestCountPerTarget scaling policies ( c6b3c0c5 )
- deployManifest: Adding Label Selectors feature support ( 45bf17d8 )
- google: Add partner metadata on clone ( 3005516a )
- google: populate resourceManagerTags & partnerMetadata when cloning server group ( 3005516a )
- google: add logs for debug ( 3005516a )
- google: populate resourceManagerTags & partnerMetadata from launchConfig when clone serverGroup ( 3005516a )
- stages: accountExtractor in k8s stages should extract data from a context ( 7486d2e3 )
- kubernetes: convert undo rollout manifest stage to react ( 824e0e54 )
- kubernetes: convert find artifacts from resource stage to react ( 40404619 )
- kubernetes: convert scale manifest stage to react ( 269b7386 )
Echo 2.44.0
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds due to a bug in latest ubuntu kernel mismatch ( a7887b2a )
- ubuntu: add commands so apt-get can install libc ( 2abe92db )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( b7bfb53b )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b0022467 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e237af00 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b28e91bb )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 58f6a796 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 469d50fc )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( ca6b4ce0 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8d260df9 )
- retrofit2: replace retrofit client with retrofit2 client ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade KeelService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade CDEventsSenderClient retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade BearychatService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade JiraService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade GoogleChatClient retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade GithubService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade SlackClient retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade PagerDutyService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade MicrosoftTeamsClient retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade TelemetryService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: move Retrofit2TestConfig from echo-notification/src/test/.. to echo-test/src/main/.. so that other modules can utilize ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade RestService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade TwilioService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade OrcaService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade IgorService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade SlackHookService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade SpinnakerService retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: upgrade Front50Service retrofit API interface to retrofit2 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: Remove RetrofitError from JiraNotificationService ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: remove remaining references to retrofit1 ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: Convert Retrofit2TestConfig to java ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: move java classes from main/groovy/.. to main/java/.. in echo-notifications ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: replaced retrofit1’s encode=false flag to retrofit2’s encoded=true ( 6a0e7847 )
- retrofit2: addressed review comments ( 6a0e7847 )
Fiat 1.54.0
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds ( e4f62097 )
- gha: fix branch detection error ( 208d2477 )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( f3641691 )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( f3641691 )
- ubuntu: add commands so apt-get can install libc ( c23d21a0 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( fe3f6005 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 54fff3a8 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 411e2985 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b865e8ca )
- deps: bump latest kork version ( f3641691 )
- retrofit2: replace retrofit client with retrofit2 client ( 0aa2c9b7 )
- retrofit2: replace retrofit client with retrofit2 client ( 0aa2c9b7 )
- retrofit2: address review comments ( 0aa2c9b7 )
Front50 2.38.0
- web: Exclude Disabled pipelines query parameter ( f22ddd2d )
- gha: fix branch detection error ( cca9ead0 )
- migrations: Fix wiring secondarySqlStorage service bean ( c4c25fdd )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( 2826f24c )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( 2826f24c )
- ubuntu: add commands so apt-get can install libc ( 53598902 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 1316fbd3 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 009e4493 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 076a23ce )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9829fa66 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( cde8367f )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 268236a1 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 268236a1 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 2ab0d909 )
- deps: bump latest kork version ( 2826f24c )
- retrofit2: refactor the code to align with the retrofit2 upgrade of fiat-api ( 268236a1 )
- retrofit2: use retrofit-mock library instead of mocking Call. ( 268236a1 )
Gate 6.66.0
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds ( 7d71bb35 )
