Spinnaker Release 1.25.7
Clouddriver 7.3.4
- AWS: Adding missing block device mappings for new launch templates (backport #5370) (89b5c7b38)
- AWS: Fixes name resolver when stack is empty. (backport #5337) (026481a15)
Deck 3.6.2
Orca 2.19.1
- manifest: fixes deploy manifest SpEL evaluation toggle (backport #4128) (1ca5f339)
- manifest: fixes deploy manifest SpEL evaluation toggle (1ca5f339)
- manifest: fixes deploy manifest SpEL evaluation toggle (1ca5f339)
- deps: update kork to 7.107.0, use new maven coordinates (1ca5f339)
Rosco 0.24.1
Clouddriver 7.3.3
Clouddriver 7.3.2
Clouddriver 7.3.1
Note: This release requires Halyard version 1.41.0 or later.
This release includes fixes, features, and performance improvements across a wide feature set in Spinnaker. This section provides a summary of notable improvements followed by the comprehensive changelog.
Clouddriver 7.3.0
- amazon/lb: Allow external load balancers to set IpAddressType (ce55fb9d)
- amazon/lb: Allow external load balancers to set IpAddressType as either ipv4 or dualstack (ce55fb9d)
- amazon/lb: Update tests (ce55fb9d)
- artifacts: dynamic artifact credentials via kork-credentials (c76ef93b)
- artifacts: kork-credentials for artifacts (c76ef93b)
- artifacts: remove unused dependencies (c76ef93b)
- artifacts/gitepo: Git binary (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: SSH authentication (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Added git to dockerfile (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Removed unused dependencies (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Make spotless happy (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Pinning git version (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Delete temp files (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Support urls without .git suffix (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Removed gitea autogenerated files (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Dynamic test ssh private key (6b61614b)
- artifacts/gitrepo: Fixed IT tests setup (6b61614b)
- aws: Support for automatically tagging volumes created as a result of autoscaling activity (19426cb5)
- aws: Allow user supplied user data to override user provider user data (typically, udf templates) (86b47027)
- aws: Allow user supplied user data to override user provider user data (typically, udf templates) (86b47027)
- aws: Addressing comments and adding user data tokenizer clouddriver-api interface (86b47027)
- aws/deploy: Auto-enable ipv6 in test by config (b20317bc)
- cfn: enable nested stacks for cloudformation changesets (3b7486d6)
- cloudfoundry: support docker deployments (6d77230f)
- cloudfoundry: add service-binding stage (4ebfaf61)
- cloudfoundry: bind services before building droplet (028f873b)
- core: Tag
metrics withcloudProvider
(c1b6efe9) - credentials: Use GitHub APIs to directly download file (8ef05eeb)
- docker/registry: Filter repositories using a regex (10600240)
- docker/registry: added restriction, regex may not be specified at the same time than repositories or catalogFile (10600240)
- docker/registry: replace property name from regex to repositoriesRegex (10600240)
- docker/registry: fix test cases and add a new one in order to Filtering by regular expression. (10600240)
- docker/registry: fix test case DockerRegistryClient uses correct user agent. (10600240)
- docker/registry: remove ignore annotation. (10600240)
- docker/registry: Modified test cases using a Stub with all the necessary calls (10600240)
- docker/registry: Modified the constructor for testing purposes, refactor test cases using new constructor. (10600240)
- ecs: add a default ECS Application Caching Agent (749d1d37)
- ecs: add API support for Describe Clusters (bf9707a4)
- ecs: add API support for Describe Clusters (bf9707a4)
- ecs: support multiple subnet types (1884d10e)
- gitrepo: Using git binary instead of jgit (6b61614b)
- kubernetes/raw-resources: Add regex filtering capability to raw resources controller (d90de8fd)
- kubernetes/raw-resources: Add regex filtering capability to raw resource provider (d90de8fd)
- provider/aws: EBS encryption with KMS key id on LaunchTemplate (f4b73d65)
- titus: Preliminary support for configuring placement and license details on launch templates (37a93b3d)
- aws: adding commented config to indicate format for launch-templates (1708431c)
- *: Small code cleanup (86b47027)
