- appengine:
- cats:
- core:
- core/search: Improve search speed: faster validation that search keys exists (#1984) (90e48188)
- dynomite: hashtags & dynomite pipelines (#1832) (bc29047d)
- google: Instrument individual google API calls. (#2016) (32242fb8)
- moniker:
- provider/amazon:
- provider/aws:
- provider/dcos: Adding proxy for marathon-client to make use of spectator. (#1960) (9cc35f5d)
- provider/docker: Added insecure registry support (#1887) (de6fea0e)
- provider/ecs:
- provider/gae: Modify deploy description and validators for artifacts. (#1966) (45e54d88)
- provider/gce: Replace instanceTemplate get with list call. (#1990) (a080f858)
- provider/google:
- provider/kuberentes:
- provider/kubernetes:
- v2 server group manager (#2093) (9c517d1f)
- cache network policies (#2095) (8cdaa905)
- V2 enable minimal clusters (#2090) (88feaef6)
- v2 cache namespaces & relationship (#2087) (ecfae709)
- allow users to skip creating pull secrets (#2088) (5500c855)
- v2 ingress support (#2085) (e5d7d764)
- check controller type for disable/enable operation (#2068) (a4f913f1)
- v2 statefulset support (#2074) (59ed6488)
- register deployment caching agent (#2070) (acea1ffc)
- v2 register pod handler (#2069) (f2c3b29f)
- automatically configure caching agents (#2067) (3bd840af)
- instance provider (#2053) (9df172b1)
- v2 load balancer provider (#2050) (1d2f69b9)
- depend on kubectl where possible (#2041) (f6c9cb12)
- moniker status (#2039) (75ac1f6a)
- support delete and update strategies opera… (#2021) (585c4f8c)
- v2 manifest provider (#2033) (154a4b53)
- use kubectl to handle deploy apply (#2031) (e072194b)
- Enable annotations, labels and secrets for security groups (aka ingress resources) (#2000) (#2005) (2495a7c9)
- Enable setting of labels on k8s Service objects spinnaker/spinnaker#2035 (#2014) (33f2c1a8)
- load balancer -> sg relationship (#2013) (a39323a7)
- cache non-obvious relationship (#2012) (ecd09974)
- V2 Cache services (#2009) (bc4e1d30)
- Show more in the error message (#2007) (a5a4cbf2)
- Update deployable's patch behavior (#2006) (bb696747)
- Supply app name in attributes (#2003) (d87daf2b)
- v2 delete operation (#1999) (e5873809)
- Re-encode api types (#1991) (defc29fb)
- v2 on-demand manifest caching (#1988) (1b737086)
- V2 instance state (#1986) (aedf5c91)
- Support resize operations (#1981) (774074ae)
- Support resize statefulset operation. (#1976) (ce91aa3a)
- v2 instance counts (#1975) (5fb0d3d6)
- V2 cluster provider finishing touches (#1974) (aaf7b9bf)
- Feature-flag debug mode (#1968) (98114746)
- Properly version all versioned resources (#1945) (bffe8cc1)
- Cache v2 resources as artifacts (#1931) (3be0abed)
- Integrate moniker into v2 (#1929) (1395b57d)
- Build v2 creds based on context & kubeconfigFile (#1925) (4487cde6)
- v2 cache network policies (#1927) (3b5d3a86)
- V2 Cluster details (#1918) (cba8e0d2)
- search:
- cluster:
- provider/gce: Replace L7 health check and backend service get() with list(). (#2073) (d668224c)
- all: Broken k8s server group lookup breaking all components (#1937) (8e5f1142)
- amazon: do not copy location-specific policy actions cross-account (#2046) (a0c58b9c)
- amazon/alb:
- appengine:
- aws:
- Flagging elb security group autocreation (defaults to off) (ab2fc603)
- Only autocreate app elb security group on Create (#2025) (2c6f325c)
- Fix NPE in elb group autocreation (#2020) (4a80c82f)
- Enable stale key evictions for amazon load balancers (#1994) (f0d15972)