- openapi: Uses openrewrite to convert swagger to openapi annotations ( e4619107 )
- openapi: Uses openrewrite to convert owagger to openapi annotations ( e4619107 )
- retrofit2: retrofit2 bug fixes ( b0ee1b17 )
- retrofit2: fix the missing calls related to retrofit2 and align the tests accordingly ( b0ee1b17 )
- swagger: ensure byteArrayHttpMessageConverter is the first converter to render swagger UI ( aaf04146 )
- swagger: ensure byteArrayHttpMessageConverter is the first converter to render swagger UI ( aaf04146 )
- swagger: Adds property allow swagger generation ( e4619107 )
- ubuntu: add commands so apt-get can install libc ( 4ac2c567 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 52982e9f )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f4b86026 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f2528f04 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0ce16ba0 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 186ba0ad )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 94f1156b )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 94f1156b )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 56feaa90 )
- deps: bump latest kork version ( e4619107 )
- retrofit2: add tests to demonstrate the issue with missing retrofit2 related calls ( b0ee1b17 )
- retrofit2: upgrade all retrofit clients to retrofit2 ( 00f79100 )
- retrofit2: upgrade retrofit clients to retrofit2 ( 00f79100 )
- retrofit2: address review comments ( 00f79100 )
- retrofit2: refactor the code to align with the retrofit2 upgrade of fiat-api ( 94f1156b )
- swagger: add test for swagger openapi migration ( aaf04146 )
- swagger: refactor fix and rename swagger test ( aaf04146 )
- swagger: Code minus kork constraints to switch to openapi. ( e4619107 )
Igor 4.19.0
- provider/google: Support private worker pool in gcb CI ( 9dbe94da )
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds ( fd9196b8 )
- jenkins: Changed Int to Long to accomodate cloudbees HA changes ( 2386a4ae )
- test: Fixed missing annotation on a test ( 9d0fbd26 )
- test: Fixed missing annotation on a test ( 9d0fbd26 )
- test: Fixed test ( 9d0fbd26 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 2b11f95b )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3f489376 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b005b918 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4cb094c8 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7ac8f977 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( c2f86917 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 6a901280 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 03469e0f )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 17855413 )
Kayenta 2.44.0
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds ( f3ba7a5f )
- dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 16a8780f )
- dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( be7ccabe )
- dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( d2b8baa4 )
- upgrade: Migrate to openapi swagger spec ( 3deb7ade )
Orca 8.61.0
- execution: Exclude execution retrieval for Disabled Front50 pipelines ( 33097a3a )
- execution: Exclude execution retrieval for Disabled Front50 pipelines ( 33097a3a )
- igor/google: Support GCB cancellation from Spinnaker UI. ( 0e624062 )
- orca-front50: Adding scheduling agent to Disable unused Pipelines on Front50 ( 33097a3a )
- queue: provide a way for pipeline stages to specify a backoff period ( ebaf829d )
- queue: provide a way for pipeline stages to specify a backoff period ( ebaf829d )
- sql: use a connection pool named “read” for some read operations in SqlExecutionRepository ( 386da272 )
- sql: use a connection pool named “read” for read operations in SqlExecutionRepository if configured to do so. ( 386da272 )
- sql: Optimize executions ( d739295d )
- taskController: optimize TaskController.getPipelinesForApplication() further by processing multiple pipeline config ids at a time and multi-threading each config id batch ( d739295d )
- taskController: have a dedicated executor service threadpool per request ( d739295d )
- taskController: add query timeouts when retrieving execution body ( d739295d )
- timeouts: Configure post timeouts for clouddriver. Using standard okhttpclient ( 382f5548 )
- web: refactor TaskController to support externalized config properties ( d739295d )
- webhook: add webhook.auditLoggingEnabled config property ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: add webhook.auditLoggedEnabled config property ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: include header byte count in audit logging ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: include request body content length in the audit log ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: include response body content length in audit log ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: add webhook-specific configuration properties for read and connect timeout ( 77cff27c )
- webhook: add webhook-specific configuration properties for read and connect timeout ( 77cff27c )
- webhook: add new webhook.followRedirects property ( 4032c744 )
- webhook: add new webhook.followRedirects property ( 4032c744 )
- webhook: add request/response size limits ( 028001a0 )
- webhook: add a request size limit ( 028001a0 )
- webhook: add a response size limit ( 028001a0 )
- webhook: add http method + url-based allow list to webhook stages ( 67bb5c58 )
- webhook: add http method + url-based allow list to webhook stages ( 67bb5c58 )
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds ( 73eab496 )
