Spinnaker Release 1.36.0
Java upgrades
Java 17 is now the default source and target. Java 11 support has been removed entirely. Please note you may need to add the following JAVA_OPTS options:
--add-exports=java.base/sun.security.x509=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.security.pkcs=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.security.rsa=ALL-UNNAMED
to clouddriver if using GCP accounts due to credentials parsing of certificates. These can set in the
service-settings config
. These configs are likely to be added to the defaults
in all future releases
Kleat is deprecated
Kleat as an initial attempt to replace halyard is being deprecated and no longer updated or supported. It’s recommended to look at spinnaker-kustomize repo as an alternative or stay with halyard at this time.
Enhanced pipeline batch update feature
Adds a new enpdoint, POST /pipelines/bulksave, which can take a list of pipeline configurations to save. The endpoint will return a response that indicates how many of the saves were successful, how many failed, and what the failures are. The structure is
"successful_pipelines_count" : <int>,
"successful_pipelines" : <List<String>>,
"failed_pipelines_count" : <int>,
"failed_pipelines" : <List<Map<String, Object>>>
There are a few config knobs which control some bulk save functionality. The gate endpoint invokes an orca asynchronous process to manage saving the pipelines and polls until the orca operations are complete.
# the max number of times gate will poll orca to check for task status
max-polls-for-task-completion: <int>
# the interval at which gate will poll orca.
taskCompletionCheckIntervalMs: <int>
Updates Orca’s SavePipelineTask to support bulk saves using the updated functionality in the front50 bulk save endpoint.
With https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4781, keys from the stage context’s outputs section can now be removed (there by reducing the context size significantly). At present the following tasks support this feature:
- PromoteManifestKatoOutputsTask
- WaitOnJobCompletionTask
- ResolveDeploySourceManifestTask
- BindProducedArtifactsTask
Here is a sample configuration to exclude some of the keys from the above tasks:
- outputs.createdArtifacts
- outputs.manifests
- outputs.boundArtifacts
- jobStatus
- completionDetails
- manifests
- requiredArtifacts
- optionalArtifacts
- artifacts
The PR https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4788 introduced a new CheckIfApplicationExists task that is added to various pipeline stages to check if the application defined in the pipeline stage context is known to front50 and/or clouddriver. The following config knobs are provided so that all of these stages can be individually configured to not perform this check if needed. Default value is set to false for all of them.
# server group stages
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
# cluster stages
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
# k8s manifest stages
check-if-application-exists.enabled: true
Separate config knobs are also provided at the AbstractCheckIfApplicationExistsTask level to determine if clouddriver needs to be queried for the application or not. It is by default set to true, so it is an opt-out capability. the config property is:
checkClouddriver: false # default is true
This feature runs in audit mode by default which means if checkIfApplicationExistsTask finds no application, a warning message is logged. But when audit mode is disabled through the following property, pipelines fail if application is not found:
auditModeEnabled: false # default is true
Batch update operation in front50 is now atomic. Deserialization issues are addressed.
Configurable controls are added to decide whether cache should be refreshed while checking for duplicate pipelines:
refreshCacheOnDuplicatesCheck: false // default is true
Batch update call now responds with a status of succeeded and failed pipelines info. The response will be a map containing information in the following format:
"successful_pipelines_count" : <int>,
"successful_pipelines" : <List<String>>,
"failed_pipelines_count" : <int>,
"failed_pipelines" : <List<Map<String, Object>>>
Here the value for successful_pipelines
is the list of successful pipeline names whereas the value for failed_pipelines
is the list of failed pipelines expressed as maps.