- Do not do stale key evictions of amazon load balancers (#1993) (88b1f432)
- cats:
- cats/dynomite: Don't hash ttl'd keys (#2080) (dcbc6695)
- cats/redis: Don't hash ttl'd keys (#2076) (3d19a976)
- config: SpringApplicationBuilder().showBanner() does not exists in Spring Boot 1.4.1.RELEASE (#2018) (3bf0c766)
- core:
- eureka: fix instanceId on eureka caching (9f48227c)
- gce/defaults: instanceType vs. instance-type (#2061) (e6d48e4a)
- javadoc: Load balancer provider typo (#2054) (d00dd7db)
- provider/amazon:
- provider/aws:
- No-op ami tag update when no tags provided (#2045) (ae45e171)
- Allow updating healthy threshold count on target groups (#1977) (bf06f4e6)
- fix issue with VPCZoneIdentifier containing deleted subnets (#1972) (91dbfce8)
- Return load balancers for all target groups associated with an application (#1955) (a1bd15b3)
- provider/dcos: fix cluster provider to guard against errors from invalid ids (#1928) (a1168d53)
- provider/docker: Assign proper Spinnaker/ user agent (#1946) (2a41d238)
- provider/gae:
- provider/gce:
- Ensure referenced instances exist during L4 delete. (#2094) (63481255)
- Enable RPS when only RATE or UTILIZATION (#2083) (84826bfa)
- Distinguish instance id from gceId. (#2084) (07584442)
- Update L7 delete for UHCs. (#2066) (fd7843c1)
- Fix NPE if no legacy health checks. (#2057) (e4645262)
- Fix GCE destroy backend calls on LB cache misses. (#2048) (00295f68)
- Paginate instance template list in svg caching. (#2027) (c9db1a3f)
- Fix broken deploys with namedPorts. (#2023) (c7611e0d)
- Paginate server groups when calculating next name. (#1948) (fd1f76ed)
- s/it/cacheData/ in zonal svg caching agent. (#1944) (f2bf30bf)
- provider/google:
- provider/kuberentes: v2 guard against non-existent clusters (#1934) (e2487724)
- provider/kubernetes:
- use location over namespace in op (#2082) (0a6964f8)
- Dedup kind map (#2072) (b24434b8)
- allow cache data to be serailized/deserialized (#2052) (0fef122a)
- v2 expire logical keys (#2051) (1063cc3a)
- allow to configure uwith service account. (#2044) (90405c63)
- collectJob status ClassCastException (#2029) (1f58bcf9)
- fixes ClassCastException on resize operations (#2024) (58a7879a)
- allows dots in secretNames (#2017) (a93b5222)
- reads correct fields from cache refresh (#1998) (e0bf62ef)
- Fix v2 operation converter (#1987) (3dd15714)
- Don't store-unowned artifacts (#1969) (49e13ff4)
- v1 client call to list pods (#1963) (692564e7)
- Fixed an issue with jobProvider failing out other providers. (#1690) (bb653c49)
- fix k8s client configuration and image id p… (#1933) (940626d6)
- v2 guard against empty cache relationships (#1932) (4bc10269)
- Advanced targetSize use case. (#1920) (ab7c551d)
- provider/openstack: Fix type error in LoadBalancerSummary (#2071) (d5326f0e)
- rollbacks: support for tolerating some instance failures (#1922) (1c980559)
- startup: Kubernetes manifest provider autowired ambig bean (#2040) (9eed3de4)
- web:
- Make sure jarDiffs has a default to prevent calling Object.keys on null (#4179) (d7068168)
- Fix the build. Remove bad @types/angular from yarn.lock (#4174) (1b09cb88)
- aca: listing accounts from all configured providers (#4373) (9655d9b4)
- amazon:
- amazon/loadBalancer: Modify shouldComponentUpdate to allow for more specific updates (#4303) (15e873dd)
- amazon/securityGroup: Fix lint warning (#4255) (d8bb34ed)
- appengine:
- artifact: s/ul/ol (#4271) (dac415a4)
- artifacts: Get rid of 'unused' linter errors. (#4205) (0cc54798)
- azure: retain