- artifacts: Fix default artifact credentials repositories (78c482c7)
- artifacts: Get credentials supporting artifact type (745f632e)
- aws: Aligning default block device sizes for c4./c5. (0d34636f)
- aws: adding validation warnings for recently added launch template features (856029b7)
- aws: Additonal checks during updates to security group tags (ac2862fd)
- aws: Update only spinnaker specific tags during security group u… (6d5322b3)
- aws: Update only spinnaker specific tags during security group upsert operation (6d5322b3)
- aws: Fixed bug to use spotMaxPrice conditionally (dad7bd9f)
- aws: Add a validation that alb/nlb listeners use a unique port (73e2cbcd)
- aws: Spotless (86b47027)
- aws: Add comments and allow processing of multiple tokenizers with matching support types (86b47027)
- aws: Add support to enable connection termination on deregistration for NLB (c86a2709)
- aws/loadbalancing: Fix draining instances appearing as healthy (c8c15400)
- aws/titus cache: fix cluster and application cache eviction (27b793b5)
- build: Attempt at disabling deb publishing on releases (df05423b)
- build: Attempt at disabling deb publishing on releases (aeb9f387)
- build: Attempt at disabling deb publishing on releases (a052afa5)
- clouddriver: fix for failing tests (75e806db)
- clouddriver: fix build error (75e806db)
- cloudfoundry: revert #5150 (5acafb5a)
- comments: Fixup a few comments (86b47027)
- comments: Addressing a few comments (e67b6d4a)
- docker: Fix docker.slim builds with python3 support (ee31badb)
- dynamicAccounts: Included java files in source set (6b61614b)
- dynamicAccounts: Included java files in source set (10600240)
- ecs: check for already suspended autoscaling on disable service op (abf56da9)
- ecs: add application name filter to findCluster (d43a0ea5)
- ecs: rename capacityProviderStrategies to capacityProviderStrategy to align with CreateService api (3b101cc8)
- k8saccounts: implement Streams paralellism (75e806db)
- k8saccounts: remove config classes, add comments changes (75e806db)
- k8saccounts: return checkHealth schedule back to normal (extra 0) (75e806db)
- k8saccounts: remove unused class (75e806db)
- kubernetes: fix for clouddriver's high loading time with SCC (10c17237)
- misc: Adding scaling policies to server groups is causing performance issues. Removing it (6f72ae7a)
- provider/aws: Fix STS role provider for AWS GovCloud and AWS CN (4f51b0d9)
- tests: Fix AutoScalingWorkerUnitSpec (86b47027)
- titus: Add scaling polices to the /clusters api response (435c4f03)
- titus: When retrying job submission, if submitted job exists then return the job ID from known server group name (34d96ee9)
- titus: Add find by job ID and use in UpsertTitusScalingPolicyAtomicOperationConverter (3954eefb)
- titus: Avoid fetching the job before terminating it (93d80399)
- titus: Set env variable to map to spinnaker account (0c7280f9)
- titus: When logging duplicate Titus jobs get internal Titus job model - not protobuf Job model - from server group attributes (f314b8e2)
- fixes spinnaker/spinnaker#6064 (c8b609e6)
- *: Make jackson modules injectable, tweaks to models for serialization/deserialization (b2522489)
- aws: Updated
for i2.large (a0f985b5) - aws: simplify ASG building logic (7ffbe9b4)
- aws: Refactoring to better encapsulate Asg config related fields and separate launch template/launch config code (f6d83bca)
- aws: Updated
for new ec2 instance types (c6gn.*) (9bf5bbac) - aws: Updated
for new ec2 instance types (874cef36) - clouddriver: threaded healthcheck (#12) (75e806db)
- clouddriver: threaded healthcheck (75e806db)
- clouddriver: move Scheduled thread configuration to CloudDriverConfig (75e806db)
- clouddriver: remove unused files (75e806db)
- core: Remove ezimanyi from CODEOWNERS (a0eda0f6)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (dfb06c33)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e0a6159d)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e0a6159d)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f4549c5f)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (8065b1c0)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e57f8404)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (68fbcd11)
- dependencies: Bump kork (revert jooq) (3acc25b9)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f094a904)
- dependencies: updates required for JOOQ 3.14.x (f094a904)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (baf84c4e)
- ecs: add app autoscaling integ test for Amazon ECS createServerGoup (0d8bf671)