Manual installation of awscliv2 and aws-iam-authenticator for Debian packages
As of https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/pull/6278, awscliv2 and aws-iam-authenticator are no longer included in clouddriver Debian packages. To install them manually:
curl -s "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64-${AWS_CLI_VERSION}.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
unzip awscliv2.zip
./aws/install --update
rm -rf ./awscliv2.zip ./aws
curl -s "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator/releases/download/v${AWS_AIM_AUTHENTICATOR_VERSION}/aws-iam-authenticator_${AWS_AIM_AUTHENTICATOR_VERSION}_linux_amd64" -o aws-iam-authenticator
chmod +x ./aws-iam-authenticator
mv ./aws-iam-authenticator /usr/local/bin/aws-iam-authenticator
Clouddriver 5.90.0
- gce: add partnerMetadata in instanceProperties for GCE deployment ( aab2a60c )
- gce: add partner metadata in instanceProperties ( aab2a60c )
- gce: format instanceProperties ( aab2a60c )
- gce: add support for hyperdisk in GCE ( 32106c58 )
- gce: add hyperdisk as disktype option ( 32106c58 )
- gce: add testing for hyperdisk disk option ( 32106c58 )
- gce: rewrite test in Java for GoogleDiskTest ( 32106c58 )
- gce: fix spotless violations ( 32106c58 )
- gce: support resource-manager-tags in GCE deployment ( 88d1fd00 )
- aws: Fix AWS CLI v2 for Alpine Linux ( 0226100a )
- aws: Fix AWS CLI v2 for Alpine Linux ( 0226100a )
- cloudfoundry: Update ProcessStats model due to capi-1.84.0 changes ( 031bf1d2 )
- eureka: complete okhttp 2 –> okhttp 3 ( 696c31ae )
- gha: remove whitespace from BRANCH in release.yml ( fdbba411 )
- gha: only bump halyard on master ( 33323d49 )
- install: Removed install_awscli2 function from Debian post install script ( f4129a7b )
- install: Fix Debian post installation script when awscli2 is already installed or the installation failed previously ( 35a30d39 )
- install: Fixed Debian post install script for aws-iam-authenticator ( 037113ae )
- azure: Adding a verifyAccountHealth configuration ( 0be9ea84 )
- azure: Adding a verifyAccountHealth configuration ( 0be9ea84 )
- azure: add single test for AzureHealthIndicator ( 0be9ea84 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 5fff2d3f )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 684b12a8 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 696c31ae )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 696c31ae )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 1fea1876 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f9afff45 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f9afff45 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 23007835 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7be08cdd )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7be08cdd )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 52c0dfe4 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e8a3775c )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e8a3775c )
- dependency: remove hardcoded version of google-api-services ( f9afff45 )
- dependency: add implementation for protobuf in yandex ( f9afff45 )
- dependency: replace JacksonFactory to GsonFactory ( 7be08cdd )
- dependency: replace groovy coordinates and code adjustment to accomodate upgrade of groovy 4.x ( e8a3775c )
- ecs: Narrowing the cache search for the ECS provider on views ( 3cdf32e4 )
- ecs: Narrowing the cache search for the ECS provider on views ( 3cdf32e4 )
- ecs: ECS alarms to be cached/searched with EcsClusterName id ( 3cdf32e4 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( aa32150e )
- java: Remove cross compilation flag ( b6278e00 )
- java: Full java 17 only ( 55eb94f2 )
- java: Full jaa 17 only ( 62c44daa )
- retrofit: remove all com.squareup.okhttp dependencies ( 354a82da )
- retrofit: replace OkClient with Ok3Client ( 02a60195 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 0760005b )
Deck 3.19.0
- deployManifest: Adding skipSpecTemplateLabels option ( ee3a32be )
- evaluateVariables stage: Made fetch exec history on evaluateVariables stage configurable ( 08b95dfb )
- evaluateVariables stage: fixed prettier violation ( 08b95dfb )
- gce: add support for hyperdisk in GCE ( 14977d16 )
- gce: add hyperdisk-balanced in persistentDiskTypes options ( 14977d16 )
- gce: add hyperdisk in handlePersistentDiskChange ( 14977d16 )
- gce: add hyperdisk in serverGroupCommandBuilder ( 14977d16 )
- gce: add hyperdisk in getPersistentDisks for serverGroupCommandBuilder ( 14977d16 )
- gce: support resourceManagerTags in instance template ( 554d57f9 )
- gce: add resourceManagerTags option in config ( 554d57f9 )
- gce: add resourceManagerTags option in config ( 554d57f9 )
- gce: avoid empty tags ( 554d57f9 )
- google: add support for partnerMetadata in GCE servergroup ( 6b004d31 )
- google: add support for partnerMetadata in GCE servergroup ( 6b004d31 )
