Gate 1.8.4
- auth: Enable auth to all connectors except API port (1.14.x) (97f6477f)
Orca 2.7.6
- core: Plan templated pipelines before triggering from start tasks (#3039) (dfafeef0)
- core: Plan templated pipelines before triggering from start tasks (dfafeef0)
- core: Apply Autowired to StartPipelineTask constructor (dfafeef0)
Clouddriver 4.7.0
- appengine: check for null versions in servergroup caching agent (#3875) (387dde5d)
- appengine: Fix threading bugs in AppengineMutexRepository (#3862) (05dac65d)
- appengine: Fix threading bugs in AppengineMutexRepository (05dac65d)
- kubernetes: Fix daemonset stability condition (#3863) (680722c8)
- appengine: Remove unnecessary catch block (05dac65d)
- appengine: Convert mutex repository to java (05dac65d)
Deck 2.9.8
- core: Render templated pipeline params in the pipeline run stage (#7228) (30dadbd8)
- core: Render template triggers, notif, params for manual execution (#7223) (262b353a)
- ssl/apache2: Port conflict in ports.conf.gen (#7225) (049210e2)
Echo 2.5.2
- bitbucket: typo on eventType switch (#591) (afcbb516)
Clouddriver 4.6.5
- SqlCache: modify typeSanitization regex to filter MySQL non-permitted chars (#3839) (d0467582)
- deps: bump fiat version to 1.0.9 (ea7a0ab2)
Fiat 1.5.2
- core: add null check to auth in FiatPermissionEvaluator.getUsername (#435) (ff44172d)
- core: add back isEnabled check to hasPermission method to prevent NPEs (#433) (5fd51481)
Clouddriver 4.6.4
- kubernetes: Improve failure mode for unreachable cluster (#3770) (179c5488)
- kubernetes: Improve failure mode for unreachable cluster (179c5488)
- kubernetes: Use custom memoizer for kubectl calls (179c5488)
- logging: add logstash-logback-encoder to runtimeClasspath (#3666) (84a467cc)
Deck 2.9.7
- core: Display latest template in pipeline template list (#7145) (9c5fdd2e)
Kayenta 0.9.1
- templates: Escape custom inline templates. (#579) (dd8a91d0)
- templates: Escape custom inline templates. (dd8a91d0)
- templates: Escape all custom templates for standalone canary analysis as well. (dd8a91d0)
Clouddriver 4.6.3
- appengine: Properly account for GCS object version in deploy (#3806) (be0fb533)
Gate 1.8.3
- ldap: allow http basic credentials for LDAP auth (#826) (935a3347)
Kayenta 0.9.0
- signalfx: Add configurable remote baseurls to support realms. (#551) (4ae86c0c)
Orca 2.7.5
- jobs: fix race condition in override (8c46567f)
Clouddriver 4.6.2
- cf: fail destoryService stage if service not found (#3779) (5ac27ff3)
- ecs: If in "host" network mode, host and container port should be the same (#3776) (8607d428)
- ecs: Fix incorrect de-duping of clusters with same name, but different accounts (#3782) (a1f50c24)
- ecs: Handle container instances no longer being cached, but showing up in stopped ECS tasks in the account (#3765) (6e73be1c)
Deck 2.9.6
- core: Make template table list scrollable (#7111) (5abe4c75)
Orca 2.7.4
- artifacts: use pageSize=1 when resolving prior artifacts (385fd87a)
Clouddriver 4.6.1
- appengine: Use getOutput() instead of getStdOut(). (#3771) (721181e7)
- ecs: Don't specify load balancer role for non-load-balanced service (#3740) (deec4874)
Deck 2.9.5
- core: Display template inherited items (mptv2) as read only (#7102) (2f0cf9dd)
- google: allow SpEL in stack/detail in deploy stage (#7105) (033f0dd3)
Echo 2.5.1
- webhooks: bitbucket server or cloud determination (#572) (e68a464b)
Orca 2.7.3
- core: Mark mptv2 items as inherited (#2971) (75ec09ed)
- core: Mark mptv2 items as inherited (75ec09ed)
- core: Refactor how items are marked inherited (75ec09ed)
- gcb: Bind artifacts produced from GCB stage (026a6d1b)
Clouddriver 4.6.0
- cf: remove sensitive information from credentials payload (#3752) (07db9e9d)
- kubernetes: Allow namespaces that don't exist in validation (#3748) (2e95141a)
- kubernetes: Properly substitute characters in key parts (d07f6985)
- kubernetes: Improve performance of cache kind lookup (#3741) (d07f6985)
- kubernetes: Add tests to Keys (d07f6985)
- kubernetes: Improve performance of cache kind lookup (d07f6985)
- kubernetes: Reduce memory allocation during caching cycles (#3736) (f8c5bcc9)
- kubernetes: Reduce memory allocation during caching cycles (f8c5bcc9)
- kubernetes: Add tests to getClusterRelationships (f8c5bcc9)
Deck 2.9.4
- cf: Change CUPS label to Route Service URL (#7090) (4e5822b6)
- deps: hoist appropriate version of d3-format (#7084) (7c2ee1c4)
- kubernetes: fix req. artifacts to bind selector in patch manifest stage (#7095) (411ec616)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 0.0.79 to 0.0.81 (#7086) (62a81a5a)
Clouddriver 4.5.3
- cf: Exponentially backoff when Cloud Foundry is unavailable (#3725) (968d2ce3)
- kubernetes: add cleaned up artifact manifests to output (#3711) (eb636e69)
- kubernetes: Properly handle empty kubectl input stream (#3734) (649e1ec3)
Deck 2.9.3
- amazon: explicitly import d3 for scaling policy graphs (#6989) (ab1c7206)
Fiat 1.5.1
- apps: Clear resource provider caches to ensure up-to-date data (381db2c9)
Orca 2.7.2
- kubernetes: force cache refresh after deploy stage artifact cleanup (6ceeba02)
Clouddriver 4.5.2
- ecs: Add image info to cluster's server groups (#3702) (55b59483)
Deck 2.9.2
- runJob/kubernetes: reliably display logs (#7060) (a7c50c64)
- runJob/kubernetes: fix log display (a7c50c64)
- runJob/kubernetes: fetch manifest once (a7c50c64)
Gate 1.8.2
- saml: ensure session cookie survives idp redirect (#801) (ee90e98c)
Clouddriver 4.5.1
- artifacts: resolve version of artifacts (#3705) (2ef23b09)
- cf: cacheTime should be stored as a long (#3704) (cb07d06d)
- cf: only create artifact metadata for Maven artifacts (#3687) (306640b9)
- provider/azure: Fix several issues in Azure Load Balancer (#3713) (94c0b021)
- runJob/kubernetes: collect pods and status (#3697) (9f3572d3)
Deck 2.9.1
- cf: server group header build links should precede images (#7027) (35587d92)
- kubernetes: fix runjob stage init (#7029) (1833530b)
- provider/azure: Fix UI for Azure Load Balancer in server group configuration (#7055) (2ee42f5c)
- runJob/kubernetes: use explicit pod name (#7039) (6c9869eb)
Gate 1.8.1
- oauth: remove samesite cookie attribute (#803) (5e2d99f5)
Kayenta 0.8.1
- datadog: Create metricset placeholder (#534) (cf893742)
Orca 2.7.1
- bake/rosco: fix regression in snake casing of rosco specific bake properties (#2926) (b98aa0d4)
This release includs fixes, features, and performance improvements across a wide feature set in Spinnaker. Here we share a summary of notable improvements, followed by the comprehensive changelog.
The charting and data visualization for Canary Reports has been completely re-written, and includes a variety of user experience and performance improvements. The Histogram chart has been visually refreshed and there’s a new chart type — the Beeswarm Box Plot chart.
In addition to report improvements, there’s a new way to compare canary metrics to a baseline from earlier in time — for example, using baseline metrics from 1 hour prior to the beginning of the canary rollout. To try it out, configure the ‘Baseline Offset’ field in the Canary stage.
The Kubernetes V2 provider now provides first-class support for common rollout strategies, including dark, highlander, and red/black. Please see the documentation or example pipelines for further details (blog post coming soon!).
The Run Job stage has been added to the Kubernetes V2 provider and enables users to run Kubernetes Jobs as part of their pipelines. In addition, Custom Job stages provide an extension point for users who want to provide custom stages via configuration. See the documentation for Run Job (Manifest) and Custom Job stages for more information.
MPTv2 UI is available by enabling the managedPipelineTemplatesV2UI feature flag and is under active development.
Pipeline templates now have a navigation item and dedicated route for listing templates. Templates can be viewed, deleted, or used to create new pipelines from the list view.
Pipelines derived from v2 templates can now be manually executed and reran through the UI. Pipeline configuration for MPTv2 is now available in the UI. Template inheritance and variables can now be configured for pipelines derived from v2 templates.
