We’re very proud to announce the release of Spinnaker 1.9. This release has been focused on stabilizing and hardening Spinnaker with a suite of new integration tests focused on Kubernetes and Artifact support. We’ve also added new notification types, a new CI system integration for Wercker, and easier configuration.
Clouddriver 3.4.0
- auth: enable/disable the accounts validator based on
(273e3f0f) - aws: Adding a delete ami operation (fd1d0c7b)
- aws/caching: flag to ignore public images (54a254bf)
- aws/subnets: allow all specific subnetIds (d9218289)
- builds: Introduces ability to only build specific cloud provider platforms. (65a2916c)
- cache: metrics on putCacheResult. (e78a1aeb)
- entity_tagger: Support generic tag interface (a4c5f22b)
- kubernetes: add manifest warnings (6510c291)
- kubernetes: surface kind mapping to credentials API (86be86bd)
- openstack: glance v2 api in Openstack Clouddriver (0c1e65af)
- provider/appengine: Enables App Engine Standard Java 8. (9c24428a)
- provider/aws: r5d instance type (217103f5)
- provider/aws: r5 and z1d instance types (1a2502ee)
- provider/gce: Adds support for autoscaling policy mode in upsert. (721b8228)
- provider/kubernetes: check kind availability before caching (6bf1584a)
- provider/kubernetes: Adds support for strategy.spinnaker.io/use… (c83592b7)
- provider/kubernetes: Adds support for strategy.spinnaker.io/use SourceCapacity annotation. (c83592b7)
- provider/kubernetes: v2 Add support for api service kind (2e763bfb)
- provider/kubernetes: v2 Add support for PodDisruptionBudget kind (79550b8b)
- provider/kubernetes: adding heptio for seamless iam auth on aws (2e541528)
- provider/kubernetes: v2 Add support for storage class kind (80778595)
- provider/kubernetes: Parse container URI in clouddriver (7a9b4e78)
- provider/kubernetes: Allow image selection by digest (06469f0f)
- provider/kubernetes: enable applying app labels (f0698beb)
- provider/kubernetes: make id field unique, add name field for full resource name (1de640da)
- provider/kubernetes: add UID field to LoadBalancerInstance (57005693)
- provider/kubernetes: add ID field to k8s manifest objects (9e4022af)
- provider/kubernetes: support HPA binding (b27d38ea)
- scheduler: make maxConcurrentAgents a dynamic property (661f17a7)
- artifacts: fixes multiple http base providers (52d79d1a)
- artifacts: improve error message when account misconfigured (b6b132b8)
- aws: only set encryption if snapshotId is not provided (5a5aa2be)
- aws: Equality of
should not depend on counter (d416d993) - cats: saner redis defaults (83ca593a)
- cats: Remove unsupported annotations (14b37e97)
- cats: remove obsolete reindex code (adaa5974)
- dependencies: Remove AWS and Google modules from the clouddriver-security dependency list. (e56f1120)
- entity_tag: Generic tag method to use namespace over category (a4c5f22b)
- entity_tagger: allow for no server group providers (69220215)
- google: Guard against null backend in disabled load balancer check (d6abc723)
- google: Don't cache invalid TCP or Internal load balancers (d6abc723)
- google: Guard against null backend in disabled load balancer check (d6abc723)
- google: Lower log level of warning in HTTP Load Balancer caching agent (d6abc723)
- google: Properly handle failures caching HTTPS load balancers (9ac008cd)
- google: Wait for firewall operations to complete (545303d9)
- install: install kubectl if missing (4cedf742)
- install: install kubectl if not already installed (4cedf742)
- perf: reverts DefaultProviderCache metric changes (94481a14)
- perf: fix performance regression due to default provider cache metrics causing extra redis reads. (45642482)