- google: fix prettier issues ( 6b004d31 )
- google: render JSON object as its string representation ( 6b004d31 )
- google: update tests with textarea ( 6b004d31 )
- google: fix prettier issue ( 6b004d31 )
- google: move display logic to controller ( 6b004d31 )
- google: fix tests ( 6b004d31 )
- google: expect JSON string in test ( 6b004d31 )
- google: use formatValueForDisplay in ng-model ( 6b004d31 )
- google: define json-text directive to handle view ( 6b004d31 )
- google: add space to JSON format ( 6b004d31 )
- google: remove hiddenKeys test ( 6b004d31 )
- aws: Fix IPv6 addresses being incorrectly associated when cloning server groups that have launch templates enabled (#6979) ( 22818c63 )
- aws: Fix userData getting lost when cloning an AWS server group that uses launch templates (#6771) ( d5a8ea32 )
- chore: Remove dead link from README ( 77dd8bf0 )
- deps: bump jpoehnelt/secrets-sync-action from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 ( bc641112 )
- deps: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6 to 7 ( 363a7686 )
- gce: add hyperdisk-balanced in defaults for testing ( 14977d16 )
- gce: add logs for debug ( 14977d16 )
Echo 2.43.0
- notifications/cdEvents: added support for customData at pipeline notification config level. ( 4fcd2748 )
- notifications/cdEvents: Fixed CDEvents notification for ManualJudgment ( d935daed )
- retrofit: remove all com.squareup.okhttp dependencies ( f37a6af9 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( f904e7db )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b0f9b396 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 75714940 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f5a2d09b )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2c49095d )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4de15bea )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7f83d98f )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( cd49fb05 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 047cae54 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5c62fee0 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5c62fee0 )
- dependency: replace groovy coordinates during upgrade of groovy 4.x ( 5c62fee0 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 5e9d0189 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( efcabc9a )
- retrofit: replace OkClient with Ok3Client ( 98eb168e )
- test: fix test failure due to NullPointerException during upgrade of groovy 4.x ( 8b3e7bb2 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 5e9d0189 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 5e9d0189 )
Fiat 1.51.0
- retrofit: remove all com.squareup.okhttp dependencies ( b775052c )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c1983733 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b9fd2474 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 08c16174 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 91e6a139 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 52ffa54c )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0ee9815d )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0ee9815d )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 79b7f7a0 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 1f572920 )
- dependency: replace JacksonFactory to GsonFactory and replace directory models ( 0ee9815d )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( db144040 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( db144040 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 7fceb6ab )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 7fceb6ab )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 7fceb6ab )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( db144040 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( db144040 )
Front50 2.37.0
- batchUpdate: enhance batch update functionality ( 5f7a4d77 )
- batchUpdate: update /pipelines/batchUpdate POST handler method to address deserialization issues and add some useful log statements ( 5f7a4d77 )
- pipeline: add a pipelineNameFilter query param to the /pipelines/{application} endpoint ( 51f2d153 )
- pipeline: check for null pipeline name and log error ( 51f2d153 )
- pipelineController: add a pipelineNameFilter query param to the /pipelines/{application} endpoint ( 51f2d153 )
- sql: make the bulk save operation atomic ( 5f7a4d77 )
- web: add a write permission check and validation to PipelineController.batchUpdate ( 5f7a4d77 )
- web: make batchUpdate return a map response with succeeded and failed pipelines and their counts ( 5f7a4d77 )
- web: add staleCheck to batchUpdate so that if a submitted pipeline in the batch already exists and their lastModified timestamps don’t match then the pipeline is stale and hence added to invalid pipelines list. This behaviour is same as that of individual save and update operations. ( 5f7a4d77 )