Applications can now be configured with a new permission type called EXECUTE
. For any new applications, the permission required to trigger pipelines changes from groups with READ access to those with EXECUTE access.
To maintain backwards compatibility for existing applications, groups with READ access will implicitly get EXECUTE access. To change this behavior for a specific application, modify the application config in the UI to explicitly add EXECUTE permissions to a group. You can also flip the default behavior across all applications to only grant WRITE users implicit EXECUTE access across all applications, set the fiat.executeFallback
in fiat-local.yml to WRITE
Spinnaker now has a Google Cloud Build stage that enables running GCB builds as part of a Spinnaker pipeline. Please see the documentation for further details.
The Bake Manifest stage execution details now expose the rendered YAML in the UI, providing greater visibility into the manifest Spinnaker generates prior to deployment (see example here).
Include links and formatted text in Deck Custom Banners using Markdown (see example here).
Due to the upgrade of quartz library we use in echo, some CRON expressions are no longer supported.
Expressions that use /60
or /24
for minutes/seconds or hours, respectively, will no longer work. Here are a few examples of such expressions:
0 0 0/24 ? * *
and 0 0/60 0 ? * *
If you had pipelines that had trigger expression of this form, these pipelines will no longer trigger correctly. Please update the CRON expression (in examples above, the appropriate updates are: 0 0 0 ? * *
and 0 0 0 ? * *
) to continue triggering the pipeline.
You can find offending triggers by using the following commands:
Get all pipeline configurations:
curl https://your-spinnaker-gate:8084/pipelineConfigs -o all_pipelin_configs.json
Parse them with jq to find offending cron expressions:
jq '.[] | .triggers[]? | .cronExpression | select (.!=null) | capture("(?<cron>.*\/60|.*\/24.*)")' all_pipelin_configs.json
Note: echo will log an error of the form:
Failed to create a new trigger: id: <GUID> for pipeline: <APPLICATION>:<PIPELINE_NAME> (<PIPELINE_CONFIG_GUID>). The CRON expression <CRON_EXRPRESSION> is not valid"
Additionally, the following metric will be incremented:
Because such expressions are non-standard and most users use the UI to specify their CRON expressions (which will not generate an invalid expression like above) there should be a very small (if any) number of pipeline triggers affected by this breaking change.
Clouddriver 4.5.0
- amazon: use semantically meaningful name when copying scaling policies (28313040)
- amazon: return launch config name on modify operation (fa40acc7)
- artifacts: Support relative chart urls (edc84305)
- aws: Remove all ec2-classic migration code (63bfefc9)
- cats: initial support for indexing resource by application (f35216e3)
- cats-sql: admin controller to assist in namespace flips (127728df)
- cats-sql: optinally use async when fetching > 2 * readBatchSize items (baa6a685)
- cats-sql: admin controller to assist in namespace flips (99b2d530)
- cats/sql: support for indexing and retrieving by application (5073eb12)
- cats/sql: cleanup agent for stale onDemand keys (6238c756)
- cats/sql: configurable table prefix (0ba0b532)
- cats/sql: support for indexing and retrieving by application (aec082f0)
- cf: add build info to server group (5e08dfbb)
- cf: add build info to server group (5e08dfbb)
- cf: Added support for rolling red black deployments (9282c27c)
- cf: Implement on-demand caching (c402c7d9)
- cf: Delete Service Key (9831adc4)
- cf: Create Service Key (e3a2b664)
- cf: add deployment info to deployment result (68ddc52a)
- cloudformation: support cfn tags (cb8fb31c)
- cloudformation: support cfn tags (cb8fb31c)
- core: Add streaming Job functionality (837ba16d)
- ecs: Support non-load-balanced services (b85e4662)
- ecs: Add service discovery support (6f5ab22f)
- ecs: Configure tags (fc9c8954)
- ecs: Support for placement constraints & platform version (06f6d301)
- google: Add a SetStatefulDisk operation. (3ca155a4)
- jobproviders: k8s v2 getFileContents (dd1c8f80)
- jobproviders: k8s v2 getFileContents (dd1c8f80)
- kuberenetes: v2 run job stage (14296831)
- kubernetes: Add metrics support to live manifest mode (1153f969)
- kubernetes: Add metrics support to live manifest mode (1153f969)
- kubernetes: validate manifests for spinnaker-managed rollout strategies (796b2fa8)
- kubernetes: Use streaming job executor for k8s manifests (837ba16d)
- kubernetes: Use streaming job executor for k8s manifests (837ba16d)
- lambda: Ability to get details of an individual function #4214 (1728aebf)
- metrics: Add metrics for deleteSnapshot operation (9960d552)
- moveTitusTasks: Add support for tasks moving between jobs (7f0f9530)
- moveTitusTasks: Add support for tasks moving between jobs (7f0f9530)
- moveTitusTasks: Add support for tasks moving between jobs (7f0f9530)
- provider/azure: Add Azure Load Balancer as another type of load balancer than Azure Application Gateway (da5374fb)
- provider/azure: Add Azure Load Balancer as another type of load balancer than Azure Application Gateway (da5374fb)
- provider/azure: Add redblack strategy for azure (13ed0615)
- provider/azure: Add redblack strategy for azure. (13ed0615)
- provider/azure: Add instance tags in AzureServerGroupDescription (dc599da1)
- provider/google: Support service account security groups (289b6e03)
- provider/google: Support Shielded VM policies (86575846)
- provider/google: Support Shielded VM policies (86575846)
- provider/google: Add clarifying comments. Couple of fixes for better readability. (86575846)
- provider/kubernetes: replace annotation support (d35445f0)
- provider/kubernetes: Add traffic options to deploy description (b8438c05)
- provider/kubernetes: Add traffic options to deploy description (b8438c05)
- sql: preparing sql backend for upstream (b17e5351)
- sql: admin controller to drop tables from alt-namespace (0d8aee77)
- sql: agent information on MDC (41c25511)
- sql: dynamic config settings for sqlcache (a7b4906f)
- sql: namespace lock table for SqlAgentScheduler (72a5a3ca)
- sql: load cache data and additional relationship keys in a single query (78a61271)
- sql: sql version of ProviderCache.addCacheResult (77d7c271)
- sql: prework support for dual task repository usage (5fad3d1e)
- sql: test coverage for SqlProviderCache (7c6728a4)
- sql: retrysupport (6adb9406)
- sql: write batching, test fixes (0a90f05a)
- sql: sql cache metrics (1eba01a8)
- sql: onDemand support (b4e4f1f9)
- sql: correct time unit (1c4d6e55)
- sql: scheduling agent constraint handling (b4fe733d)
- sql: sql agent scheduler (0193cf26)
- sql: Support named connection pools (97e9cc70)
- sql: rel table index to support joins (32348da3)
- sql: SqlTask consistency improvements (8c272af2)
- sql: SqlTaskRepository tests (b9f8d8da)
- sql: namespace lock table for SqlAgentScheduler (9792a31a)
- sql: prework support for dual task repository usage (59832dfd)
- sql: sql.readOnly support (cc38273d)
- sql: cats-sql agent locks schema tweak (e34721e9)
- sql: sql agent scheduler (eb629df5)
- sql: clouddriver-sql module initial commit (ee07816c)
- sql: initial SqlTask implementation (6255c1d1)
- titus: Update job disruption operation (a806927e)
- titus: use default disruption budget if none supplied (0375dddb)
- titus: enable reads of job disruption budgets (2c6abce1)
- amazon: use source credentials when retrieving scaling policies to copy (694c9ac6)
- appengine: Allow gcloud path to be configured (#3674) (690faf9c)
- artifacts: Maven release artifact resolution by version results in 404 (ec7286a3)
- auth: s/applicationName/appName when determining application name (29fda66a)
- aws: don't use aws object mapper for caching, it ruins casing (0524d08f)
- aws: Image endpoint returning null server groups (ef4e9de2)
- aws: AllowLaunchAtomicOperation - Add retries when resolving AMI (bd8cf39b)
- aws: DetachInstances op: only run min capacity checks when decrementDesiredCapacity is true (5d20156d)
- aws: call correct constructor when autowiring DefaultScalingPolicyCopier (bf14f3ab)
- aws: ALB support for serving pendingOnDemandRequests (e9db21ca)
- aws: fix ALB onDemand caching (b78a239a)
- aws: use asg.instances to resolve instance members instead of cache relationships (d12d0db0)
- aws: fix cluster provider issue when using sql app indexing (cb9d1fcf)
- aws/alb: improve perf of targetgroup instance app resolution (f7076a21)
- aws/caching: only add application attribute to authoritative types (55b6194e)
- aws/deploy: image lookup when deploying my imageId rather than name (1befb85e)
- aws/edda: improve perf of edda lb instance health caching (974c44b2)
- boot2: minor kebabisms (0524d08f)
- build: fixup missing travis build flag (0524d08f)
- cats/sql: guard against overly long resource ids (0515cb86)
- cats/sql: guard against overly long resource ids (5779031b)
- cf: separate ci build and artifact info (#3670) (02c633d0)
- cf: add ci build info under build info (43e42fb2)