- provider/amazon: ignore not found when already deleted (647038d9)
- provider/amazon: improve image not found error message (0501fcb3)
- provider/aws: Adding name tag to newly created Security Group (9a77e558)
- provider/dcos: Check if Integer null before unboxing (e7ae38b3)
- provider/dcos: less verbose spectator metrics labels for dc/os exceptions (56a1bbec)
- provider/dcos: Cache per cluster/service account pair. (145352ab)
- provider/eureka: change Eureka timeout to 5 minutes (84ff4a97)
- provider/eureka: allow polling time to be configured for eureka (ca18d3e9)
- provider/gce: Fetch instance relationships for regional MIGs. (96105f09)
- provider/gce: Stop modifying onDemand namespace in force cache refreshes. (ae541332)
- provider/gce: Fix NPEs in instance cache relationships. (29355a01)
- provider/gce: Null proof cache data relationships. (26c7ee06)
- provider/gce: Guard against null autoscaler in enable/disable. (d4ae200a)
- provider/kubernetes: make request timeout configurable (#2869) (e2d6db12)
- provider/kubernetes: Services have a cluster relationship (#2865) (4d5a6aff)
- provider/kubernetes: skip redundant check of kinds already omitted (#2866) (e41547b0)
- provider/kubernetes: reduce allocations during cache merge (#2863) (9a6efcae)
- provider/kubernetes: speed up stratifying cache elements (#2857) (11fcc7f6)
- provider/kubernetes: don't record namespace relationship in cache (#2859) (aad767b8)
- provider/kubernetes: only load relevant on demand keys (#2854) (98294b28)
- provider/kubernetes: record if a crd is namespace-scoped (#2849) (dc9bf4da)
- provider/kubernetes: deployment w/ 0 replicas is 'stable' (#2848) (e5110b28)
- provider/kubernetes: Speed up caching server group (#2834) (288dba9a)
- provider/kubernetes: avoid caching empty artifacts (#2841) (d1bf8c76)
- provider/kubernetes: be permissive of unreachable clusters on startup (#2840) (2e24291e)
- provider/kubernetes: set cluster type in k8s v2 provider (d1baa681)
- provider/kubernetes: upgrade to latest version of spinnaker-dependencies to fix spinnaker/spinnaker#3082 (6c38ffc9)
- provider/kubernetes: v2 check that artifact & cluster account match (0fca8b48)
- provider/kubernetes: bind initContainers (9ba89df1)
- provider/kubernetes: Fix broken dockerfile (530df6b8)
- provider/kubernetes: always honor the server property of a kubeconfig cluster block #3005 (1b16b2a2)
- provider/kubernetes: be more tolerant of failing health checks (a3e4d712)
- provider/kubernetes: fix regex perf bug when parsing images (bb36bdbb)
- provider/kubernetes: fix v2 error message (0896517b)
- provider/kubernetes: handle empty repsonse (fd03d3e5)
- provider/kubernetes: v2 tolerate empty delete options (2cdf45bc)
- provider/openstack: fix several issues in glance v2 support (dae28e63)
- provider/openstack: tolerate null stack. (d95d3762)
- provider/openstack: tolerate null stack. (b3ca7d18)
- provider/titus: fix copying of scaling policies (7b18d256)
- provider/titus: job with group sequence validation error has changed type to INVALID_ARGUMENT (2483c5bf)
- provider/titus: support specifying a digest as part of imageId (a647b1ab)
- provider/titus: only fetch tasks if includeDetails is requested (1d8f4d8d)
- providers/aws: only require security groups for ALBs ( not NLBs ) (81acaa3e)
- startup: Fix startup warnings (258264cf)
- titus: Handle empty tasks when constructing
(e1a5b8f6) - titus: adding another nullcheck to titusJubStatus (1cedd6bb)
- titus: null check for titusJobStatus (da9182cc)
- titus: Handle/report incomplete target group cache data (38080645)
- titus: Handle/report incomplete target group cache data (38080645)