binding in azure cache initializer (#4289) (7b674485) - build: revert yarn.lock changes (#4136) (1ab2fceb)
- canary:
- core:
- re-enable filter on (none) for stack/detail (#4394) (f1d523bc)
- Fix a few more undefined errors from execution details conversions (#4392) (655e4418)
- Favor using
when building links to failed stages (#4391) (0c89da02) - Link to failed stage had incorrect name (#4388) (a4917caa)
- Link to child executions when no error messages available (#4383) (109dd04b)
- enable history comparison for strategies (#4380) (3fcdc0dc)
- support failed health status style (#4372) (1ca375ff)
- omit exception message on stopped manual judgment stages (#4357) (29639d58)
- revert word-break/overflow-wrap swaps (#4344) (84223b20)
- Fix unhandled rejection on auth recheck (#4335) (525323e0)
- replace word-break CSS with overflow-wrap (#4334) (abfbb321)
- Fix groups from breaking executions view (#4336) (ee646f8c)
- Stop grouping groups with only one stage (#4332) (3432b937)
- handle spel expressions in map editors (#4325) (23e5d35a)
- Fix webpackJsonp not being defined for local dev (#4322) (7c882c09)
- Fix lint (#4321) (00e76b76)
- Fix wait stage task time updating (#4320) (10895692)
- handle running execution fetch failure (#4319) (a82a4d4d)
- Navigate to the first stage if passed in stage does not exist (#4309) (3f3258f9)
- Fix lint (#4306) (26aad5ed)
- render reason as HTML in tasks view (#4290) (ca972f14)
- Fix configure pipeline links when details is open (#4276) (375cf3e5)
- catch exceptions on server group source when pipeline 404s (#4275) (dabbafb9)
- Fix rendering executions that have JSON in the parameters (#4264) (08183404)
- catch dismiss of confirmation/cancel modals (#4250) (eccc3cfe)
- catch modal dismiss (#4242) (f2f14b3e)
- correct access modifier from local variable in versionSelector (#4210) (a675542b)
- Fix undefined for getting length of commits (#4172) (e5a075ce)
- core/amazon:
- core/datasource: Possibly unhandled rejection: undefined (#4257) (346348ff)
- core/executions: tweak padding on details tabs, status glyph (#4323) (ce13de57)
- core/http: retry http calls failing due to network issues (#4234) (68210010)
- core/loadBalancer:
- core/modal: avoid throwing errors on modal $dismiss (#4233) (ed9c20fb)
- core/pipeline:
- core/projects: restore refresh icon, set app name on init (#4354) (612495d3)
- core/runningTasks: Use popover so z-index is above all other elements (a688387b)
- executions: fix header alignment (#4225) (65c4054d)
- halconfig:
- kubernetes: fix template loading (#4256) (baadbb68)
- moniker: Arrange cluster by moniker.cluster if available (#4369) (9d7925ac)
- network: include backoff, max number of retries in network recovery (#4238) (d0c3d2d4)
- pipeline_template: Cast numeric variable types during plan (#4187) (60e1f1e4)
- pipelines:
- add validator to webhook stage "method" field (#4263) (f2401496)
- guard against missing info on deploy stage (#4246) (0e5957b8)
- show indicator when deleting pipeline config (#4216) (8cf8f0d1)
- properly sync plan/pipeline/renderablePipeline (#4198) (ff094e2c)
- correctly rerender when editing JSON (#4192) (014a6ae1)
- show loading message while fetching version history (#4131) (d0b68335)
- refresh relative start time on interval (#4129) (2efc97fb)
- enlarge conditional expression input (#4130) (ab3b9567)
- fix back link when execution cannot be found (#4125) (6dd0cab3)
- projects: restore project header width to 100% (#4176) (9452c105)
- provider/gce:
- provider/kubernetes:
- provider/openstack: load balancer network and sg creation bugfixes (#4281) (e0cce409)
- react: Do not suppress unhandled rejections in promises. (#4155) (64d385fa)
- rollbacks: support for tolerating some instance failures (#4144) (539826bf)
- search:
- stage: fix default timeout for deploy stage (#4186) (9d7ccb48)
- versionCheck: swallow exception if version.json fetch fails (#4177) (39538b62)
- webpack-dev-server: Show JS errors in console. (#4353) (8dd5aeed)
- resolve provider version in instance state (#4376) (cf73d070)
- amazon:
- artifact: Custom artifact helpers (#4267) (b11c2291)
- artifacts:
- core:
- provide simple general purpose event bus (#4390) (c629fdb0)
- resolve provider version for standalone instances (#4384) (363e5fb5)
- Link to failing synthetic stage rather than "No reason provided." (#4381) (8906216c)
- Versioned provider load balancer (#4374) (382278d7)
- add detail filter to cluster/lb/sg views (#4311) (67fdca8a)
- Version server group transformer delegate (#4237) (4dec85df)
- Version account lookup (#4212) (25b98bf4)
- Versioned cloud provider deploy select (#4201) (fbb90cb9)
- adds settings-local.js for Halyard users (#4181) (728913e1)
- versioned cloud provider service (#4168) (19c420f9)
- Make HoverablePopover flip sides if there is not room to render on the provided side (#4173) (0d00fc82)
- core/application: Add 'autoActivate' toggle for DataSources (#4139) (6e180bdb)
- core/modal: Silence all rejection warning in console when ui-bootstrap modals are closed/cancelled. (b2bcb5d2)
- core/pipeline: Scroll grouped stages popover (#4182) (ed98e7d1)
- core/presentation: Add client side SpEL evaluator and Input Validator (#4140) (67664072)
- dev-server: add --progress to webpack-dev-server (733ab8fe)
- entitytags: Show replaced server group details in popover (#4284) (76ae6e6a)
- gce: UHC support for l7 load balancers (#4340) (89dfca0c)
- kubernetes: surfacing timeout override for run job (#4162) (d0cbdb4d)
- moniker:
- pipeline: Change Artifact UI to use ExpectedArtifact model. (#4202) (97deac3a)
- pipeline_template: Better support for templated pipelines with dynamic sources (#4288) (7695c023)
- pipelines: use textarea for expression entry (#4240) (f85d987f)
- provider/amazon:
- provider/aws: Add help text to the LB internal checkbox (#4209) (e7f9ff42)
- provider/dcos: Enabling strategies for DC/OS. (#4158) (ed188b0f)
- provider/ecs: Added help texts for ECS module (#4387) (b3cf43c4)
- provider/gae: Specify artifact in GAE deploy from GCS. (#4280) (e8f33c3a)
- provider/gce:
- provider/kubernetes:
- v2 lb details (#4375) (16d3fce2)
- v2 manifest delete ctrl (#4370) (45880cca)
- surface stack & detail (#4341) (ffd6f35e)
- feature flag v1 rrb (#4343) (ca15ec80)
- Enable annotations, labels and secrets for security groups (aka ingress resources) (#2000) (#4235) (e5af2b38)
- Enable setting of labels on k8s Service objects spinnaker/spinnaker#2035 (#4287) (a456298e)
- v2 resize modal (#4279) (f2bb3f81)
- V2 server group details (#4258) (c0d73d3b)
- V2 server group transformer (#4232) (0041d9b1)
- Create manifest (#4228) (12c0575c)
- Register v2 provider (#4183) (c94908eb)
- redblack: Expose
(#4223) (ba3bc8fa) - rrb: Allow for specifying pipelines to run before disable (#4308) (c957208e)
- script,jenkins: show contents of properties file (#4227) (e455df08)
- search: add server groups to clusters (9febcf97)
- sourceMaps: Embed sources in sourcemaps for lib builds (#4175) (14818c96)
- trigger/pubsub: Suggest subscriptions from echo configuration. (#4328) (a3825a04)