- cf: previously unhandled exception from bad application state (59b9a321)
- cf: Create / Delete Service Key timeouts (f4c03384)
- cf: cf exception should display message from throwable (d266780e)
- cf: cf exception should display message from throwable (d266780e)
- cf: handle timeouts in CF api calls better (03f9a8d5)
- cf: don’t attempt to start app if instance count is 0 (679ea8c7)
- cf: Fix server group name resolver (13fed215)
- cf: Clone server group sets environment variables in new server group (49d6215c)
- cf: Clone server group sets environment variables in new server group (49d6215c)
- cf: correct invalid route message (37465ae6)
- cf: Unmap LBs too aggressive (b3cdf98f)
- cf: Remove "//" from routes (72f1a670)
- cloudformation: force update only when account and region match (f6f2be44)
- compression: add compression property (0524d08f)
- core: Spring does not override default configuration files (a25c63dc)
- core: More explicit optional jedispool bean mapping (0524d08f)
- core: Adjust build order to reduce build times (dbe7d397)
- core: add
as expected by deck (b2122aec) - deps: add snake yml dep to titus (0524d08f)
- deps: remove jetty-servlets (0524d08f)
- docker: Added missing insecureRegistry property (a8fcbb85)
- ecs: allow sub-org ecr repos (b7d6e212)
- ecs: Retry on ECS service eventual consistency (eb820fc3)
- elasticsearch: Don't autoconfigure elasticsearch/jest (0524d08f)
- google: correctly filter instanceCacheData in GoogleClusterProvider.clusterFromCacheData (8a775390)
- jackson: amazonObjectMapper vs autoconfigured ObjectMapper (0524d08f)
- jobprovider: switched to Slf4j annotation (dd1c8f80)
- jobprovider: switched to Slf4j annotation (dd1c8f80)
- jobproviders: need to return null and not throw (dd1c8f80)
- kubernetes: Fail validation if account has no namespaces (c2e5c8b0)
- kubernetes: Add kube config to test (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: Restore properties that are still needed (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: include unclassified kinds in spinnakerKindMap so they can be surfaced for deletion (1efe8f20)
- kubernetes: Initialize credentials after CRDs are registered (103fcb74)
- kubernetes: Initialize credentials after CRDs are registered (103fcb74)
- kubernetes: Infer API version when missing on patch manifest (1e6cddde)
- kubernetes: Infer API version when missing on patch manifest (1e6cddde)
- lambda: Current implementation of upsert lambda function does not work #4304 (91766017)
- objectMapper: don't use amazonObjectMapper outside of aws code (0524d08f)
- openstack: Ignore all tests (0524d08f)
- provider/azure: add logic to remove associated security group from subnet while deleting firewall (14c994db)
- provider/azure: Fail to destroy server group when there is only one server group (6828ec48)
- provider/azure: update the error message when it failed to destroy load balancer (7937e9b8)
- provider/azure: Enable Azure Load Balancer from Azure VM Scale Set (e3251307)
- provider/azure: Enable Azure Load Balancer from Azure VM Scale Set. (e3251307)
- provider/azure: re-add resource names to the deployment name (a3ceb156)
- provider/cf: Get latest server group from API rather than cache (803d0818)
- provider/cf: Fix clone from manifest artifact (dd7f2c64)
- provider/cf: Fix NPE potential in deserializing manifest env vars (49d6215c)
- provider/cf: Form-based manifest input for clone server group (1a79d577)
- provider/gce: Wait on LB backend service updates. (e1a309d5)
- provider/google: ServiceAccount should be a Set (05a7276e)
- provider/google: Prevent returning all security groups targeting (17773f38)
- provider/google: Waits for ssl cert and url map ops. (ae2937f4)
- provider/google: Paginates autoscaler aggregated list calls. (de54b2ca)
- provider/google: Wait on autoscaler operations. (c2e3b932)
- provider/kuberneteres: can not load servergroup when dnsPolicy is set as 'None'. (#3663) (03b7aea5)
- provider/kubernetes: Fix cache refresh timeout for HA clouddriver (dad44110)
- provider/kubernetes: Support Windows paths validation (#3232) (7384d8d4)
- runJob: fix v1 job collection (#3676) (362c26c7)
- runJob/kubernetes: defer cleanup to k8s (3a7433a5)
- serverGroups: disabled comes back in json (0524d08f)
- sql: cleanup MDC agentClass additions (68ae64ce)
- sql: ensure shared coroutine scope (34b87af7)
- sql: apply onDemand cleanup avoidance to all agents (4454e039)
- sql: onDemand agents manage their own evictions (72795a6b)
- sql: pass withAsync state in DataWithRelationshipPointersResult object (7e39188e)
- sql: Suppress table not exist exceptions on fresh db (05e9803e)
- sql: dont increment evict metrics if evictAll is called without ids (028706d0)
- sql: dedupe relationships while parsing resultSet (a5fc60b6)
- sql: metrics fix (ebffffe8)
- sql: fix chunked reads bug (0ba5b9cb)
- sql: make sql.enabledAgents regex case insensitive (54480f2e)
- sql: fix relationship filtering (328bf168)
- sql: onDemand fixes (ec77f8ca)
- sql: resource cleanup fix (848ef00e)
- sql: fix batched updates (56b45c70)
- sql: cats-sql gradle test detection (572df0fc)
- sql: dont swallow sql select exceptions (f51827f8)
- sql: remove unnecessary lock cleanup conditional (7fb7d432)
- sql: concurrency bug in sql scheduler (73f4618a)
- sql: correctly account for available agents (8664b2ca)
- sql: fix cats-sql tests (9e336068)
- sql: initial cats-sql implementation (66d6264e)
- sql: Ignore internal SqlTask properties (9e840c3e)
- sql: Fix thisInstance task state query (12a72f48)
- sql: sqlTask completion fix (f2e17f71)
- sql: task cleanup agent, now with the cleaning power of mister sparkle (35afd164)
- sql: txn around task read (f1b01525)
- sql: task logging (48d34cf4)
- sql: SqlTask internal consistency issue (d938fc99)
- sql: refactor retry impl in sql cache (e75f4b1b)
- tasks: fix serialization of task status (0524d08f)
- testing: Fixed Unable to create aws lambda functions #4128 (fb57428e)
- titus: set default disruption interval to 10m (d9d21849)
- titus: only set containerHealthProviders if front50 says to (b89be9b7)
- titus: If a run job spits out a yaml file, we were parsing it as properties. Now we parse it as yaml. (c9aff8ca)
- titus: ignore migration policy if set to "systemDefault" (278e8535)
- titus: convert RateUnlimited flag to boolean (8f37abdb)
- titus: serialize empty RateUnlimited field in DisruptionBudget (f6b39cc9)
- titus: Map titus containerIp to privateIpAddress (74b143c1)
- titus: Don't copy migrationPolicy from source during job creation (9cd00123)
- titus: Don't copy migrationPolicy from source during job creation (9cd00123)
- titus: Don't copy migrationPolicy from source during job creation (9cd00123)
- titus: Additional fields for job disruption budget (ae2ed28d)
- titus: Support additional relocation description for disruption budget (5a952d1b)
- titus: remove TitusHealthIndicator (f3cfe46b)
- titus: fix and hydrate titus instance search results (0509f1dc)
- titus: set adjustmentType when copying scaling policies on clone (05c58ecb)
- titus: Handle empty cachedata results while getting an instance (a6408b95)
- titus: fix erroneous error log noise (669fa6d2)
- *: Apply codestyles to clouddriver (d15d7f77)
- *: Fix a few things that break the code formatter (d15d7f77)
- *: Apply codestyles to clouddriver (d15d7f77)
- *: Turn on codestyle enforcement (d15d7f77)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (6b97489b)
- *: Apply codestyles to non-project files (6b97489b)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (6b97489b)
- *: Gradle 5 (0524d08f)
- *: Bump dependencies to 1.42.0 (df144987)
- *: update package names (46bc9d8b)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (a6bc9dd2)
- artifacts: Rewrite Maven artifact account with aether (5236fbea)
- azure: Run code formatter on PR (da5374fb)
- bom: make non-aws services compile (0524d08f)
- boot2: dep changes, property changes, groovy changes, oh my (0524d08f)
- build: update to spinnaker-gradle-project 6.0.0 (0524d08f)
- cats-sql: companion objs and precompiled regexs (ece92421)
- cats/sql: table size metrics (6c4ae956)
- core: Improve interface of JobExecutor (837ba16d)
- core: Improve interrupt handling (837ba16d)
- core: Rename JobStatus and member variables (837ba16d)
- core: Change StreamConsumer to ReaderConsumer (837ba16d)
- core: A few minor changes (837ba16d)
- core: Modularize JobExecutorLocal.runJob (a292c39a)
- core: Push environment and inputStream to JobRequest (a292c39a)
- core: Modularize JobExecutorLocal.runJob (a292c39a)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (85c41435)
- dependencies: Bump dependencies to 1.44.0 (new kork + fiat) (022f3676)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (dcb10be8)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (fd2f5017)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (37fae214)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (e3a3e335)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (01680792)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (a2a1d927)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (b217c786)