- web: fine tune permissions on batchUpdate ( 5f7a4d77 )
- web/new config: add PipelineControllerConfig to hold the configurations to be used for save/update controller mappings ( 5f7a4d77 )
- front50-gcs: Fix ObjectType filenames for GCS Front50 persistent store ( 2f828b74 )
- gcs: add dummy metadata to updateLastModified blob with newer client ( 8fcd0c7a )
- gha: only bump halyard on master ( edc56d90 )
- pipeline: make the comparison case insensitive. ( 51f2d153 )
- test/pipeline: updating tests and fixing getPipelinesByApplication implementation. ( 51f2d153 )
- tests: address minor issues ( 51f2d153 )
- web: minor fixes/improvements ( 5f7a4d77 )
- batchUpdate: add test cases for testing batchUpdate changes ( 5f7a4d77 )
- build: create empty commit ( 38e9529a )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( ed948c95 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7ce7ddde )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e036bd80 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e5f323d5 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8fcd0c7a )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8fcd0c7a )
- dependencies: remove force dependencies for google-api ( 8fcd0c7a )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 62199a22 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( cd891af3 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( ca32115c )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b1dbd2ab )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 38777365 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 38777365 )
- dependency: replace groovy coordinates during upgrade of groovy 4.x ( 38777365 )
- gcs: update test that match new google cloud client ( 8fcd0c7a )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 737144eb )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 737144eb )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 04cd5938 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 04cd5938 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 04cd5938 )
- tests: convert groovy tests to java ( 51f2d153 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 737144eb )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 737144eb )
- web: refactor validatePipeline() so that it can be reused for batchUpdate(). ( 5f7a4d77 )
- web: simplify code for setting trigger ids in PipelineController.validatePipeline ( 5f7a4d77 )
- web/test: configure the ObjectMapper in PipelineControllerTck ( 5f7a4d77 )
Gate 6.64.0
- events: Add Gate generated id in the event being sent to echo ( f745fcc7 )
- gate: copy the MDC to async controller method handler threads ( 81b25aa7 )
- gate: copy the MDC to async controller method handler threads ( 81b25aa7 )
- gate-web: Add delete session tokens from redis endpoint ( cae9b397 )
- instrumentation: add instrumentation around echo event handling ( f745fcc7 )
- instrumentation: Gate - Echo Events Metrics and Logging ( f745fcc7 )
- pipelines: add pipelineNameFilter to /{application}/pipelineConfigs endpoint ( c294ae60 )
- pipelines executions/gate: Support for bulk saving pipelines ( 7373cfe3 )
- retrofit: replace RetrofitError references with SpinnakerServerException and its subclasses. Update the tests accordingly. ( e5c4c741 )
- retrofit: more classes to have RetrofitError replaced with SpinnakerServerException and its subclasses ( e5c4c741 )
- web: introduce new configuration property services.front50.applicationRefreshInitialDelayMs ( 3bef45cd )
- web: populate the MDC when the ApplicationService gathers information from front50 and clouddriver ( 79dc08e6 )
- web: add a config property that allows front50 to be the source of truth for applications ( bd9b2817 )
- web: add a config property that allows front50 to be the source of truth for applications ( bd9b2817 )
- core: fix the issues caused due to the use of SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler in building FiatService ( d497e5e4 )
- core: fix the issues caused due to the use of SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler in building FiatService ( d497e5e4 )
- retrofit: minor changes ( e5c4c741 )
- test: remove conversion errors with error codes not in [200, 300) as they never occur ( d497e5e4 )
- web: invoke pipeline config exception handling ( 3bef45cd )
- web: let exceptions during PipelineController.invokePipelineConfig bubble up ( 3bef45cd )
- web: include information from downstream services in error responses from PipelineController.invokePipelineConfig ( 3bef45cd )
- web: chain Spinnaker*Exceptions in PipelineController.invokePipelineConfig ( 3bef45cd )
- web/test: mock exceptions properly in ApplicationServiceSpec ( bd9b2817 )
- build: give tests more memory to execute ( b7879316 )
