Clouddriver 6.4.6
- cloudFoundry: fix cloudFoundry job provider (#4379) (ecbed26f)
- ecs: ECS IAM Path role fix for 1.17 (0c68e473)
- kubernetes: return provider field with kubernetes /search results (#4249) (80e4cd05)
- repository: Enforce serialization order for JedisTask (#4394) (fbdb338e)
- repository: Enforce serialization order for JedisTask (fbdb338e)
- repository: Add tests to JedisTask (fbdb338e)
- repository: Add comment to explain test rationale (fbdb338e)
Deck 2.13.6
- kubernetes: remove accidental static from resolveIndexedSecurityGroups (#7760) ([a7f5f28c]( deck/commit/a7f5f28c05dfe32e2aed7e5dce45c3a305aaa27a))
- buildtool: add an empty .gcloudignore file (#7909) (b46bd34a)
- container builds: exclude large cache directories from GCB upload (#7919) (38534c43)
Igor 1.7.1
- buildtool: add an empty .gcloudignore file (#631) (13518950)
- container builds: exclude large cache directories from GCB upload (#633) (0d9b3f6f)
Orca 2.11.3
- execution: Fix START_TIME_OR_ID comparator (#3392) ([a8b16794]( 58032aa7ae19cf47a1799622))
- execution: Fix START_TIME_OR_ID comparator ([a8b16794]( ae19cf47a1799622))
- execution: Fix START_TIME_OR_ID comparator ([a8b16794]( ae19cf47a1799622))
- execution: Fix double-null case in sorting ([a8b16794]( ae19cf47a1799622))
- core: Add JUnit platform runner ([a8b16794]( 99622))
- execution: Add tests to START_TIME_OR_ID ([a8b16794]( 19cf47a1799622))