- ecs: Add ECS changes for LoadBalancers test (6d683165)
- ecs: add more integration test for Amazon ECS createServerGroup (6ecbc7a5)
- test: Integration tests for k8s infrastructure (447bb5e2)
- test/ecs: Add integ test for existing server group update (8ac973b9)
- titus: Log duplicate Titus server group names by job ID (e67b6d4a)
- titus: Log duplicate Titus server group names by job ID (e67b6d4a)
- web: Removed
as it has been moved tokork-web
Deck 3.6.0
- amazon: Add configurable warnings for subnets (803892a7)
- amazon: Add configurable warnings for subnets (5c7eac6e)
- amazon: Add configurable warnings for subnets (5c7eac6e)
- amazon: Simplify props passed into the components (4c661749)
- amazon: Display updated ALB redirect config (a130ca87)
- amazon: Display updated ALB redirect config (169c6013)
- amazon: Display updated ALB redirect config (169c6013)
- amazon: Display updated ALB redirect config (169c6013)
- amazon/loadBalancer: Enable dualstacking in ALBs/NLBs with constraints (4c661749)
- amazon/loadBalancer: Enable dualstacking in ALBs/NLBs with constraints (4c661749)
- aws: Automatically enable IPv6 in test environments when IPv6 f… (ddbe1d65)
- aws: Automatically enable IPv6 in test environments when IPv6 feature enabled (ddbe1d65)
- aws: Move auto-enable to settings to minimize risk for OSS (ddbe1d65)
- aws: Allow ICMPv6 type ingress rules for security groups (cb30f14f)
- aws: Add scheme to load balancer details (4f13518f)
- cloudfoundry: support docker deployments on cloudfoundry (5713c91c)
- cloudfoundry: Simplification (84b59207)
- cloudfoundry: add create service binding stage (84b59207)
- cloudfoundry: add create service binding stage (84b59207)
- cloudfoundry: Added tests for
. (84b59207) - cloudfoundry: Simplified for loop. (84b59207)
- cloudfoundry: add create service binding stage (a4866888)
- cloudfoundry: add create service binding stage (a4866888)
- cloudfoundry: add create service binding stage (a4866888)
- cloudfoundry: add create service binding stage (a4866888)
- cloudfoundry: add create service binding stage (a4866888)
- context: added useApplicationContext hook (2e6a75ac)
- core: Toggle to show or hide many filter tags (b4584689)
- core: Add a new variable that is interpolated in instance links (76cd8cdf)
- core: Expose raw subnet ID (7d94b690)
- core: export StageSummary props in core module (7972a2e5)
- core: allow custom stage summary as React components (ab2873a2)
- core/api: Add 'deleteData' argument to REST().delete(deleteData); (4e6f9e3e)
- core/api: Introduce a MockHttpClient.ts as a incremental replacement for AngularJS $httpBackend for unit tests. (9fe939c2)
- core/api: Introduce a MockHttpClient.ts as a incremental replacement for AngularJS $httpBackend for unit tests. (9fe939c2)
- core/api: Add .patch() method to RequestBuilder and HttpClient apis (969f4fe0)
- core/ci: Integrating CI builds with Deck (0ca92594)
- core/ci: Add data source for CI integration (0ca92594)
- core/ci: Add view for builds from CI (0ca92594)
- core/ci: Integrating CI with Spinnaker (0ca92594)
- core/deploymentStrategy: Add a preview for Highlander deploys (8be06a03)
- core/executions: Render newly migrated execution groups (29a85a0d)
- core/executions: Render newly migrated pipelines differently (29a85a0d)
- core/loadBalancer: Filter by load balancer type (b0139a61)
- core/md: verification cards (2e6a75ac)
- core/pipeline: Add the ability to disable base os options (5e45b852)
- core/serverGroups: Intelligently enable/disable server groups in multiselect (509eb4db)
- core/serverGroups: Intelligently enable/disable server groups in multiselect (509eb4db)
- dev: Added webpack hot reloading (80d5bc79)
- domain/aws: Extend upsert command (33e0fd37)
- domain/aws: Extend upsert command (33e0fd37)
- domain/aws: Extend upsert command (33e0fd37)
- ecs: Determine invalid default capacity provider strategy (6cca84fc)
- ecs: Determine invalid capacity providers for the ECS provider (760c20f6)
- ecs: Add support for Capacity providers - enhanced Deck UI (53a01021)
- ecs: migrate capacity provider wizard to react (a14ae088)
- ecs: migrate capacity provider wizard to react (a14ae088)
- ecs: support multiple subnet types (8e2bed68)
- eslint: New eslint rule for ensuring import order (6f7c5437)
- eslint-plugin: Add a new rule to migrate from $httpBackend to MockHttpClient (de0ce7f0)
- global: bumped presentation to 0.0.2 (cd0c3d54)