- titus: really ignore not found on terminate (a97a2a07)
- titus: filter out Accepted tasks since they might never be scheduled (29c5c143)
- titus: only default zone balance soft constraint on services, not batch jobs (76f3d5e2)
- titus: exponentially retry on submit job failures and improve error logging (d4527e8e)
- titus: refresh vpcs in addition to aws accounts (57830761)
- titus: try to prevent null vpcId resolution (dd846e68)
- titus: scaling policies were incorrectly filtered out (3a5d300a)
- titus: replace load balancer ips with instance ids (ef0b2ed7)
- titus: generate correct target group key in v2 cluster caching agent (c3ddde0f)
- titus: don't ask for instances when they're not wanted (dcdef3f6)
- titus: Ensure containerAttributes values are strings (2790d999)
- Adds copyright information (47c0f482)
- Dockerfile: Update python version to match alpinelinux. (a1dc9d9b)
- dependencies: spinnaker-dependencies 1.0.5 (5365e1d6)
- docker: Reduce log level for not found tags (7f72ecba)
- entity_tag: generic tag operation (a4c5f22b)
- lars/typo: Fix typo in comment. (c4323549)
- loadtest: Removing loadtest module (272ee98f)
- provider/cf: delete existing cloud foundry implementation (3da46842)
- provider/gce: Reduce GCE image SSCANs in Redis. (98b273fb)
- provider/oracle: oraclebmcs cloud driver is renamed to oracle (28f01677)
- titus: Cleanup loadbalancer code a little bit (38080645)
Deck 2.4.0
- amazon/loadBalancer: Add confirmation if removing an existing oidc rule from an ALB (8cec136d)
- amazon/loadBalancers: Support overriding OIDC client and add help text (a3fc126c)
- artifacts: alphabetically sort artifact types by label (1ff6ff85)
- artifacts: Kubernetes V1 provider removes deleted artifacts (3ace82a2)
- authz/config: Add a pipeline roles section to pipeline config. (ab33610e)
- aws: nlb support (06ba3c5a)
- build: add cachebust query param to scripts in index.html (e87951c5)
- build: add cache bust for builds (23db340d)
- checklist: Support for using Map for key/value pairs in checklist (32f79c1f)
- core: Export './AuthenticationInitializer' (b114dc46)
- core: Support custom labels to change text for custom installs (a3fc126c)
- core: Adding null check to protect against undefined config (eeeb1f17)
- core: customizing maximum number of pipelines displayed (75c4a7e8)
- core: bump up package version to 0.0.243 (a871ab49)
- core: Adding option to fail pipeline on failed expressions (b927e2d0)
- core: feedback link (6511d38e)
- core/presentation: use ValidationMessage for BasicLayout error/warning/preview (d97c3c31)
- core/presentation: Add React components for Form Inputs/Layouts/Fields (c3941708)
- core/wizard: Show a tooltip of errors for each sections title (590ff013)
- ecs: adds ability to build ecs as a module (e96f2de6)
- google/iap: Refreshes IAP session after they expire. (67d6f242)
- instances: support name field on IInstance (73240917)
- kubernetes: Add consumed artifacts to Kubernetes V1 provider (a99f527c)
- kubernetes: Allow deploying containers specified as artifacts (3dd3b25b)
- kubernetes: add more info about k8s-v2 loadbalancer (a683507a)
- kubernetes: add account tag to pipeline headers (02c78943)
- kubernetes: use kind mapping to determine details view (d1c01ee1)
- kubernetes: render ongoing deploy manifest executions in clusters tab (979b82f4)
- notification: Add support for Google Chat. (0e984db5)
- notification: add bearychat support (bd56c087)
- pipeline: Support
for implicit pipeline triggers (b0ef7105) - provider/gce: Adds mode to autoscaling detail and upsert. (06caf104)
- provider/kubernetes: generic details view for unmapped resources (736dc9a7)