- deps: bomification of clouddriver (0524d08f)
- deps: remove version pinning, add local mvn support back (0524d08f)
- gce: Fix GCE upsert image tags test (01d4b27b)
- gce: Remove some redundant arguments from GCEUtil.queryImage (22bdafe0)
- google: Add an abstraction around {Region,}InstanceGroupManagers. (e9cba6a9)
- google: switch the caching log messages from INFO to DEBUG. (53d68f05)
- jobprovder: added test for PropertyParser (dd1c8f80)
- jobprovider: refactor getfilecontents and collectjob (dd1c8f80)
- jobs: Use constructor injection and some groovy -> Java (a292c39a)
- kork: bump kork version for jooq version force (0524d08f)
- kubernetes: Add tests to pod metrics caching (1153f969)
- kubernetes: Improve typing of pod metrics (1153f969)
- kubernetes: Simplify v2 account creation code (ec6e9480)
- kubernetes: Use a builder in KubernetesV2Credentials (ec6e9480)
- kubernetes: Pass ManagedAccount to constructor (ec6e9480)
- kubernetes: Move defaulting to ManagedAccount (ec6e9480)
- kubernetes: Rearrange fields in kubernetes account (ec6e9480)
- kubernetes: Simplify account creation code (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: Add tests to credentials initializing (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: Remove unused fields from account credentials (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: Consolidate defaulting of account parameters (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: Pass ManagedAccount to builder (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: Use a factory class instead of a builder (478a24d8)
- kubernetes: Runtime -> compile time error (73f036be)
- kubernetes: Fix KubernetesV2Credentials tests (103fcb74)
- kubernetes: Add optional apiGroup to KubernetesKind (1e6cddde)
- lambda: Update lambda function API documentation #4213 (af434edf)
- openstack: remove openstack provider (82952d72)
- provider/kubernetes: Remove reflection from cache constructors (73f036be)
- provider/kubernetes: Remove reflection from cache constructors (73f036be)
- provider/kubernetes: Improve some encapsulation (b8438c05)
- runJob: v2 job provider tests (54b94cb0)
- runJob/kubernetes: don't record logs (653dad5f)
- sql: remove hasApplicationIndex property (47ef8821)
- sql: log when created a threadpool based couroutine context (14810225)
- sql: fix async spectator tag (30fd16c1)
- sql: remove typesWithoutFwdRelationships optimization (cbf5bae0)
- sql: implement existingIdentifiers for k8s v2 compatibility (47c10e82)
- sql: test reading collections larger than batch size (d4dec980)
- sql: refactor retry impl in sql cache (4b0a7184)
- sql: remove remaining refs to location column (00f895c5)
Deck 2.9.0
- amazon: show certificate upload/expiration when selected for load balancers (1f58407a)
- artifacts: support nested artifact references in ArtifactReferenceService (edee9eff)
- aws: show ALB listener redirect info in details (151aa2d0)
- cf: add build info to server group (7312bb5e)
- cf: Added support for rolling red black deployments (7269d2e8)
- cf: Create service key SpEL expression (af5ba5ba)
- cf: Reduce angular dependencies (62c2b513)
- cf: Delete Service Key pipeline stage (662b1548)
- cf: Remove React shims from pipeline stages (33373c49)
- cf: add deployment strategy to clone SG (ca367271)
- cf: Create Service Key pipeline stage (36074c23)
- cloudformation: support cfn tags (52d89d6f)
- core: allow dynamic resolution of docker insights URL (1bbd9366)
- core: Enable manual execution of mptv2 pipelines (a79edb09)
- core: compress AWS security groups before caching (954506ac)
- core: modify form CSS for help text, group headers (88c4cd29)
- core: add ChecklistInput form component (81a7ce3d)
- core: UI for configuring pipelines from mptv2 (90fb96c4)
- core: Create pipeline from v2 template list (47df622f)
- core: Create pipeline from v2 template list (bcca9dcc)
- core: provide link when task/stage fails due to traffic guards (ad8d5048)
- core: add markdown functionality to custom app banners (efcec969)
- core/execution-parameters: condense parameters/artifacts and make it collapsable (2020bf6c)
- core/pipeline: add execution UI for waitForCondition stage (ec125272)
- core/pipelineConfig: toggle pins individually (6072ee5a)
- ecs: service discovery configuration (1c61cb2e)
- ecs: service discovery configuration (1c61cb2e)
- ecs: Configuration for platform version & placement constraints (654fd3a7)
- ecs: Configuration for platform version & placement constraints (654fd3a7)
- ecs: Configure tags (c550d825)
- ecs: docker image selection (1c9e0754)
- ecs: Docker image selection (1c9e0754)
- gcb: allow pre-artifacts-rewrite expected artifacts to be selected in gcb stage (e439d2c6)
- gcb: accept gcb definition file as artifact (0c4c5b2f)
- gcb: add gcb-specific execution details tab (3b7e5560)
- gcb: add Google Cloud Build stage (50b74f2d)
- gcb: add Google Cloud Build stage (50b74f2d)
- help: Custom help link (20d67666)
- k8s: Exclude inline base 64 artifact editing in k8s manifest (c30058a2)
- kubernetes: expose rendered helm template in execution details (1ada0219)
- kubernetes: remove rollout strategies feature flag (bd94593d)
- kubernetes: validate text manifests when rollout strategies enabled (0ec6a7e9)
- kubernetes: add rollout strategies to deploy manifest stage (478e326a)
- kubernetes: feature-flagged support for kubernetes traffic management strategies (2d7f3885)
- kuberntes: v2 runJob (ee89a64d)
- mptv2: Add delete button & confirm modal to pipeline templates list (daf72c4c)
- mptv2: add a search input to the mptv2 list (e5301cfe)
- mptv2: add a search input to the mptv2 list (9c14b02e)
- mptv2: add list screen for pipeline templates (2fd608a1)
- preconfiguredJob: logs for k8s jobs (e6185486)
- preconfiguredJobs: support produce artifacts (af8fa5fe)
- provdier/google: Display serviceAccount properties for firewall rules (243f5304)
- provider/azure: Add Azure Load Balancer as another type of load balancer than Azure Application Gateway (c5240547)
- provider/azure: Add Azure Load Balancer as another type of load balancer than Azure Application Gateway (c5240547)
- provider/azure: Add redblack strategy for azure (035ee0d5)
- provider/azure: Add custom tags support in server group configuration (8d41320c)
- provider/google: Support Shielded VM policies (297cd99f)
- provider/google: Support Shielded VM policies (297cd99f)
- provider/google: Disable integrity monitoring if vTPM is disabled. (297cd99f)
- provider/kubernetes: run job manifest artifacts (6c5eed6f)
- roles: Add execute permission type to create new application. (fc6c8430)
- runJob/kubernetes: render external link (d1227493)
- runjob: capture output ui (0194821e)
- stages: Support SpEL autocompletion for Evaluate Variables stage editor (6d151c04)
- stages: Add Concourse stage (60ced4ad)
- templates: add Save button to export pipeline json modal (36b86da6)
- tests: Add functional test for manual execution link (93678610)
- titus: allow editing of existing disruption budget (016be9e2)
- titus: show disruption duration in readable format (607ba212)
- titus: show disruption budget in job details panel (a6b80f88)
- titus: job disruption budget UI (8a2667c4)
- titus: Include links appropriately from property file contents (769ebf89)
- titus: Surface env and resources for runjob stage (8a6cdfc1)
- provider/azure: add Azure logo at Stage and Resource appearence (528bb436)
- fix:(core): Replace copy icon with descriptive text in template modal (5cd0aa0c)
- CRON: update links for CRON expression reference (01cf072a)
- IAP: Resolve dodgy syntax in template file (e5301cfe)
- amazon: hide security groups on NLBs (06a7556c)
- amazon: Added AWS/ApplicationELB namespace to cloudwatch namespaces (607f386a)
- amazon: allow deletion of scaling policies without alarms (e96e7a92)
- amazon: consider all target group names when creating new ones (6083b3f4)
- artifacts: Artifacts are shown on pipeline execution when artifactsRewrite is enabled (#6973) (0d0a6385)
- artifacts: Fix fetching helm artifact versions (#6995) (0bd80ce6)
- artifacts: Allow defaulting in execution artifact (3d7c7947)
- artifacts: Allow defaulting in execution artifact (3d7c7947)
- artifacts: Hide trash icon if artifact can't be deleted (3d7c7947)
- artifacts: remove stage references to removed artifacts in artifacts rewrite mode (edee9eff)
- artifacts: remove stage references to removed artifacts in artifacts rewrite mode (edee9eff)
- artifacts: HTTP default artifact needs reference field (e17f3871)
- artifacts: Clean pipeline expected artifacts when triggers are removed (c25363c3)
- artifacts: helm artifact, replace object assignw with object spread (985a3ad9)
- artifacts: default helm artifact editor is broken (2039b347)
- artifacts: Persist default artifact account in ExpectedArtifactModal (ce12338f)
- artifacts: Exclude unmatchable expected artifact types (03fa0d96)
- artifacts: Fix SpEL text input used in React components (2ac15b2f)
- authz: Handle apps without execute permissions (#7017) (9d2f01bf)
- authz: Handle apps without execute permissions (9d2f01bf)