- kubernetes: Raw resources UI MVP (c7eb9f4e)
- kubernetes: Raw resources UI MVP (c7eb9f4e)
- kubernetes: Raw resources UI MVP (c7eb9f4e)
- kubernetes: Raw resources UI MVP (c7eb9f4e)
- lint: Add prettier linter (c35ec5d0)
- manual judgment/deck: Added ability to add roles to manual judgment stage (38568a3f)
- md: verification cards (2e6a75ac)
- md: new application context and logging mechanism (2e6a75ac)
- md: duration render (2e6a75ac)
- md: new icon (2e6a75ac)
- md: Collasible metadata elements (274944fb)
- md: converted metadata elements to collapsible (274944fb)
- md: waiting status (88587466)
- mock-http-client: Add some doc comments (9fe939c2)
- presentation: mdVerification icon (5c5255b2)
- refactor: Use LabelebValue component (745e1bf5)
- targetShape: remove the ALPHA conditional on the targetShape (1446faca)
- titus: Show supplementary information for the bake configuration (f3bf8ee7)
- titus: Show supplementary information for the bake configuration (23aaed6c)
- titus: Support SpEL for Run Job stage inputs (82dca5f1)
- titus: Support SpEL for Resources number inputs (f5e81b8c)
- titus: Support SpEL for Resources number inputs (f5e81b8c)
- titus: String now supported (f5e81b8c)
- utils: new time formatting (2e6a75ac)
- aws: adding cpu credits settings with default false (9b2b0498)
- fix: use 'import type {} from package' to fix the webpack warnings for missing interface imports (6308695a)
- API: encodeURIComponent for each path() element (e78115ef)
- CiBuild: Allow for empty SCM information when pulling builds (e63b2abe)
- amazon: Remove conditional for enabling ipv6 by default (2a3353d5)
- amazon: Update NLB dualstack constraints for instance targets (e616c0fe)
- amazon: Update NLB dualstack constraints for instance targets (f86c6f5c)
- amazon: Stray 0 showing in component (1ea504a2)
- amazon: Remove conditional for enabling ipv6 by default (a29792e8)
- amazon: Security group names for standalone apps render incorrectly (6904cb06)
- amazon/loadBalancer: Fix target group health interface to match the back end, fix instance counts for target groups in the load balancer icon popover in a server group (d005ea50)
- amazon/securityGroup: Add stack/detail info to help text (ebbb32f9)
- amazon/vpc: Fix error: "cannot setState on an unmounted component" by migrating to FC/useData (34b68b8f)
- aws: Add Connection termination on deregistration flag on NLB's (22c59c18)
- aws: Misc. fixes and new unit tests (40ba12cf)
- bake: make helm chart file path visible when the chart comes from a git/repo artifact (b971b5a0)
- cloudFoundry: Update test fixture to prevent intermittent failure (21bb427c)
- cloudFoundry: Update test fixture to prevent intermittent failure (21bb427c)
- core: add vertical padding on page owner nav link (b3ae753a)
- core: handle errors on confirmation modal submission (17bdf716)
- core: Update tests (509eb4db)
- core: Fix eslint failures (4e83a1be)
- core: remove save pipeline error message if success (4b8b469c)
- core: Fix incorrect removal when merging serverGroups response (7401fcee)
- core/ci: Fix endpoint url typo in getJobConfig() (205e164e)
- core/cluster: Clicking an instance breaks rendering of cluster pods (c7a58cd4)
- core/deploymentStrategy: do not show highlander preview in deploy stage config (only show in clone dialog) (3a51af21)
- core/executions: Protect migrationStatus sorting if config is null (6e5e4796)
- core/executions: Protect migrationStatus sorting if config is null (6e5e4796)
- core/executions: Protect migrationStatus sorting if config is null (6e5e4796)
- core/executions: Update migrated status to match API (ef87a9e1)
- core/managed: re-enable build events (06aca3a9)
- core/pipeline: Remove note that pipelines are only paused for 72 hours (ccf8c002)
- core/pipeline: Remove duplicate executions.refresh() call after cancelling a pipeline (969f4fe0)
- core/pipelines: break and wrap long comments text (dde85130)
- core/projects: Align 404 error message to center if project not found (45ecf855)
- core/projects: Fix duplicate Projects appearing in recent history (on search screen) (8f291c0d)
- core/search: Exclude duplicate results in search views (3ca7365b)
- core/search: Switch back to deprecated API because search uses the ICache interface which REST() does not support (1cb2c30f)
- core/serverGroup: Ensure failsafe SpEL expressions are provided (c0089131)
- dev: load external source maps in development (08b62866)
- domain: Update Titus domain and exports (78f7d5ac)