- provider/kubernetes-v2: Add pod logs output for job kinds in deploy manifest (1123dc54)
- provier/kubernetes: add artifact tab to bakeManifest executions (d00be060)
- tagging: Select which upstream stages to include in image search (77bd90fc)
- titus: Show amazon account for run job stage (0ee18004)
- titus: Show aws account backing titus account in deploy dialog (fc2fae98)
- wercker: add wercker trigger and stage (#5519) (20209194)
- wercker: add wercker trigger and stage (12c36646)
- amazon: Force user to ack removed load balancers before saving deploy config (06a44949)
- amazon/deploy: Edit deployment cluster button did not work (#5580) (12a3da40)
- amazon/deploy: Edit deployment cluster button did not work (12a3da40)
- amazon/loadBalancer: Support order property in listener actions (ca825e03)
- amazon/loadBalancer: Make sure oidc actions have client secret (693803f9)
- amazon/loadBalancer: Fix DNS link in target group to match load balancer (28265616)
- artifacts: Handle Docker registries with port specifications (89002ecf)
- artifacts: Handle Docker registries with port specifications (0c666bf5)
- artifacts: Remove kubernetes import from core (0c105323)
- authz: Fix help text for pipeline permissions. (c7be4979)
- bake/manifest: fix passing namespace in helm bakery (83c819a6)
- core: Make sure deploy initializer has a parentState (fef72523)
- core: Remove bashisms from start.sh (15657814)
- core: Support WizardModal not having any hidden sections (35642d35)
- core: Modal close button sometimes would submit the form (3ec5a7a1)
- core: Fix undefined on spel decorator (9c21261a)
- core: Fix stage execution windows from undefined error (c7290237)
- core: Fix undefined when page navigator inits (ce3a268f)
- core: properties message for jenkins stage is wrong (66da0a72)
- core: Warnings to publish core (b7a9bd7b)
- core: Fixed cluster scroll jump (3e305789)
- core: Should trim pipeline name on save (7b077e6a)
- core/application: Fix delete application modal hanging (4616ded0)
- core/cluster: Do not scroll to bottom of clusters view when no cluster is selected (2ee1f9d6)
- core/overrideRegistry: Fix @Overridable + Stateless Functional Component (a6cd642d)
- core/pipeline: Don't fail when checking Force Rebake without a trigger (ab83c704)
- core/presentation: BasicLayout: align the input and actions items (70feb1f2)
- core/presentation: add className prop to SubmitButton.tsx, use html button (not bootstrap) (485237ab)
- core/presentation: fix broken travis (ead58ee1)
- core/securityGroup: Fix links to titus server groups (in sidebar) from firewalls screen (1fd477e3)
- docker: change link format for docker insight link (f57a534d)
- google: Remove image region validation from find image stage (25dd3dc8)
- kubernetes: fixes package build (e3d84813)
- kubernetes: console output broken for instances (44503f9d)
- kubernetes: menifest -> manifest (4393dd5b)
- kubernetes: don't restrict runnningExecution spinner to deployManifest stages (05b6d644)
- loading: Surface error connecting to gate on applications screen (2736add8)
- pipeline: Correctly handle saving pipeline templates (6924cd67)
- provider/google: cloning server group doesnt correctly copy disk (fba75548)
- provider/kubernetes: Remove patch manifest stage from v1 provider (e0c7b70d)
- pubsub: tooltip specifies constraint value is java regex (677fbbc4)
- titus: sets default disk size to 10000 and retry on run job stage to 0 (246f89c4)
- titus: no longer hide metadata fields since they are not set by the backend to labels anymore (d584057c)
- titus: Fix links to titus servergroups from amazon load balancer (d866ad44)
- titus: Default to 1 percent for container migrations vs 1 instance (c4ba987d)
