⚠️ Due to a change in how orca handles draining, a halyard upgrade will not be able to destroy old orca versions. To remove old orca versions manually, perform:
kubectl delete rs spin-orca-{previous versions} --namespace=spinnaker
- GCEUtil: Fix NPE in urlMap lookups if none exist. (#1748) (3b357c22)
- amazon:
- aws:
- core:
- provider/amazon:
- provider/google:
- provider/kubernetes:
- Fix instance annotation (#1782) (#1783) (63c6ef94)
- Fixes #1775 - KubernetesCredentials fails when Kubernetes API server goes away unexpected and no namespaces are configured. (#1766) (ae2c04f3)
- Cross Account Clone (#1746) (14d761d9)
- Allow None Cluster IP (#1743) (9c5d4cde)
- Fix resourceField envVar (#1725) (28dbaa4a)
- provider/openstack: Fixed list interface error (651194f1)
- request_queue: explicitly add http annotations to exception subclasses (1281e8fe)
- test: Mitigate timeout due to compile load (26b5261a)
- appengine: Permit deployments from gs:// repositories (#1738) (b2df8b2a)
- dynomite: Adds support for Dynomite as a persistence backend (#1753) (3c561757)
- kubernetes: Provides ability to drive pod cache TTL via metadata attribute (#1777) (c92bc0c0)
- provider/amazon:
- provider/dcos:
- provider/google:
- provider/kubernetes:
- servergroups: Add endpoint to retrieve server groups by applications (#1734) (3f687d50)
- amazon: properly set disableScaleIn flag on target tracking policies (#3957) (c50a4f2d)
- apache2: lower bound apache2 version (#3876) (b9cc1e50)
- aws:
- aws/loadbalancer: ensure timeout < interval (#3974) (a41c8d73)
- canary:
- core:
- fix alignment of copy-to-clipboard icon (#3976) (e91226d8)
- provide valid ids for scrollTo clusters (#3965) (dd5f6a61)
- avoid double-load of execution, treat FAILED_CONTINUE as isFailed (#3961) (4fd8b12d)
- Load balancers tag popup and runnings tasks popup show up under headers (#3952) (cc116586)
- Fix undefined error in ApplicationComponent (#3951) (c9c99306)
- Fix activeState being null for application refresh (#3947) (3e596c55)
- add margin between collapsed execution group headers (#3943) (799e5d99)
- update webhook stage scope on stage change (#3942) (a389fc12)
- Fix refresher to show the actual current state (#3937) (f8453ff6)
- preserve reset methods on settings reset calls (#3933) (386e97ab)
- update account tag color on account change (#3929) (ea0ac4e0)
- avoid NPE rendering header for missing apps (#3927) (52b0398d)
- fix scrolling regression on pipeline config (#3920) (05c34c05)
- Upgrade uirouter to fix initial page load (#3918) (c2d3ad65)
- Fix application refresher (#3916) (d9ae9a1c)
- Fix pipelines css (#3913) (e1105a45)
- core/loadBalancers:
- core/reactShims: Fix runningTasksTag directive (#3982) (e3189015)
- core/servergroup: fix filter scrolling on ffx (#3953) (7a09f8bd)
- k8s: allow containers with similar image names to be selected (#3987) (4b864f53)
- pipeline_templates: initialize variables if underlying template changes (#3902) (b144e8b2)
- provider/amazon: If ASG only has one target group, tag should say target group (#3946) (b3674f92)
- provider/gce: fixes server group wizard load error when no security group has tag (#3912) (3457ea67)
- scroll: Update react-hybrid to 0.0.12 which passes secondary-panel class through to ui-view (0f905417)
- traffic_guards: Allow accounts w/ namespaces to use traffic guards (#3860) (e8a9bfad)
- CI/Jenkins: Add parameter type checking/mapped elements to Jenkins (#3972) (7f6fea47)
- amazon:
- aws: allow search on LB listener cert select (#3892) (47c40a4c)
- core:
- core/amazon: add build info to changes (#3884) (3247d1ac)
- docker: allow expressions in dockerImageTagSelector (#3988) (925043bd)
- gce: adds support for configuring multiple persistent disks (#3980) (0a4c90da)
- pipeline_templates:
- provider/amazon:
- provider/dcos:
- provider/google: Support TCP Proxy Load Balancing (#3894) (b88f65fd)
- provider/kubernetes: Support AWS EBS Volumes (#3898) (02e17eab)
- stickyHeaders: Use pure CSS for sticky headers (#3923) (5c5601b4)