- artifact: Replace 'Artifact' with 'ExpectedArtifact' in triggers. (#175) (c0961b7d)
- hipchat/email: allow custom messages for hipchat/email notifications (#192) (c1f7d0f0)
- pubsub:
- slack: allow ad-hoc message publishing via Slack (#189) (591a5207)
- email: handle link/executionId replacement in custom email body (#193) (16e00f4a)
- pipelinetriggers: Add retry on network & http errors (#177) (be5b8458)
- pubsub:
- authz/github:
- intent: lowercasing name (#289) (818557e1)
- keel: changing controller to upstart (#288) (d989f961)
- pipeline_template: Default scope to none (#286) (6b9ee3f0)
- s3: don't create sqs and sns topics when eventing is disabled (#287) (181fd4e8)
- keel: adding basic storage of intents (#285) (65234c38)
- log: annotations for json logging (#282) (cf4619f3)
- pipeline_template: Default no scopes for pipeline templates (#473) (c43ebf57)
- serverGroup: fix typo in not found exception message (#461) (82919714)
- web: NPE when no scopes provided (#475) (6da98e15)
- x509: Allow OAuth and x509 to be used together again (14ddb9c8)
- core: Add provider version to cred controller (#464) (0d15d000)
- echo/pubsub: Expose endpoint to query subscriptions. (#472) (8da704a5)
- gae: Adds endpoint to surfact GAE storage accounts. (#470) (a56e8563)
- pipeline_template:
- v2-canary:
- web: return x-spinnaker-request-id as a response header (#458) (0b69e0ac)
- travis: New caching strategy for builds (#194) (b85d8c44)
- canary:
- canary-v2: Avoid naming collision between mine/kayenta tasks. (#1761) (ca4b8ae6)
- cancel: cancel during wait stage (#1726) (12e27f22)
- context: stop looking for properties in trigger until we can figure out what is going on (5aef52ca)
- core:
should have traffic guards (#1768) (5ac3bf59) - deploy: avoid crossing the streams in parallelized deploys (f4965305)
- dryrun:
- ignore additional context field (7a8ef540)
- try to cope with values that are sometimes floats or ints (f814551e)
- strip nested nulls when comparing context (0dc3f838)
- ignore certain keys in context (b0e472c6)
- let Echo remove the pipelineConfigId (a8121614)
- remove pipeline config it for dry runs (45ddb814)
- send dry run notification correctly (d0c89dfc)
- log dry run activity (19635f55)
- need injected property class to support list of values (b71d7a96)
- entitytags: Do not fetch previous server group for Titus (#1712) (9dadd416)
- exec window: leave shared state alone (#1737) (63787d8d)
- execution windows: don't add duplicate execution windows to parallel stages (e40c2420)
- executionWindow: revert to polling (#1722) (d9d9fdf3)
- expressions:
- fastproperties:
- front50:
- gae: Support new ExpectedArtifact in GAE deploy. (#1706) (8df5b405)
- log:
- logging: updating timeout message w/ timeout value (#1728) (19591a61)
- mahe:
- manifest: Fix delete behavior (#1774) (3b452a27)
- manual judgment: switching back to polling to respect timeout overrides (#1735) (bf38072f)
- mine: Search stage definition builders directly instead of depending on stage navigator when trying to cancel canary. (0535df17)
- moniker: hotfix canary deploy stages (50051401)
- orca/canary: Don't presume array present (#1770) (48b1efda)
- pipeline_template:
- Deal with whitespace in jinja module kv pairs (#1773) (891f6958)
- Resave all pipelines on template update (#1766) (3476e5ed)
- Do not treat markdown lists as YAML alias (#1645) (0085587f)
- Fixing regression in test harness (#1686) (2603640f)
- Propagate nested render errors (#1679) (fe30fc4f)