- trigger/webhook: fix linting issue (e137164b)
- trigger/webhook: add runAsUser to webhook (9b546bc9)
- wercker: feature toggle for wercker stages (#5586) (908cb3b3)
- *: Update karma dependency (2fef698f)
- *: Add server group configuration command to all configured command functions (4d23c971)
- amazon: Convert the deploy dialog to react (9d3e62c8)
- amazon: Move AvailabilityZoneSelector (47660367)
- amazon: Bump package to 0.0.109 (daf2dc67)
- amazon: Remove old load balancer controller (273b62c6)
- amazon: Make LoadBalancerModal use ReactModal (802cdaf8)
- amazon: Bump to 0.0.108 (b0a35f2d)
- artifacts: GitLab example URL typo (672e47f7)
- artifacts: Allow stages to define a custom artifact remover (3ace82a2)
- artifacts: Update existing stages to use artifactRemover (3ace82a2)
- artifacts: Remove deprecated code from artifact service (3ace82a2)
- artifacts: Allow stages to supply expected artifacts (a99f527c)
- artifacts: Update stages to use new artifact function (a99f527c)
- artifacts: Remove deprecated code from artifactLists (a99f527c)
- build: remove console.log (53bfd76b)
- canary: Support react deploy dialogs (0e92b9dc)
- core: Bump package to 0.0.251' (ed8117c0)
- core: Convert CancelModal to react (e33ada56)
- core: Disable tests for CreatePipelineModal until enzyme updates (cb15cc47)
- core: Support react deploy dialogs (6996c710)
- core: Add imageReader, instanceTypeService, and providerServiceDelegate to react injector (84907630)
- core: Improve server group command view state interface (95df35d2)
- core: Remove unused addWatches from clone server group (17af347d)
- core: Remove ngreact instance list (236102f4)
- core: Export some more serverGroup types for use by other modules (1d896d44)
- core: Create react version of MapEditor (5402df1e)
- core: Create react version of platform health override (06cd9d0a)
- core: Create react version of TaskReason (94f2012c)
- core: Convert instance archetype selector to a component (9373259d)
- core: Convert instance type selector to a component (eb7d93de)
- core: Create a react version of DeployInitializer (d124867d)
- core: Bump package to 0.0.250 (bf2d2252)
- core: Update typescript and tslint dependencies (311bb09e)
- core: Create react wrapper around deployment strategy selector (f6567534)
- core: account select field supports strings (0b7fd0ae)
- core: Improve server group command interface (95c96b58)
- core: Make WizardModal usable in ReactModal (882db703)
- core/overrides: Since overridable now has a forwardedRef, only support ComponentClass (e2a8e97c)
- core/validation: Rename ValidationError to ValidationMessage, add 'type' prop (0b619338)
- deps: bump kayenta to 0.0.50 (607139c1)
- halconfig: allow enabling travis & wercker in halconfig (#5609) (7950adab)
- kubernetes: bump kubernetes package to 0.0.16 (63639250)
- kubernetes: Removing unused variable (d2c109b4)
- kubernetes: bump package version (f05ea872)
- provider/oracle: oraclebmcs provider is renamed to oracle (d006df52)
- titus: bump to 0.0.35 (81826547)
Echo 2.0.0
- artifacts: Artifact matching should use entire string (357b5a23)
- artifacts/gitlab: gitlab artifact parser (3f036027)
- artifacts/quay: add native quay parser (1494eb58)
- echo: add trigger field for custom triggers that deal with artifacts (0412f0e7)
- fiat: Delegate whether fiat is enabled to
(6a5dff57) - notification: Add support for Google Chat. (844aaee5)
- notification: add bearychat support (b2ff3c53)
- pubsub: allow custom jinjava (21a0eb52)
- trigger: adds pipeline trigger status field (07012c19)
- trigger/wercker: Add wercker trigger (06a90f51)
- webhooks: Update webhooks endpoint to forward and return a eventId. (33818a6c)