- aws: add NLB info to target group help text (1fcdf7c5)
- azure: remove unused imports (7caa2075)
- bake/manifest: Preserve artifact account selection (e8024005)
- cf: add Artifactory link (#6994) (ef5833b5)
- cf: reorg build info details on server group detail and summary (84db0ef6)
- cf: Clone sg modal appears. Removed unused lb code. (f646a5a2)
- cf: Allow deletion of non existing cluster (07895b00)
- cf: Repair Rollback Cluster pipeline stage (e0a86392)
- cf: Map/Unmap LBs and UI cleanup (c37500c5)
- cf: Map/Unmap LBs and UI cleanup (c37500c5)
- cf: Share / unshare execution details (b4ca2b82)
- cloudfoundry: ensure basic validation of artifacts (902613d4)
- concourse: Support manual trigger execution by build number (e5301cfe)
- concourse: Support manual trigger execution by build number (a84eda8e)
- concourse: Fix concourse trigger config (40c5e091)
- core: request project pipeline configs just in time (#6980) (7dbd0053)
- core: show no results message on v2 search (8edcc221)
- core: Add expected artifacts to inheritable mptv2 collections (c48a0179)
- core: use new ProviderSelectionService everywhere (61c4afa0)
- core: use padding instead of margin on form flex columns (3647ca55)
- core: Fixed exception while configuring strategies (89db6040)
- core: use relative imports for ReactSelectInput (bd7bccea)
- core: update stage failure component when JSON changes (e44f22ba)
- core: filter pipeline param choices by search text (9454e340)
- core: Restore config button on exec view and dropdown for mptv2 (960048f7)
- core: Show all app selections when creating a pipeline from mptv2 (7fde1fad)
- core: do not overdo showing the auth modal (fee4c120)
- core: initialize default artifact with type (9c8f12ea)
- core: make imports relative on AccountSelectInput, RegionSelectInput (a5e20598)
- core: conditionally show/label parameters section of execution bar (3764ce7e)
- core: do not assume READ and WRITE are set on app permissions attribute (a084b74c)
- core: make chaos monkey opt-in for new apps (d819cf37)
- core: send application when paging via PagerDuty (65fbb679)
- core: Grey out execution actions for mptv2 pipelines (e5301cfe)
- core: Grey out execution actions for mptv2 pipelines (5529d53d)
- core/api: normalize API request urls (a369da2b)
- core/executions: make text on truncated params selectable (c931524e)
- core/pagerDuty: give appropriate app to PagerDutyWriter (8b1e5bf4)
- core/pipeline: un-shadow parameter (48ba3fcd)
- core/presentation: Handle non-string inputs to Markdown component using .toString() (b74c8555)
- core/projects: Submit task against the 'spinnaker' application (4bc6ecd3)
- docker: Fix subscription leak in DockerTriggerTemplate (33309a47)
- ecs: populate load balancers when configuring cmd (269d0053)
- ecs: Fix name of health check grace period attribute (6a76b5f1)
- executions: URI Encode pipeline names (fc50576e)
- google: revert "select all zones by default when deploying a regional gce server group (#6751)" (728ddbe0)
- google: GCE create server group and load balancer fixes (bdcbc977)
- google: safe call of onTypeChanged in v2InstanceTypeSelector (bdcbc977)
- google: safe lookup and set of namedPorts in loadBalancingPolicySelector (bdcbc977)
- google: fix autohealing health checks in deploy stages (0daec5b7)
- google: select all zones by default when deploying a regional gce server group (ad2e2227)
- google: add better help text around accelerators (432e6e3a)
- gremlin: Changed flag from features.gremlinEnabled to features.gremlin (e866c9f7)
- helm: Fix Helm artifact editor (names state unset) (d9e7123e)
- k8s: Fix deploy manifest (56404313)
- k8s: Artifacts in deploy manifest were nested too deep (56404313)
- kubernetes: Fix NPE in bake manifest details (#7022) (65b6cbed)
- kubernetes: fix discrepancy between orca deploy stage model and artifacts rewrite stage model (cd8780cc)
- kubernetes: hide manifest artifact selector in text mode (d44be0c0)
- kubernetes: handle k8s-specific account/region task keys in tasks history view (2056b64d)
- kubernetes: safer lookups for deploy stage validators (37e24d71)
- kubernetes: show Deployment clusters in Find Artifacts from Resource stages (d7f6fbde)
- kubernetes: safe lookups for apiVersion on patch manifest deploy status (20d0d7ab)
- kubernetes: fix validation for Find Artifact from Resource stage (bf13a3cc)
- kubernetes: fix copy manifest from infrastructure button (5b030789)
- lint: Fix lint in pipeline templates list (3519f6f9)
- mptv2: clicking a view link on template list screen throws exception (1201896e)
- pipeline: Fix target impedance validator for clone server group (8422d6a2)
- pipeline/executionStatus: "details" link hidden by scrollbar. (2e4135a7)
- provider/azure: improve react code for rollback function (7b1b7125)
- provider/azure: Disabling Inbound NAT when Zones are enabled (d86ef558)
- provider/azure: Disabling Inbound NAT when Zones are enabled (d86ef558)
- provider/azure: Disabling Inbound NAT when Zones are enabled (d86ef558)
- provider/azure: Region can't be selected while creating loadbalancer with only one region (ba895f1b)
- provider/azure: Simplify processed stages of rollback function (5d3a41fb)
- provider/azure: Enable Azure Load Balancer from Azure VM Scale Set (ca3fcef8)
- provider/cf: Clone model so Orca monitors the correct foundation for up instances (aad46c27)
- provider/cf: Fix provider selection for resize stage in pipeline (476e0dda)
- provider/cf: Make expected artifacts selectable as clone manifests (1a2af9ae)
- provider/cf: Default clone operations to start on creation (09e96a2c)
- server group: show a CI build link in server group.buildinfo (70078307)
- stage: remove pipeline filter for findArtifactFromExecution (0333b67d)
- stages: Do not delete stageTimeoutMs when rendering (7ab32f98)
- tests: update app creation fixture after tasks endpoint changed (e41f51f6)
- titus: Shimming the execution logs for preconfigured jobs (f44e2e8f)
- titus: consider platformHealthOnly flag when setting budget health (cdd46e00)
- titus: import TitusReactInjector from subdirectory (bbcbd736)
- titus: allow editing default policy options when toggling default (9b53dea0)
- titus: correctly render JSON objects in run job details (9a622f0e)
- titus: send serverGroupName when terminating instances (30556adf)
- titus: correctly set dirty field on command viewstate (6ddc4760)
- titus: send cloudProvider as a string to ConfigBinLink (4b8e48dd)
- titus: remove metricOptions field (e6a305e7)
- titus: use arrow function to avoid bad this binding in callback (33d674db)
- trigger: add webhook to triggerTypes (fca0834b)
- triggers: Remove RunAsUser if pipeline permissions enabled for react triggers. (d7e860c9)
- triggers: Add lastSuccessfulBuild as a build option in Jenkins default artifact (cc053391)
- triggers: Add timeout to polling on manual trigger (061a60c5)
- {core,cloudfoundry}/deploy: better red/black, rolling red/black help text (29b001b6)
- {core,cloudfoundry}/deploy: better red/black and rolling red/black help text (29b001b6)
- Update README.adoc (c26e4a30)
- chore: upgrade to react 16.8 (a9cfe570)
- *: cleanup unused files (e16e26d8)
- *: Remove YOLO (2bd7df18)
- *: remove cache-clearing calls that do not do anything (0a5fd58e)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (e3b289ee)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.189 (435fdb1b)
- amazon: de-angularize load balancer transformer (b576fed4)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.188 (b2f3c8e9)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.187 (ff7d8e2e)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.186 (65e0357e)
- amazon: export load balancer choice modal, remove customization hook (384e780c)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.185 (2abfe4ff)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.184 (700b8f6f)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.183 (30004207)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.182 (b85bd3ef)
- amazon: make ScalingPolicyDetailsSection overridable (f32aa230)
- amazon: Bump version to 0.0.181 (33986e01)
- cf: remove destination from the SG command model (632538d1)
- cf: use Observable to set state to prevent memory leaks (7338f7da)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.364 (fa85ebec)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.363 (435fdb1b)
- core: Reactified parameters for triggers (a21e95e8)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.362 (1dce7cec)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.361 (ffde9061)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.360 (b2f3c8e9)
- core: convert providerSelection modal to React (67baf43a)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.359 (9b2d53c1)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.358 (4b4a3608)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.357 (8a9d3637)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.356 (ff7d8e2e)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.355 (ac6b899e)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.354 (647d7c7a)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.353 (792ccd4e)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.352 (3c32cd35)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.351 (2abfe4ff)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.350 (700b8f6f)