- Do not store state in error handler lol (#1651) (c837a6d2)
- Check for correct paramConfig field during render (#1642) (d62e0008)
- Regression in deserializing tempalted pipeline requests (#1644) (eee83804)
- polling: update time left calculation (#1713) (b1e32b47)
- propertyFiles: change wording of error message to indicate that there might be a syntax error in the file (#1715) (03c5dba3)
- queue:
- redis_migration: fix logging of pending work (#1647) (7bc62e99)
- rollback: Propagate
(#1723) (e4260941) - rollbacks: support for tolerating some instance failures (#1643) (947c10ff)
- rollingpush: Ensure
is cleared between iterations (#1767) (fd39a608) - rrb:
- runJob: retry fetching property files if not found (#1721) (3ce9456f)
- security: Prevent webhook users from spoofing authed user (14c9b025)
- tasks: stop using 'shared' task state (#1731) (74e47b4d)
- timeouts: some tasks inherit stage timeout override (#1640) (9fa25b43)
- titus: Tag titus server groups with previous image metadata (#1758) (20b2847b)
- trafficguards:
- triggers: ensure canceling pipeline sends ExecutionComplete event (#1753) (d608366b)
- web:
- Make trigger map mutable (#1776) (bd5daed0)
- Return correct num executions with dual redis (#1668) (f7189c41)
- Revert take calls; unexpected upstream behaviors (#1654) (8d8dc93d)
- Enforce limit on previous redis for app pipelines endpoint (#1650) (fd1fa9f2)
- Enforce limit of pipelines when using previous redis conn (#1646) (b641c49b)
- build: Removing orca-queue-sqs; unused, unsupported (7675499d)
- artifacts:
- clouddriver: Support sharding read-only requests by
(#1641) (aab02079) - context: Adds trigger contents to stage context (#1659) (788b3c45)
- core:
- entitytags: Include previous server group image details (#1705) (c29ec72c)
- get_commits: Display SCM changes in pipeline-triggered pipelines (#1652) (3c89a965)
- job: decrease job timout and make overridable (#1649) (ca4fa9c6)
- logging: ops controller annotation + logstashEncoder dep (#1692) (79f1f731)
- manualJudgment: allow standard notification types for manual judgment (#1739) (fdebdd09)
- moniker:
- Use moniker in TrafficGuard. (#1727) (ce296b7f)
- Use moniker for app name over frigga in flex (#1736) (af8b6e12)
- Pass moniker to cleanup stages. (#1732) (61e91ad8)
- Use moniker for Rollingpush tasks. (#1703) (a24986ce)
- Use moniker for Job stages. (#1699) (958be83e)
- use moniker over frigga in ScaleToClusterResize (d9fddf3a)
- Use monikers within server-group tasks (#1693) (dd9b7e03)
- Use moniker for instance check task (#1689) (90fd8f21)
- Allow moniker field to pass through to StageData and TargetServerGroups (#1678) (edc707b3)
- Use a cluster's moniker if available. (#1664) (e3cbdb4c)
- pipeline: Resolve received and expected artifacts in trigger. (#1667) (8a5ce6ff)
- pipeline_template:
- polling: remove polling for wait, manual judgement, and execution window (#1661) (e01058b8)
- qa: dry run pipelines (4f2589eb)
- queue: update delivery time on runtask (#1676) (895f64cf)
- rollback: Support rolling back to a server group that no longer exists (#1716) (c6a0f451)
- rrb: Support for running a pipeline between scale up and disable (#1694) (1d7f004c)
- stage context: Get all stage results in a list (#1655) (c4d53c33)
- stages: make FAILED_CONTINUE bubble up from synthetic stages (6c5765b7)
- grafana: Fix broken orca config (#60) (07ea015a)
- prometheus:
- prometheus: Sort tooltips and template values in dashboards (#61) (fa31d17b)
Generated by spinnaker at 2017-11-08 18:50:33