- aws pubsub: add allow jar path and don't fail if parsing artifact fails (ac8866f3)
- cron: retain and pass the rebake field to orca (3bc090a6)
- cron: retain and pass the rebake field to orca (3bc090a6)
- docker: fixed command to add spinnaker user (daf496e4)
- fiat: Set
to avoid unnecessary auth requirements (8229c755) - github: Fail github authentication when header is absent (c0b624e2)
- github: Fail github authentication when header is absent (c0b624e2)
- healthcheck: pipelines might have no triggers (bd72a014)
- notifications: Support email notifications with ' ' in them (1f13a5ef)
- notifications: Fix variable reference bug in Google Chat (512dc3cc)
- pipelines: Generalize fix for pipeline race condition (816e304c)
- pubsub: Wait until pipelines are loaded to process pubsub messages (87177e70)
- pubsub/amazon: pull utils to kork, update permissions on sqs (0c19f490)
- pubsub/google: don't restart when subscription doesn't exist (ad32e054)
- dependencies: spinnaker-dependencies 1.0.5 (4a2c66f6)
- logs+tests: removing excessive logging, adding tests (1c919a35)
Fiat 1.0.0
- core: Remove the circular dependency on
- api: FiatPermissionEvaluator reliablity (8a72a116)
- api: Allow
to access any resource regardless of permission (ffcd505f) - api: Support enabling fiat at runtime (c9e2fd8a)
- core: Support allowing default access to all unknown applications (0157f729)
- core: Support a fallback to legacy account permissions (492eaa49)
- core: User role syncing should pause when not in discovery (fa97ea70)
- logs: Bit of logging when permissions are updated (2face827)
- metrics: Enable the
(edd1fb62) - roles: Adding dynomite support (92bd5be5)
- roles: Support passing additional user details to
- api: Fix enabled/legacyFallback fallbacks in
(ae34dd18) - authz/api: Perform a full sync if the specific roles are an empty list (4ed42b27)
- core: s/legacyFallback/fiat.legacyFallback (31deb4cf)
- core: Explicitly create
(64bc33d4) - roles: Avoid filtering when
is enabled (397706a9) - roles: Introduce cache / short refresh around clouddriver calls (9f364c42)
- roles: Stop syncing if list of users is empty. (c3dea1d7)
- tests: Ensure that the
does not run mid-test (369ffd5d) - web: getUserPermission() should set
- dependencies: spinnaker-dependencies to 0.161.6 (47697f54)
Front50 0.12.0
- metrics: Enable the OkHttpMetricsInterceptor (11c211d6)
- notification: Add support for Google Chat. (9f2a935b)
- core: Fix race condition in cache invalidation (14cc08dc)
- gcs: Cleanup old timestamps less eagerly to reduce chance of rate limiting. (92a5cd33)
- gcs: tolerate rate limit errors on timestamp files. (58dae1bb)
- google: Fix caching of permissions (d309bd31)
- service-accounts: Perform a full sync on service account creation. (e47381ea)
- web: savePipeline() should return the newly created pipeline (367a6ac2)
- build: Add debug flag to front50 build (e97a2be2)
- dependencies: spinnaker-dependencies 1.0.5 (13c2f19d)
- typo: Fix typos. (ecc49e0b)
Gate 1.1.0
- auth: conditional fiat session filter (5565bf4d)
- cors: cors allowed origin auditing (33d423ad)
- executions: Update endpoint name to searchForPipelineExecutionsByTrigger and add swagger docuementation for parameters. (12ecbdaf)
- fiat: Delegate whether fiat is enabled to
(009124a5) - iap/x509: Allow IAP and x509 to be enabled together. (70c59ec8)
- security: Adds ability to turn on security debug information with (f36f53b5)
- triggers: Add endpoint to search for pipeline executions and change webhooks endpoint to return a map. (12ecbdaf)
- triggers: Update executions search endpoint url. (12ecbdaf)