- core: de-angularize ApplicationModelBuilder, fix project executions (72e164df)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.349 (2a2c78c3)
- core: move yamlEditor from kubernetes to core module (50b74f2d)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.348 (98ea5245)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.347 (0858fbf4)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.346 (b85bd3ef)
- core: Bump version to 0.0.345 (33986e01)
- core: cache subnets in window session (647e3312)
- core: use non-deprecated tasks endpoint for app tasks (5b6f229d)
- core/amazon: allow custom load balancer creation flow (f6c87a33)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta to 0.0.79 (75cef22d)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta to 0.0.77 (7df12a1c)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 0.0.75 to 0.0.76 (1e40a7fd)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 0.0.74 to 0.0.75 (f99d3507)
- deps: [security] bump jquery from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 (f971d55c)
- deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 0.0.73 to 0.0.74 (5f575714)
- design: adds new icons (0ff8d940)
- docker: Bump version to 0.0.38 (ff7d8e2e)
- docker: Bump version to 0.0.37 (647d7c7a)
- docker: Bump version to 0.0.36 (2abfe4ff)
- forms: Creating contexts for Layout and Help (0d68c809)
- github: add some tips to improve pull requests (f6e1b0cf)
- github: add tips to improve pull requests (f6e1b0cf)
- kubernetes: Bump version to 0.0.22 (04cbe5fc)
- kubernetes: refactor BasicSettings component to be usable in stages (33ad914f)
- openstack: remove openstack provider (3e9c8854)
- provider/azure: convert rollback function from angularjs to react (bc297aa5)
- react: Apply promise-setting-react-state pattern (56404313)
- runJob/kubernetes: refactor exec details (9e03e52f)
- runJob/kubernetes: use joblogviewer (98ca0ff3)
- stages: Wire up Pipeline validation to stage validateFn (1ced961c)
- stages: FormikStageConfig to provide Formik for StageConfigs (96dcf58a)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.96 (1dce7cec)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.95 (ffde9061)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.94 (b2f3c8e9)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.93 (dad6fbb1)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.92 (9b2d53c1)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.91 (4b4a3608)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.90 (34e61d78)
- titus: Allow customization of instance details (d6d882cd)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.89 (1c163bff)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.88 (792ccd4e)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.87 (2abfe4ff)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.86 (30004207)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.85 (80b52c28)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.84 (c3709888)
- titus: remove config bin code (c64a8768)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.83 (a8e04c22)
- titus: tweak styles for config bin modal (5474d627)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.82 (79c0d9e2)
- titus: export more config bin stuff (fb6eeb4f)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.81 (b85bd3ef)
- titus: generalize ConfigBin and export it (f32aa230)
- titus: export configBin components, make more configurable (f32aa230)
- titus: Bump version to 0.0.80 (33986e01)
Echo 2.5.0
- artifacts: populate artifacts for manual trigger (ee850033)
- auth: Propagate
when triggering pipelines (d96013b2) - buildmasters: Permission support for build masters (CI's) (e4039822)
- buildmasters: Permission support for build masters (CI's) (e4039822)
- declarative: changed Keel endpoint URL (01a53fb2)
- gcb: Call igor to extract artifacts when triggering (9d174d1a)
- gcb: Call igor to extract artifacts when triggering (9d174d1a)
- gcb: Notify igor of GCB builds (1879ce24)
- pubsub: Send pubsub events through eventPropagator (5d16e86c)
- triggers: Add Nexus webhook artifact extractor (7229e797)
- MPT: Fixes triggering for template triggers. (4091f1de)
- core: Spring does not override default configuration files. (f88d436d)
- email: fix email parser to not fail on multiple addresses (1f237546)
- events: Guard against NPE when artifacts is not set. (d86fe79d)
- gcb: Log error and continue if we can't fetch artifacts (9d174d1a)
- mpt: fix planing of v1 pipelines for manual triggers (975e2409)
- pipeline: if map -> Pipeline fails, log and move on (44c15327)
- pipelines: Don't swallow exceptions when parsing pipeline templates (243b8a03)
- pubsub: Don't log all pubsub events (31a6c6ba)
- retrofit: make sure all retrofit clients use Jackson (b5e7bd9f)
- scheduler: springify quartz jobs (04c22889)
- triggers: avoid single event causing >1 executions of same pipeline (d52a17a8)
- triggers: prevent double-triggering for pipelines with >1 triggers (5f8be2bf)
- triggers: prevent double-triggering for pipelines with >1 triggers (5f8be2bf)
- triggers: fetch latest config from front50 on impending trigger (d3f21ca1)
- triggers: fetch latest config from front50 for manual triggers (d3f21ca1)
- triggers: Ensure build number is present (a1c60972)
- triggers: Better error handling for trigger failures (5c68be0c)
- twilio: Correctly read the twilio config (87d4c463)
- webhooks: handle NPE when source invalid (#552) (e23ee152)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (d71c9d1a)
- *: Remove stale comments from gradle file (5b1e44c3)
- *: Applying java codestyles (f22f92a7)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (b0a4ccbe)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (4ed5978e)
- dependencies: update to spring boot 2 and kork BOM dependency management (606f1083)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (dae61990)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (edee9a78)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (2fa35fba)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (54486ae3)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (a8613b53)
- logging: Log better messages when events fail (a33710df)
- pubsub: Encapsulate logic for creating events (5d16e86c)
- pubsub: Encapsulate logic for creating events (5d16e86c)
- triggers: add application and pipeline fields to Trigger (d6e85e3c)
- triggers: index triggers based on type (f36d55a7)
- triggers: index triggers based on type (f36d55a7)
Fiat 1.5.0
- admin: Implement isAdmin check in FiatPermissionEvaluator. (c37b2832)
- api: Log any access granted as part of a legacy fallback. (967153b2)
- api: Support overriding the connect/read timeouts for
(29f9990f) - api: Support for dynamic configuration of the Fiat retry policies (81cb1f04)
- api: Allow access to unknown applications when legacyFallback=true (38a59e2a)
- buildservices: Permission support for build services (CI's) (9c40dd4f)
- buildservices: Permission support for build services (CI's) (9c40dd4f)
- google: Add support for using group email as a Fiat role name (0c80f7b8)
- google: Add support for using google group email as a role name (0c80f7b8)
- permissions: allow username string to be passed to hasPermissions (9e5e7078)
- roles: Handle
when determiningEXECUTE
(fa5915a6) - roles: Add execute authz when its missing. (9c66f503)
- roles: Add execute authz when its missing. (9c66f503)
- roles: Add Execute as a type of Authorization (6afcf62f)
- api: Rebuild the legacy fallback if it has no account grants (c40d36b3)
- api: cleanup FiatAuthenticationConfig WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter (bb8a3b66)
- api: Support
(4651b4bc) - api: s/maxBackoffMills/maxBackoffMillis (f69e7c82)
- boot2: spin-dep rc.21; fixed failing test (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Fix transient test? (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Im sure this will not solve it (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: spin-dep rc.21; fixed failing test (bb8a3b66)
- core: Spring does not override default configuration files (6d9fbd81)
- dependencies: dependency cleanup (bb8a3b66)
- dependencies: dependency cleanup (bb8a3b66)
- front50: Refresh Front50 cache on schedule. (6b105748)
- health: remove potentially expensive Redis health indicator (54aacf5d)
- igor: boot1 doesn't love kebab case (28db241a)
- igor: endpoint config picks up endpoint (2734743c)
- ldap: Disable LDAP health indicator (6596a33f)
- roles: Better logging (and metrics) if a user roles sync fails (9645925c)
- test: Fix flaky test by setting cache expire immediately after write (4ec93db8)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (bdc3367f)
- *: Apply java codestyle (87a0d241)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (849ab8a2)