- ecs: determine dirty target groups for the ECS provider (2d913a37)
- ecs: rename capacityProviderStrategies to capacityProviderStrategy (d9a2a81a)
- ecs: rename capacityProviderStrategies to capacityProviderStrategy (43e2f120)
- eslint-plugin: Fix name of react2angular rule (b0cbe156)
- gitlab: fix help text for gitlab artifacts (ad7608dc)
- gitlab: fix help text for gitlab artifacts (a027d62e)
- kubernetes: Fix details link on pipeline deploy status for global resources (a59e0f5b)
- lint: Handle non-import declaration nodes in import-sort rule (b34f8ca6)
- md: imports (2e6a75ac)
- nav: fix tooltip vertical alignment (3bffcd8e)
- nav: fix tooltip vertical alignment (d1ef25ce)
- pipeline: fix error message handling (625ba6fc)
- pipeline: Fixing lost history record for React stages (54d9f6cc)
- pipeline: Fixing lost history record for React stages (54d9f6cc)
- pipeline: Fixing tests (54d9f6cc)
- pipeline/overlay: fix overlay placement with long desc (5b7d9557)
- presentation: missing svg (2e6a75ac)
- serverGroup: Update capacity text to be more accurate (1e64d909)
- serverGroup: Increase the timeout for api request (c32c91ac)
- storybook: Upgrade react versions to work with storybook (9ffbcaab)
- tests: remove fdescribe (2e6a75ac)
- utils: disable interval if it's undefined or zero (2e6a75ac)
- Merge branch 'master' into titus-type-updates (474d03da)
- Merge branch 'master' into external-vpc-warning (a92b0428)
- Merge branch 'master' into external-vpc-warning (c3cd53c2)
- Merge branch 'master' into titus-bake-info (8ae991ed)
- Merge branch 'master' into ipv6-account-conditional (908585b2)
- Merge branch 'master' into style/nav-tooltip (e3bf4112)
- Update app/scripts/modules/amazon/src/serverGroup/configure/wizard/pages/ServerGroupBasicSettings.tsx (780ad579)
- Merge branch 'master' into ipv6-account-conditional (1086af54)
- chore: Migrate endCanary.controller.js and generateScore.controller.js to REST (d453dedd)
- chore: Migrate ApplicationReader.spec.ts and serverGroupWriter.service.spec to MockHttpClient (afec9f8a)
- $http: Migrate from raw $http usage to API.one(), where possible (969f4fe0)
- *: Migrate $http variable name to $httpBackend in prep for upcoming code migration to MockHttpClient (969f4fe0)
- REST: Find all empty args REST() calls and pass in the endpoint variable, i.e., REST(endpoint) (d66c6241)
- REST: Prefer REST('/foo/bar') over REST().path('foo', 'bar') (1d4320a0)
- amazon: publish amazon@0.0.290 (eb03d883)
- amazon: publish amazon@0.0.289 (fe3f94a4)
- amazon: publish amazon@0.0.288 (967f180f)
- amazon: publish amazon@0.0.287 (07815259)
- amazon: publish amazon@0.0.286 (07c67898)
- amazon: publish amazon@0.0.285 (78cfef0e)
- amazon: publish amazon@0.0.284 (2309866f)
- api-deprecation: API is deprecated, switch to REST() (97bfbf67)
- api-deprecation: Prefer API.path('foo', 'bar') over API.path('foo').path('bar') (39b08e72)
- api-deprecation: Migrate from API.get(queryparams) to .query(queryparams).get() (46db35b0)
- api-deprecation: Migrate from API.data({}).post() to .post({}) or.put({}) (6a1c0814)
- api-deprecation: Migrate from API.one/all/withParams/getList() to path/query/get() (587db3ab)
- appengine: publish appengine@0.0.26 (17c417b3)
- appengine: publish appengine@0.0.25 (a4683f8f)
- aws/titus: Convert instance DNS to react (745e1bf5)
- azure: publish azure@0.0.264 (e507f5d4)
- azure: publish azure@0.0.263 (ff75cbf1)
- azure: Remove test that asserts nothing (c5614e4f)
- cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.111 (ef148414)
- cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.110 (2474b890)
- cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.109 (f3ac5577)
- cloudfoundry: Remove duplicate redblack additional fields component (95eacfb6)
- cloudfoundry: publish cloudfoundry@0.0.108 (66ef2dc7)
- context: move application context next to the application component (2e6a75ac)
- core: publish core@0.0.549 (88f69027)
- core: publish core@0.0.548 (8156f126)
- core: Add lint rules to prevent importing migrated presentation modules from core (45f4b021)
- core: publish core@0.0.547 (9e333553)
- core: publish core@0.0.546 (1c6139a2)
- core: publish core@0.0.545 (3b763a0e)
- core: publish core@0.0.544 (fa632a0a)
- core: publish core@0.0.543 (da72de1f)
- core: publish core@0.0.542 (35e0131b)
- core: publish core@0.0.541 (61611fcf)
- core: publish core@0.0.540 (d4547fb6)
- core: Extract server group name previewer into its own component (a35e8bf2)