- wercker: added a 'type' query param to the /v2/builds endpoint in BuildController (5aa53d6d)
- x509: debounce login calls to fiat with x509 (9e5e4880)
- auth: throw classified exceptions from PermissionService (23704e4a)
- cors: improved corsfilter log message (d5e0c13b)
- fiat: Add retries around
(f59ac350) - fiat: Smidge of logs when loading a saml user (9c484476)
- fiat: Always create
regardless ofservices.fiat.enabled
(1d487a26) - fiat: Transitional support for fiat migration. (a609ffad)
- hystrix: Avoid an
when publishinghystrix.currentTime
(662773eb) - logging: reduce legacy permission logging (3593b4b9)
- web: Enable the
- build: Add debug flag to gate build (8128bcfe)
- dependencies: spinnaker-dependencies to 1.0.2 (4842d08b)
- swagger: Update generate_swagger script. (a39d38c3)
Igor 0.12.0
- *: Tell JVM to not cache DNS results internally (582e037e)
- docker: Fix infinite loop in redis key migration (977547b3)
- jenkins: Only mark event as posted on successful response from echo (09790468)
- jenkins: return multiple scms when jenkins has multiple scms and remoteUrl calls (0fc61137)
- pollers: Moving
method to shutdown scheduler to parent class (c313214e)
- build: Add debug flag to igor build (70117485)
- dependencies: spinnaker-dependencies to 0.161.5 (7dbdaaf3)
- jenkins: Experimenting using stream instead of parallel streams (bf260e93)
- lock: Make locking more configurable (0cc4a749)
- lockService: Adding missing header text (791f92e5)
Kayenta 0.3.0
- aws/s3: Add support for named profiles. (a294126d)
- config: Externalize tolerance anc confLevel as configurable settings of MannWhitney test. (f8f6a3dc)
- influxdb: added integration to influxdb as a metric source (9ecaa227)
- influxdb: incoporated review comments (9ecaa227)
- influxdb: fixed copyrights + extra newlines + sored order of influxdb references (9ecaa227)
- judge: Implement effect size post-MannWhitney check (3f7ed701)
- judge: Add REMOTE_JUDGE type of account credentials. (35b99b7c)
- judges: Add test controller for canary judges. (b7d36e2c)
- stackdriver: Support alternate alignment & reduction settings. (99f47282)
- stackdriver: Add support for legacy gke_container resource type. (dbd8eebb)
- Judge: Handle Nodata groups correctly (a475028c)
- aws: Set region and other attributes before invoking build() on builder. (ae068701)
- buckets: Implicitly create non-existent buckets during config indexer run. (c369ba14)
- judge: Round the Summary Score to 2 decimal places (c31deda5)
- judge: Handle tied ranks by adding Gaussian white noise (be1616f6)
- judge: for NaN replacement, nodata means pass (19a717d8)
- judge: catch all runtime exceptions with a message (18138351)
- mann-whitney: fix exception class (ec9b8899)
- metrics: store end time so we can synthesize missing data later (831fc3b8)
- stats: Move the toMap method to the MetricStatistics class (e6907997)
- remove accidently included file (f6d96981)
- deps: update orca (30142ae4)
- deps: update deps (5dad3f35)
- mann-whitney: Clean-up Mann-Whitney test suite (279c7895)
- metric-source: Refator to make metric sources fully modular (5255c98a)
- orca: update, also add allow-all http access (ffef4479)
- stackdriver: Make resource type error message clearer. (9c9993ec)
Orca 1.0.0
- artifacts: Artifact matching should use entire string (17758a4d)
- auth: Avoid propagating auth to triggered pipelines (938a574f)
- authz: Generate fiat service accounts on pipeline save. (0f51241c)
- clouddriver: Allow
to be overridden (b462d0da) - core: Add source field to execution (47a29ed6)
- core: Adding custom trigger deserializer capability (f980f769)
- deploy/gce: Support for capacity pinning on GCE deploys. (3edc1bcb)