- boot2: Mostly working... one transient test failure (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Bump to spin-deps rc.17, add spring properties migrator (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: spin-dep rc.18 (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Why cant I get this transient failure to happen on my laptop (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Cleanup of some speculative test output (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Disable parallel gradle execution (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Mostly working... one transient test failure (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Bump to spin-deps rc.17, add spring properties migrator (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: spin-dep rc.18 (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Why cant I get this transient failure to happen on my laptop (bb8a3b66)
- boot2: Cleanup of some speculative test output (bb8a3b66)
- build: Enable gradle parallel execution (47ea27df)
- build: spinnaker-gradle-project 6.0.0 (bb8a3b66)
- build: remove useLastTag from non release travis buildscripts (bb8a3b66)
- build: remove unnecessary gradle config for jvm version (bb8a3b66)
- build: upgraded to gradle 5.0 (d912d408)
- core: Add a basic startup test. (c311a3d7)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (a912798a)
- dependencies: kork 4.1.0-rc.5-springBoot2 (bb8a3b66)
- dependencies: kork 4.1.0-rc.11+springBoot2 (bb8a3b66)
- dependencies: kork 4.1.0-rc.13+springBoot2 (bb8a3b66)
- dependencies: update to kork 5.0.0 (bb8a3b66)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (9b34599f)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (3c344af1)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (15628d87)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (982bf1c2)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (30b0ffec)
- deps: latest spinnaker-dependencies (bb8a3b66)
- redis: bump Jedis to version that fixes block/wait issue (737cc742)
Front50 0.17.0
- MPTv2: Adds inherit -> exclude migrator for v2 pipelines. (19997b4b)
- MPTv2: Updates latest tag on v2 MPT write. (2df4994c)
- applications: include permissions from /applications list endpoint (3d5a8c25)
- authz: Check service acct has EXECUTE permission on application. (33e5623a)
- s3: Make pathStyleAccess configurable (72c5230a)
- MPTv2: Fix tag storage for pipeline config caching. (b424a53b)
- MPTv2: Avoids looking up v2 MPTs by 'latest'. (066075f3)
- MPTv2: Migrates v2 MPTs with template source to artifact. (e3a3017d)
- authz: Automatic Service Account migration missing some pipelines (3582ce75)
- authz: Automatic Service Account migration missing some pipelines (3582ce75)
- core: Publicly expose attributes of
(05405995) - fiat: feature flag triggering of fiat role syncs (f1b86945)
- fiat: only sync users if there are any roles to process (8250c542)
- permissions: fix for #513 (f83f7aea)
- permissions: Make permission retrieval consistent (182be058)
- provider/azure: Fix when fetching multiple versions of pipeline, it always fetches old version. (e5b54b0f)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (7f0096de)
- MPTv2: Change nomenclature from versions to tags. (d305bbc1)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (0d3ff586)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (02e94311)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (33197bc7)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (0a4c131e)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (3833c7a8)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (43f722e9)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (49d98050)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (ec70a1b9)
- rolesync: Sync only the service account roles (d80003fa)
- syncroles: Sync only the service account roles (d80003fa)
Gate 1.8.0
- artifact: expose endpoint for manual artifact triggers (9349b81a)
- auth: Ensure that a legacy fallback is not cached beyond a request (08a0648a)
- auth: Restrict
to Spinnaker administrators (995a3f8d) - authz: Use EXECUTE instead of READ for triggering pipelines. (008e600f)
- ecs: Retrieve AWS Cloud Map services for service discovery (69c85ace)
- gcb: Add endpoint for listing GCB accounts (6d6965f7)
- gremlin: Add Halyard config for Gremlin (96ace827)
- stages: Add API to support Concourse stage (8b3f4dc5)
- artifacts: Make igor service optional (8d907aa1)
- core: Spring does not override default configuration files. (833edc24)
- core: Handle possible null
when logging out (fe1c911b) - gate: fix startup with (f3efa682)
- gate: Allow gate to startup before Redis is available. (78aa07a1)
- gremlin: Remove Gremlin config template and let Halyard write it from scratch (0cd2e0b2)
- iap: Add a clock skew flag for IAP issue time and expiration time checks. (a58f835c)
- iap: Add a clock skew flag for IAP issue time and expiration time checks. (a58f835c)
- iap: Rename IAPSecurityConfigProperties to IapSecurityConfigProperties. (a58f835c)
- igor: Remove igor as a requirement for artifactory and concourse (2fe330ed)
- igor: Remove igor as a requirement for artifactory and concourse (2fe330ed)
- jobcontroller: remove un-used, non-existent API (921285f4)
- jobcontroller: getJobDetails must use a POST not a GET to clouddriver (11febc32)
- ldap: Disable the broken LdapHealthIndicatorAutoConfiguration (00c11ce5)
- fixup! chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (47da7d0d)
- *: Apply codestyles (000f9e62)
- *: Apply codestyles (000f9e62)
- *: Turn on codestyle enforcement (000f9e62)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (c421f53c)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (c421f53c)
- *: Apply codestyles to non-project files (c421f53c)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (d2cc40f5)
- MPTv2: Change nomenclature from versions to tags. (3c737a24)
- auth/oauth2: Make SpinnakerUserInfoTokenServices roles extensible (c3b34797)
- core: Basic startup test (683ca523)
- dependencies: korkVersion 5.3.1 (34eebcbd)
- dependencies: upgrades to spring-boot 2 and spring-security 5 (70024a32)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (91896df9)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (0513b832)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (a400e97e)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (cb48a7d4)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (f0d2c52d)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (73a9e044)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (49f79181)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (e5101e95)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (6e9ec311)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (c7038f96)
- deps: kotlin 1.3.20 (b5fdfee6)
Igor 1.3.0
- artifactory: add link to artifactory app for artifact (#439) (b3f354f0)
- artifactory: add build to artifact metadata (8548f553)
- buildmasters: Permission support for build masters (CI's) (dfe899ce)
- buildmasters: Permission support for build services (dfe899ce)
- gcb: Add tag to builds triggered by Spinnaker (31c3f841)
- gcb: Add endpoint to fetch build artifacts (3b198e46)
- gcb: Add support for parsing GCS paths (3b198e46)
- gcb: Add GCS object to GCB account (3b198e46)
- gcb: Add endpoint to fetch build artifacts (3b198e46)
- gcb: Add endpoint for extracting artifacts from build (3b198e46)
- gcb: Add ttl to build cache entries and fall back to polling (10587579)
- gcb: Add ttl to build cache entries and fall back to polling (10587579)
- gcb: Add endpoints for storing and retrieving build status (4e0fa6cd)
- gcb: Add endpoints for storing and retrieving build status (4e0fa6cd)
- gcb: Create build should return only the build (4e0fa6cd)
- gcb: Add endpoint for listing accounts (7af278a8)
- gcb: Add support for triggering GCB builds (55dcc379)
- stages: Add support for Concourse stage (16489f9c)
- travis: Customize the Travis build message on triggered builds (13e18d66)
- artifactory: Avoid AQL 500 when context root is non-empty (ba0870f4)
- artifactory: Avoid AQL 500 when context root is non-empty (ba0870f4)
- artifacts: fixed parsing of version (afb6fbcc)
- cf: okhttp3 connector now trusts all certificates (9892ff15)
- concourse: Fix deserialization of put resource metadata (8b9b93cb)
- concourse: Fix deserialization of put resource metadata (8b9b93cb)
- concourse: Tweak return type to support manual execution build listing (9080a07c)
- concourse: Detect Concourse token expiry (20018c8a)
- core: Spring does not override default configuration files. (ae836745)
- gcb: Fix deserialization of Build object (4e0fa6cd)
- travis: Check that logs are complete before parsing them (763a0410)
- travis: Check that logs are complete before parsing them (763a0410)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (0aa3eab4)
- *: Applying java codestyles (d4a9676c)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (f01edc64)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (f01edc64)
- build: upgraded to gradle 5.0 (dd7406e0)