- core: publish core@0.0.539 (2d0c55bf)
- core: publish core@0.0.538 (576ffb61)
- core: publish core@0.0.537 (c82acb27)
- core: Allow cloud provider logos in registry (728939d7)
- core: Allow cloud provider logos in registry (728939d7)
- core: Refactor to functional component (728939d7)
- core/ci: Migrate to builds api v3 (f8d3d432)
- core/deployment: Update redblack fields without force updating (95eacfb6)
- core/deployment: Update redblack fields without force updating (95eacfb6)
- core/instance: De-angularize InstanceWriter (f16b0775)
- core/instance: De-angularize AmazonInstanceWriter (f16b0775)
- core/serverGroup: Replace server group name preview in angular (a35e8bf2)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (5605c2e6)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 0.0.107 to 0.0.108 (9de9d82a)
- deps: bump dompurify from 1.0.4 to 2.0.17 (21d1fbf2)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 0.0.106 to 0.0.107 (47af12d0)
- deps: [security] bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 (00c8ea62)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 0.0.105 to 0.0.106 (c752c8ad)
- deps: bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 in /test/functional (e48087f7)
- docker: publish docker@0.0.67 (610af4eb)
- ecs: publish ecs@0.0.276 (434ec3fc)
- ecs: publish ecs@0.0.275 (281d0645)
- ecs: publish ecs@0.0.274 (180090ed)
- ecs: publish ecs@0.0.273 (42b10991)
- eslint-plugin: publish 1.0.11 (ecadaebd)
- eslint-plugin: update deck to eslint-plugin 1.0.10 (d3b82d11)
- eslint-plugin: release 1.0.10 (1d8147a0)
- github: Update dependabot (2c8e1f7f)
- google: publish google@0.0.31 (c1009c3b)
- google: publish google@0.0.30 (55d49b07)
- google: publish google@0.0.29 (487c9398)
- kubernetes: publish kubernetes@0.0.57 (7e415706)
- md: import path (2e6a75ac)
- md: verification props (2e6a75ac)
- md: improved button styles - use variables (2e6a75ac)
- md: constraint status (2e6a75ac)
- md: organized files in folders (26e60677)
- mock-http-client: Remove unnecessary API.baseUrl prefix in expectGET/etc calls (807de9ad)
- mock-http-client: Remove no longer needed references to $httpBackend in unit tests after migration to MockHttpClient (924e80be)
- mock-http-client: Manually fix tests which didn't pass after auto-migrating using the eslint rule migrate-to-mock-http-client --fix (e1238187)
- mock-http-client: Run eslint rule migrate-to-mock-http-client --fix (ef5d8ea0)
- oracle: publish oracle@0.0.19 (fb07fb77)
- oracle: publish oracle@0.0.18 (fe3af33a)
- peerdeps: Upgrade @spinnaker/core to 0.0.544 (b2fad364)
- peerdeps: Update core to 0.0.540 (484916c2)
- pluginsdk: bump dependencies (b0a985e4)
- pluginsdk: release 0.0.24 (b0a985e4)
- pluginsdk-peerdeps: Add spinnaker/presentation (5310a5a5)
- pluginsdk-peerdeps: publish 0.0.7 (5310a5a5)
- pluginsdk-peerdeps: publish 0.0.8 (5310a5a5)
- pre(presentation: publish 0.0.2 (971c3891)
- presentation: publish 0.0.1 (c71f24bb)
- presentation: Refer Icon, Illustration members from @spinnaker/presentation (8f136eb8)
- presentation: Update references to illustration and icon modules (78a655c0)
- presentation: Move illustrations and icons modules to presentation (c086f91a)
- presentation: Add support for handling svg files in rollup (5cebf59d)
- presentation: Fix package.json (de368632)
- presentation: Create a new npm package for core presentation modules in deck (22e06214)
- rest: Migrate missed API usage to REST (ecb1dbc3)
- tencentcloud: publish tencentcloud@0.0.13 (3e7f89c7)
- titus: Create component wrapper with generic functionality (06585c58)
- titus: publish titus@0.0.160 (177b4c7e)
- titus: publish titus@0.0.159 (97f7036d)
- titus: publish titus@0.0.158 (0cf88e98)
- titus: publish titus@0.0.157 (301163f3)
- titus/instance: Reactify instance DNS section (745e1bf5)
Echo 2.16.0
- constraint: support jsonpath expression in payload constraint key (4a0d3f2e)
- jira: Add Jira issue transition to JiraNotificationService (8898b687)
- jira: Add Jira issue transition to JiraNotificationService (8898b687)
- jira: Fixup and add ability to optionally send comment when transitioning issue (8898b687)
- triggers: Support shared secret for git triggers (d7014f5d)
- bitbucket: prevent NPE when handling bitbucket payload (bdb9322d)