- core: Convert PermissionServiceSpec tests from groovy to java in a new class PermissionServiceTest ( d497e5e4 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 6262912d )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6d036e8e )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0c7311b6 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e5c4c741 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e5c4c741 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( efcfe05c )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9308e057 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2db04842 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 9182f144 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c4ccd8c9 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5496af14 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5496af14 )
- dependency: replace groovy coordinates during upgrade of groovy 4.x ( 5496af14 )
- gate-web: enable pipeline controller config props in GateConfg instead of GateWebConfig ( 7373cfe3 )
- java: Upgrade fully to java 17 ( 25ba71e5 )
- java: Remove cross compilation flag ( 25ba71e5 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 25ba71e5 )
- java: Upgrade fully to java 17 ( 7e0a43a1 )
- java: Upgrade fully to java 17 ( 7e0a43a1 )
- java: Remove cross compilation flag ( 7e0a43a1 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 7e0a43a1 )
- retrofit: remove all com.squareup.okhttp dependencies ( 1e706c0a )
- retrofit: replace OkClient with Ok3Client ( 1f78f692 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 25ba71e5 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 25ba71e5 )
- web: remove unused code from CleanupService ( bb10acf4 )
- web: Query for individual pipelines ( ea57f381 )
- web: adjust error message in PipelineController.invokePipelineConfig ( ea57f381 )
- web: change ApplicationService.getPipelineConfigForApplication to query front50 for individual pipelines ( ea57f381 )
- web: teach ApplicationService.getPipelineConfigForApplication to handle errors with SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler ( ea57f381 )
- web: demonstrate current behavior of PipelineController.invokePipelineConfig ( 3bef45cd )
- web: change PipelineController to use constructor autowiring ( 3bef45cd )
- web: updating custom exception message creation ( 3bef45cd )
- web: remove ExecutorService bean ( 81b25aa7 )
- web/test: remove hard-coded port numbers from EchoServiceTest ( b7879316 )
- web/test: remove hard-coded port numbers from EchoServiceTest ( b7879316 )
Igor 4.18.0
- build: purge Java 11 ( 17e4dd0c )
- build: target Java 17 bytecode ( e417f8cc )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( c30e92e2 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0a89e188 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2ec5477d )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8b2d29ab )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 481f872f )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 75df60ae )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b47721e9 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b47721e9 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( ac0396bc )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( cc5c908c )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 372f869d )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 372f869d )
- dependency: replace JacksonFactory to GsonFactory ( b47721e9 )
- dependency: replace groovy coordinates during upgrade of groovy 4.x ( 372f869d )
- retrofit: remove all com.squareup.okhttp dependencies ( 9a02b4d8 )
- retrofit: replace OkClient with Ok3Client ( e95c4dee )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( a6593d09 )
Kayenta 2.42.0
- dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 6f4cc557 )
- dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 09c5b291 )
- dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( b8eebc5d )
- dependency: add explicit dependency of google-http-client-jackson2 in kayenta-google while upgrading spockframework 2.3 ( 0f0c30bf )
- java: remove duplicate targetJava17 property ( ae0f18ea )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( ea46554a )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( ea46554a )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( ea46554a )
- retrofit: remove all com.squareup.okhttp dependencies ( 200eb962 )
- retrofit: replace com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient with okhttp3.OkHttpClient ( 38202d75 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( f3077a9f )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( f3077a9f )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( f3077a9f )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( f3077a9f )
Orca 8.57.0
- batchUpdate: Pipeline config batch update ( 1d85e7c3 )