- expressions: Adding support for failing stage on failed evaluations (f56e9f24)
- fiat: Delegate whether fiat is enabled to
(17c2adc2) - kayenta: annotate canary run results with warnings (70bd567a)
- kayenta: support analysis lifetimes shorter than 1 hour (7fee30b0)
- kubernetes: add manifest warnings to context (4e997eda)
- kubernetes: Resolve docker containers passed as artifacts (7e45b452)
- notification: Add support for Google Chat. (83cdcb49)
- orca-web: Support parallel jobs in tasks submitted to /ops (768e9c4b)
- pipeline_templates: Add stage looping support (52deb76b)
- pipelines: Add endpoint to search for pipeline executions. (a6acb3cc)
- pipelines: Updates based on PR, use lua script for Redis logic. (a6acb3cc)
- pipelines: Add more validations, cleanup multi-line string. (a6acb3cc)
- qos: namespace redis buffered execution index (9b220fb2)
- queue: Add hydrate queue admin command (d2adc246)
- redis: Adding instrumented redis execution repo (3e8a5efc)
- spel: add support for Instant.java in spel (d72f12f0)
- stage/wercker: Implemented a Wercker Pipeline Stage for triggering Wercker Builds (a601b227)
- tagging: Select which upstream stages to include in image search (602a6b00)
- traffic guards: perform check on disableInstancesInDiscovery (e62b56bc)
- trafficguards: add a check on deregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer (94b7d0db)
- bake: strip baseOs from titus bake reqs (aeb13a24)
- bake: fix NPE when baseOs is absent (327d5732)
- caching: Poll for completion if any cache update is not immediate (20f04c06)
- canary: When resolving final run score, filter on parent id and sort all child run canary stages. (b3a2b910)
- entitytags: improved timeout handling for servergroup entity tagging. (24a4c1e8)
- front50: Correctly extract the pipeline identifier (938e6d50)
- gce/deploy: Don't capacity pin all types of strategies. (1843a6cd)
- orca/redis: fix multi-redis configuration (80630e8e)
- pipeline_template: Better HTTP loader handling of unsuccessful requests (35d720bf)
- pipeline_template: Ignore jackson @class annotations (95df3b48)
- pipeline_template: Support rendering on map keys (02a101ad)
- pipeline_template: Allow underscores in published templates (f32d8d61)
- pipeline_templates: Fix trigger inheritance (4e427085)
- pipelines: Remove test endpoint that was accidentally added. (1a6718d8)
- provider/kubernetes: fail when an artifact couldn't be bound (66822c70)
- provider/kubernetes: fix NPE when no artifact given (07cf3f0a)
- retrofit: Do not retry requests that cannot succeed (2cea1c31)
- serviceAccounts: Ensure service account names are always lowercase (922aa6de)
- spel: Fix escaping of SpEL expressions (7abf7f72)
- timeout: Allow for execution windows when checking timeout override (cf9ad6b4)
- titus: restore min capacity if using source capacity (3627c885)
- titus: Include
in context of a job run (ba73b2b5)
- Filter preconfigured webhooks based on READ permissions (6c29531b)
- core: Add test to ensure expressions allow string method calls (76f82709)
- core: Move stage sort logic to utility function (872494fd)
- debugging: log out details of weird intermittent error (3d20f1a0)
- dependencies: spinnaker-dependencies 1.0.5 (78118ad0)
- igor: Removing unused front50 network call (2cea1c31)
- provider/oracle: oraclebmcs provider is renamed to oracle (26e1c656)
- trafficguard: Add metrics to traffic guards (d2cf6a59)
Rosco 0.7.2
- install_packages: support for multiple repos (c5b9f9af)
Spinnaker-monitoring 0.8.0
- admin: Show meter types in admin UI (5c8f00eb)
- filter: look for filters dir. (003c3e76)
- prometheus: Fix sample dashboard panels (cd8b71d1)