- ecs: Docker image extraction from context ( 266ce738 )
- gha: fix branch detection error ( effb8b62 )
- jenkins: Updated buildNumbers to be longs rather than an ints ( 47482f30 )
- log: minor log refactor ( d739295d )
- orca-clouddriver: Fix exception in mapping of trafficManagement when null ( 6b45278d )
- orca-clouddriver: make Deploy Manifest stage work with v4 spel evaluator and manifests contained in spel expressions ( c93aca83 )
- pipeline: Memoize anyUpstreamStagesFailed results ( 93f27cca )
- pipelineRef: add resolvedExpectedArtifacts from pipelineTrigger to PipelineRefTrigger ( 3c65fe03 )
- pipelineRef: add resolvedExpectedArtifacts from pipelineTrigger to PipelineRefTrigger ( 3c65fe03 )
- pipelineRef: add tests around PipelineRefTrigger ( 3c65fe03 )
- qos: Use PolledMeter to prevent metric deletion by Garbage Collector ( 8e1ec6d0 )
- sql: add correct indexes ( d739295d )
- stage: Avoid using a ConcurrentHashMap ( 93f27cca )
- taskController: adjusted default config values ( d739295d )
- ubuntu: add commands so apt-get can install libc ( 18b1846b )
- web: give java code access to groovy ( d739295d )
- webhook: fix format string in response-too-big error message ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: fall back to ok-http-client.readTimeoutMs and ok-http-client.connectTimeoutMs ( 77cff27c )
- core: remove duplication in StageExecutionImpl ( ebaf829d )
- core: simplify StageExecutionImpl.getLongFromContext ( ebaf829d )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( d66c0c20 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 894f0f98 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4572a0a5 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3d8b87c4 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ab817390 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 35418cd3 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 35418cd3 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( f3276866 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b8437d26 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6ebc4a0d )
- echo: don’t send task events ( b2399f85 )
- import: Clean up unused imports ( 93f27cca )
- pipeline: Improve execution times for dense pipeline graphs ( 93f27cca )
- pipeline: Define StartStageHandler performance ( 93f27cca )
- queue: update javadoc for RetryableTask.retryableBackOffPeriod ( ebaf829d )
- retrofit2: refactor the code to align with the retrofit2 upgrade of fiat-api ( 35418cd3 )
- sql: demonstrate that SqlConfiguration makes different types of DataSource bean available ( 386da272 )
- sql: reorganize correlation id cleanup logic in SqlExecutionRepository ( 386da272 )
- sql: no need for a transaction to delete individual rows ( 386da272 )
- sql: use the read pool for read-only database queries in SqlExecutionRepository ( 386da272 )
- sql: remove forUpdate argument from SqlExecutionRepository.selectExecution ( 386da272 )
- stage: Move anyUpstreamStagesFailed to StartStageHandler ( 93f27cca )
- stage: First check if a stage has been visited ( 93f27cca )
- stage: Filter out non-synthetic stages ( 93f27cca )
- stage: Precompute requisiteStageRefIds ( 93f27cca )
- stage: Only use withAuth when needed ( 93f27cca )
- stage: Remove duplicate call to withStage ( 93f27cca )
- taskController: rework execution retrieval query optimizations ( d739295d )
- test: Use a more concise test name ( 93f27cca )
- webhook: use a literal for WebhookConfiguration’s logger class ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: move audit logging after validation ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: introduce WebhookConfiguration.getRequestBodyContentLength ( c50f9224 )
- webhook: small tweak to redirect handling ( 4032c744 )
- webhook: use exceptions to communicate invalid request/response size ( 028001a0 )
- webhook: use constructor injection in WebhookService ( 67bb5c58 )
- webhook: rename preconfiguredWebhookProperties to webhookProperties ( 67bb5c58 )
Rosco 1.23.0
- build: Uses a hard coded qemu for builds ( 29da1393 )
- core: prevent null outputContent ( 90329079 )
- core: prevent null outputContent ( 90329079 )
- gceBakeHandler: Updating Image name pattern to match googlecompute pre/post 1.1.2 plugin ( 0ff5ffe8 )
- helm: teach rosco to write helm overrides to a file ( c0bde18b )
- helm: teach rosco to write helm overrides to a file ( c0bde18b )
- helm: move
argument for overrides to the end of the helm template command line ( c0bde18b ) - helm: skip converting overrides to yaml if any of the overrides absolute value is >= 1,000,000 ( c0bde18b )
- helm: support floating point override values in values files ( c0bde18b )
- install: Fixed packer version check for packer installation ( 34a6f293 )
- manifests: when writing overrides to a file, expand artifact reference URIs ( c0bde18b )
- manifests: restore behavior that leaves float/double override values quoted ( c0bde18b )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( c863b70d )
- openapi: Rewrite Swagger to OpenAPI annotations ( c863b70d )
- core: demonstrate current behavior of JobExecutorLocal with empty output ( 90329079 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2f62f092 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f54967e1 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b65df065 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2a1d9143 )
- deps: bump latest kork version ( c863b70d )
- helm test: move tests from V2BakeryControllerWithArtifactDownloaderTest to rosco-integration ( c0bde18b )