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (41fefe34)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (6b1f6d66)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (1e498d9f)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (629b8c62)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (66567c17)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (c24674d0)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (8d5d5383)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (fca3f791)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (fb9f8199)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (8a81bb4a)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (2b9cae66)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (2f68cb22)
- pubsub: don't allow overriding of bean (762ac1e4)
Fiat 1.15.0
- roles: Support for more flexible control over service account access (5c9c60a0)
- roles: Annotate
(08c1659e) - roles: ensure usernames are case-insensitively deduped in RedisPermissionsRepository.getAllByRoles() (a975d7bb)
- tests: test state leakage fix (e8a17cbb)
- web: Override the default
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (e15ef305)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (ef90fe57)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (4004d6ab)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (b2e2a66d)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (a5f8c823)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (9c330fa0)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (cf52954f)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (23b797c3)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (5a7a09ac)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (bb65fdcf)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c521f7ed)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (87dbaf05)
Front50 0.26.2
- dependencies: minor changes required for latest JOOQ (fa244c08)
- jooq: - Fix api usage due to jooq downgrade in kork (7e5603c9)
- sql: Ensure that
is reliably returned when sql is used (9fd2fc75)
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (54e074ca)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (ca8db521)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (6d5f38d8)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (81a09e3f)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (ff6573ad)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (83329c5e)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (520d9cdd)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (7b1dcc95)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (fa244c08)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (a144fe75)
Gate 1.21.0
- ecs: add API support for ECS Describe Clusters (48ba9226)
- ecs: add API support for ECS Describe Clusters (48ba9226)
- md: expose nicer veto endpoints (af238d94)
- slackV2: add new endpoint for keel specific slack callbacks (1e14de44)
- slackV2: add new endpoint for keel specific slack callbacks (1e14de44)
- builds: Improve error message formatting and wording (bf546f21)
- builds: More accurate exception messages when igor 404s on a build endpoint (07a86de1)
- fix: add keel service bean (1e14de44)
- fix: add keel service bean (1e14de44)
- fix: add keel service bean (1e14de44)
- fix: add keel service bean (1e14de44)
- plugins: Return empty installed plugins list on any retrofit error (99362e34)
- pr: Add missing keel endpoint configuration for tests (1e14de44)
- rate-limiting: Add 5 second buffer on reset header (5f697533)
- rate-limiting: Add 5 second buffer on reset header (5f697533)
- api: fix api docs (5ab4d498)
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (b40c43a2)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9b000262)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (8acfab84)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (1876c21d)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c6c32fdb)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (11c4c33d)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (d10ca45f)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (150db0b7)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e4b2582a)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (d2b00d80)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (88814739)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (21345581)
- git: Ignore plugins directory (5f697533)
- slack: changing endpoint to match keel's configurations (17fef48d)
Igor 1.15.0
- jenkins: Support for updating job description (04b56274)