- template:
- permissions: Add ability to specify permissions in a file, rather (#187) (ca1b0385)
- anonymous user: Only put anonymous user in Redis DB if it's not already present (#193) (c97f9351)
- hystrix: Sets default timeout on calls to Front50/Clouddriver to 20s (#191) (2229a5f4)
- pipeline_template: delete template (#248) (439e519a)
- pipelinetemplate: Support for scope pattern matching (#243) (b6b70a23)
- permissions:
- pipeline_templates: don't NPE if template has no scopes (#250) (08703781)
- core: disable favorPathExtension (#438) (5501a696)
- pipelines: add logging, guards in pipeline save code (#440) (2eca1da9)
- web: Bubble-up orca MPT errors to API (#435) (f1e9b879)
- canary:
- servergroups: Add server group endpoints for a list of applications (#426) (f8bbe9eb)
- web:
- travis/triggerBuild: trace the unique build igor triggered. (#176) (b935d950)
- jenkins: provide better error when a job is disabled (#178) (aec8ef8b)
- canary: mark deployComplete terminal if any deploy stages failed (#1500) (a5bdb5e7)
- canary-v2:
- core:
- Clone stage before evaluating optional condition. (#1520) (5a1c0ed9)
- change success criteria for wait for disable instance (33923e9d)
- provide better error message on invalid useSourceCapacity config (#1508) (278840cc)
- set use source capacity to false in rolling red black (#1499) (27068408)
- propagate exceptions from child pipelines (#1489) (e8499f66)
- Correctly handling null startTime value in details data class (#1473) (2b4a3115)
- front50: Base64 decode pipeline save tasks (#1515) (82b12348)
- igor: Resolve index out of bound exception and added test for it (0794090a)
- metrics: s/BucketDistributionSummary/BucketCounter (#1518) (0a0f84be)
- pipeline_template:
- pipeline_templates:
- don't process context for pipeline template plans (#1509) (d639012e)
- do type conversion during pipeline save (#1490) (218faeb8)
- reject template if variable name includes a dash (#1478) (0b5eb5e8)
- preprocess configs in dependent pipeline starter (#1476) (3d31243e)
- require scopes (#1463) (5dbf976c)
- don't fail if config variables are null (#1445) (9262da29)
- pipelinetemplate:
- provider/amazon:
- queue:
- consider throttle time before timeout (#1497) (c644852b)
- Changing internal storage for priority capacity traffic shaper (#1479) (b67150c2)
- Support for deserializing messages that may be wrapped in an Envelope (#1466) (0020a17a)
- Sets boundary on thread pool work queue and aborts work when full (#1459) (907cdf8f)
- don't pull messages from the queue when no threads available (ed0ff41f)
- rollingpush:
- script, jenkins: put results of properties files in its own map in addition to context (#1480) (c2e3ebb8)
- stage: Fixed an issue with authentication details propagation. (8d8a1973)
- targetReferenceSupport: retry non-404 errors getting cluster (#1469) (044654e8)
- taskHandler: treat FAILED_CONTINUE as SUCCEEDED (#1505) (3bfa2226)
- timeout: make timeout duration human readable (#1501) (72c902ea)
- webhook: Add WebhookConfiguration to @Import (#1519) (9962c09d)
- canary-v2:
- clouddriver:
- core: Old pipeline cleanup notification poller agent (#1448) (f8971572)
- execution: Add origin field to executions (#1526) (9a0930f4)
- metric: Metric capturing total execution time for orchestrations (#1482) (831894fb)
- pipeline_template:
- pipeline_templates: delete template operation (#1468) (3f65cd89)
- pipelines: Add support for task-backed pipeline config saves (#1442) (e27fe5ef)
- queue:
- Make instance status externally settable (#1485) (09e2933c)
- Support for attaching arbitrary attributes to a queue
(27ca7ec5) - add configuration option for redis queue ack timeout (ad383b15)
- Implement redis-backed dead message handler (#1455) (e9f159d7)
- Configurable rate limit durations (#1454) (11753939)
- spel: alias judgment to judgement (#1487) (97916f8e)
- task: Tasks can specify a dynamic
(#1512) (3318e834)
Generated by spinnaker at 2017-08-09 20:09:49