- clouddriver: add a new task that checks if the application specified in the moniker or cluster keys exists in front50 and/or clouddriver ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: introduce a ‘checkIfApplicationExists’ task that checks if the application defined in the stage context is known to front50 and/or clouddriver ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: add a ‘check if application exists’ task for server group workflows ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: update server group stages to include ‘check if application exists’ task ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: add a ‘check if application exists’ task for cluster based workflows ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: update cluster based stages to include ‘check if application exists’ task ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: add a ‘check if application exists’ task for k8s manifest workflows ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: update k8s manifest stages to include ‘check if application exists’ task ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: enable audit mode for checking if application exists in front50 ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: make fetching properties file more resilient for k8s jobs ( 94289963 )
- clouddriver: make fetching properties file more resilient for k8s jobs ( 94289963 )
- front50: Add okhttp timeouts for front50 service ( 1d85e7c3 )
- orca/clouddriver: make waitOnJobCompletion retries configurable ( 94289963 )
- pipelines executions/orca: Support for bulk saving pipelines ( 1d85e7c3 )
- stageExecution: reduce execution context size ( b06b8c86 )
- webhook: Single-identity mTLS webhook configuration ( 643902df )
- front50: add GroovyJson dependency ( 1d85e7c3 )
- notifications/cdEvents: Added missing CDEVENTS type ( f7bf216c )
- orca-sql: Add migration for mariadb support ( 7068d30e )
- webhook: Safer defaults and more config for webhook URLs ( 3e98d0a7 )
- clouddriver: simplify get application name logic in determineHealthProvidersTask ( 51a9acfa )
- clouddriver: use simpler presence check ( 51a9acfa )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( ede90ebe )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ee4ac651 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 44b73c60 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 43070293 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0284e753 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9f13be18 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 54ba1096 )
- dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( ae249528 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e6f83738 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( fc17dc7b )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( fc17dc7b )
- dependency: replace groovy coordinates and code adjustment to accomodate upgrade of groovy 4.x ( fc17dc7b )
- front50: remove old timeout config value from orca.yml ( 1d85e7c3 )
- front50: change RetrofitError to SpinnakerHttpException ( 1d85e7c3 )
- handler: Verify that start time is set ( 9e2d2c60 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 3148035b )
- keiko-redis: test logging cleanups ( eb61f0e2 )
- keiko-redis-spring/test: add slf4j binding to keiko-redis-spring tests ( eb61f0e2 )
- keiko-redis/test: add slf4j binding to keiko-redis tests ( eb61f0e2 )
- keiko-redis/test: tone down testcontainers logging ( eb61f0e2 )
- orca/clouddriver: refactor tests to remove some test code duplications and make them more descriptive ( 94289963 )
- repository: Remove duplicate storeStage call ( 9e2d2c60 )
- retrofit: remove all com.squareup.okhttp dependencies ( 99eca921 )
- retrofit: replace OkClient with Ok3Client ( be75ab54 )
- runJobStage: Fix logs annotation processing on manifest artifact ( ff987dce )
- stage: Remove duplicate storeStage call ( 9e2d2c60 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 0643469f )
Rosco 1.22.0
- install: fix packer version check in post install script. ( 1c338eae )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 46bc0e38 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 41f46779 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f642c303 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3e497d06 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ae46fe37 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3812e1af )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 03c32ce9 )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( eb42b5fa )
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( eb42b5fa )
- dependency: replace groovy coordinates during upgrade of groovy 4.x ( eb42b5fa )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 953548e1 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 953548e1 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 953548e1 )
- java: Full Java 17 support only ( 953548e1 )
- upgrades: Update OS to latest supported releases ( 2130b141 )