- jenkins: Add startTime to pendingKey to account for restarted Jenkins stage which have identitical X-SPINNAKER-EXECUTION values (7400c8ba)
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (1e208012)
- config: Fix outdated example in igor-config (fd0a0fb0)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (71889296)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (8f095807)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (9f1ea081)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f0e95caa)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (b092ea32)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (5244e689)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (0b90d99b)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (3c3c256f)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f056e86d)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (65b253b8)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (5af80050)
- logs: allow anonymous calls to jenkins to get builds and projects (b133a668)
Kayenta 0.20.0
- Kayenta Standalone: allow specifying a control offset in standalone kayenta (bf6c47eb)
- standalone-canary-analysis: allow specifying a control offset in standalone kayenta (bf6c47eb)
- standalone-canary-analysis: add the baseline to end time (bf6c47eb)
- azure: Kayenta HTTPS support for Azure Storage (spinnaker#6205) (a778aa9e)
- build: gradle 6.8.1 (7fd1ded3)
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (a8753724)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (3ed87a50)
- standalone-canary-analysis: tweak control offset field name to make units clear, add unit test (bf6c47eb)
Orca 2.19.0
- cloudfoundry: create service binding stage (90d3e0a2)
- core: Add SpEL helper to get all resolved stage artifacts (2b91f746)
- core: Add SpEL helper to get all resolved stage artifacts (2b91f746)
- jenkins: Automatically set a build description that links back to Spinnaker (0c29cdfb)
- stages: Add SpEL expression for converting canary config name to id. (ca398bfc)
- stages: Add SpEL expression for converting canary config name to id. (ca398bfc)
- stages: Update canManuallySkip to look at stage context and override it on the PipelineStage to enable pipeline stages to be skippable. (ca398bfc)
- ci: Remove queued build on CIStage restart (f98134ce)
- dependencies: minor changes required for latest JOOQ (3e2d691b)
- dependencies: minor changes required for latest JOOQ (3e2d691b)
- jenkins: Addresses startup issue when
is not set (ccc9378f) - jenkins: Minor tweak to backlink config value per PR feedback (b297787e)
- jenkins: Pass stage start time to Igor when kicking off a build (005617b8)
- jenkins: Pass stage start time to Igor when kicking off a build (005617b8)
- managed: handle empty string manifest path when importing delivery config (a05abd86)
- manifest: Fix deployment of artifact only stages (d5614ea0)
- manifest: flattening nested list inside context.manifests (1b621819)
- script: Add startTime to call to Igor when starting Jenkins script stage (7848ea68)
- test: Fix up StartJenkinsJobTaskSpec (005617b8)
- This PR verifies the current user roles against context.selectedStageRoles. (f6965c3f)
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (13f03585)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f6671e84)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (19fd8b7e)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (3e2d691b)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (ecba3509)
- manifest: Include test that shows the current behavior (1b621819)
Rosco 0.24.0
- bakery/azure: Adding changes to scrape sharedimage gallery name from logs (0a782e9c)
- packer: Update version to support AWS assume_role (0a109843)
- build: Stop publishing debians on release builds (0a4a7e7b)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (2353a3e2)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e5e36c96)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (7db63f33)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (e3214843)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (5ed1ab98)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (7788fb5c)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (f1692e99)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (c0ada926)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (69c2ff9c)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (7d8920dd)
- dependencies: Autobump korkVersion (591d9619)
- docker: Update docker and as such openjdk (5a60bef7)