- core: Simple startup integration test (9249fb5e)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (d6ce3faa)
- dependencies: update to spring boot 2 and kork BOM dependency management (58c70c4c)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (7269b00a)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (1eae2497)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (7e577b5d)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (d3fd735c)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (c211fedc)
- deps: Remove unused excludes, and harmful downgrade of commons-codec (ba0870f4)
- gcb: Change indent to 2 spaces (10587579)
- gcb: Extract all interactions with GCB API to a client class (10587579)
- gcb: Standardize return values in GoogleCloudBuildAccount (10587579)
- tab: change tab size to 2 (4eb08de3)
- travis/log: Add details about log (924791cc)
Kayenta 0.8.0
- atlas: Find atlas back-end by accountId (b201db84)
- fix: error response for IllegalArgumentException is now sent in json format (4b02c24f)
- builds: Use correct build file for docker build (c5b47b71)
- judge: Incorrect Deviation and Effect Size with Zero Means (#510) (cfd5664a)
- prometheus: Canary Analysis fails with Illegal Argument Exception. (0e731ece)
- prometheus: Created failing test for #522 and #524, IAE being thrown when using Prometheus. (0e731ece)
- prometheus: Add endtime data to metric sets in the Prometheus metrics service. (0e731ece)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (9fbedccf)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (5a46e7c4)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (1e9224b3)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (dbb6aafd)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (b0728a88)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (ab03c392)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (e397d34b)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (6bca18c1)
Orca 2.7.0
- MPTv2: Inverts inherit -> exclude in template inheritance. (ca1a5269)
- canary: Add support for offsetting a canary by baselineOffsetAnalysisInMins (0fb433ce)
- cf: Delete Service Key pipeline stage (ffc61961)
- cf: Added support for rolling red black deployments (cc99795f)
- cf: Fetch created service key via SpEL (61475eb1)
- cf: Create Service Key Stage (e61ae4f6)
- clouddriver: Adding a poller to cache basic account details (3eb6da3a)
- clouddriver: Remove ec2-classic migration code (67a409af)
- conditions: Adding support for config based conditions (820148ef)
- core: ability to resolve targeted SG on different accounts and regions (b4165178)
- core: Allow
to discriminate on type (f0334991) - core: Add support for more flexible execution preprocessors (e2bb852f)
- core: Delegate task/stage lookup to
respectively (761b4e0e) - core: Add support for a condition aware deploy preprocessor (6200ce0b)
- core: Add support for Concourse triggers (9effbd72)
- declarative: New endpoint to list correlated executions (4e256ead)
- deleteSnapshot: Adding deleteSnapshot stage and deleteSnapshot … (7c35fcef)
- deleteSnapshot: Adding deleteSnapshot stage and deleteSnapshot task (7c35fcef)
- deleteSnapshot: Adding deleteSnapshot stage and deleteSnapshot task (7c35fcef)
- deleteSnapshot: Adding deleteSnapshot stage and deleteSnapshot task (7c35fcef)
- ecs: Grab container image from trigger or context (bc3af89a)
- exp: deployedServerGroups now grabs deployments from deploy result (5a34e0df)
- exp: deployedServerGroups now grabs deployments from deploy results (5a34e0df)
- gcb: Allow the build definition to come from an artifact (5c95c51a)
- gcb: Allow the build definition to come from an artifact (5c95c51a)
- gcb: Fetch artifacts produced by a GCB build (cbea43c4)
- gcb: Fetch artifacts produced by a GCB build (cbea43c4)
- gcb: Monitor GCB build status after starting a build (820a3cc2)
- gcb: Monitor GCB build status after starting a build (820a3cc2)
- gcb: Add Google Cloud Build stage (667c8e56)
- gce: Add SetStatefulDisk{Task,Stage} (219d3946)
- gremlin: Add Halyard config for Gremlin (f6e081af)
- kayenta: pass the accountId to Kayenta for deployments (479b1abc)
- kubernetes: pass DeployManifestTask strategy to Clouddriver to enable downstream validation (90028440)
- kubernetes: support redblack and highlander strategies (07384aba)
- pipelines: Add validation errors to failure message (a173813a)
- preconfiguredJobs: produces artifacts (a572ba24)
- provider/kubernetes: Add traffic options to deploy manifest (fba1bff3)
- provider/kubernetes: Add traffic options to deploy manifest (fba1bff3)
- runJob: support kubernetes jobs (f08eb6fe)
- runJob/consumeArtifact: consume artifacts (1420750f)
- runJob/kubernetes: extract log annotation (20cbe5e6)
- runJob/kubernetes: extract log url template (20cbe5e6)
- stages: Add Concourse stage (d9fa193b)
- titus: Adding stage to update disruption budget details (89786b80)
- webhook: retry on name resolution failures (582b7ef2)
- FindImageFromCluster: only infer regions from deploy for aws (1b98f1d9)
- MPTv2: Fails plan on missing template variable value. (e8f06af2)
- MPTv2: Restricts config var scope based on declared template vars. (5afddcc1)
- MPTv2: Fix for #2803 (84abf6fe)
- MPTv2: Allow unresolved SpEL in v2 MPT plan. (75f8b6a5)
- MPTv2: Fix pipeline triggers for v2 templated pipelines. (48eef6b8)
- MPTv2: Avoid resolving artifacts during v2 MPT plan. (2c8033bc)
- artifacts: Find from execution should use default artifact (c64753f6)
- artifacts: Fix successful filter for find artifacts (e6bad8e9)
- aws/imagetag: ensure matched images by name includes all upstream ids (15ee2e17)
- ci: RetryableIgorTask should also retry on network errors (7fca7d78)
- cloneservergrouptask: undo the move of CloneServerGroupTask (9a2ec93a)
- clouddriver: Hoist inferredRegions var to parent scope so it is accessible to groovy code down below (f2c6df28)
- clouddriver: Enable the parameter of allowDeleteActive (298a2b61)
- clouddriver: Reduce jardiff connect/read timeouts (0f9be8dd)
- cloudformation: Scope force update by account and region (85b5ec90)
- concourse: Fix concourse build info type (df91608d)
- conditions: Make task conditional per config (2ea8b02f)
- core: Spring does not override default configuration files. (4dd68fe6)
- expressions: populate context for evaluateExpression endpoint (b738c049)
- expressions: make sure trigger is a map (4154d64b)
- gcb: Properly set buildInfo in the context (552825bc)
- gcb: Add longer timeout to GCB polling stage (cbea43c4)
- gremlin: Remove Gremlin config template and let Halyard do it from scratch (50ae345b)
- imagetagging: asset foundImage count >= upstreamImageIds count (0d25d50c)
- jenkins: Fix Jenkins trigger serialization (d63a48f9)
- k8s: Deploy manifest now accepts stage-inlined artifacts (73b62b77)
- kubernetes: remove unused imports from DeployManifestStage (324feb18)
- loadbalancer: wait for onDemand cache processing when supported (3e6942db)
- logging: use logger.GetFactory over @slf4j (83766492)
- logging: Correctly propagate stage IDs for logging (76fa777f)
- logs: Allow anonymous calls (053cb58e)
- orca: if build stage fails and prop file exists, try and fetch (6980fba1)
- orca-core: Add CANCELED to list of COMPLETED statuses (62943108)
- preconfiguredJob: add tests preconfig job (58fe5551)
- provider/azure: Failed to disable azure server group when rollback (4c1a8960)
- provider/cf: Bind clone manifest artifacts (6cc4aa7e)
- provider/kubernetes: Don't poll immediately after cache refresh (68259b3f)
- provider/kubernetes: Don't poll immediately after cache refresh (68259b3f)
- queue: Ensure that after stages run with an authenticated context (b12c1940)
- repository: don't generate invalid grammar (0442a080)
- runJob: use explicit artifact source (2e8b4a08)
- spel: Optionally auto-inject execution for spel helpers (93e59dba)
- sql: Fix intermittently failing tests (a8a08a9f)
- tests: minor tweaks to tests (7b215131)
- tests: Use JUnit vintage engine so Spock tests still run (ce443d81)
- travis: Support timestamp in JenkinsBuildInfo (provided by Travis) (7daff31a)
- triggers: Add Jenkins and Concourse build info types to allowed deserialization types (bc9f8792)
- unpin: touch up ResizeStrategySupportSpec (799f3d8f)
- unpin: bug caused us to not be able to unpin to 0 (fc6edda2)
- web: s/pipeline/config (2c266c42)
- web: s/pipeline/config (e27cbf42)
- webhook: catch URL validation failures in MonitorWebhookTask (4a544e13)
- webhooks: Avoid a nasty HTTP 500 fetching preconfigured webhooks (6bc917e4)
- fixup! chore(dependencies): Boot 2 and the BOM (2b9de278)
- fixup! chore(dependencies): Boot 2 and the BOM (e5e5098a)
- fixup! chore(dependencies): Boot 2 and the BOM (89b77056)
- fixup! chore(dependencies): Boot 2 and the BOM (4421f0be)
- Revert "chore(gradle): Convert orca to use kork-bom (#2860)" (d72fe955)
- Revert "fix(provider/azure): Failed to disable azure server group when rollback (#2848)" (bb7038cd)
- Revert "fix(imagetagging): asset foundImage count >= upstreamImageIds count (#2799)" (061d4bd5)
- *: Apply codestyles to orca (cd6b6cad)
- *: Fix a few things that break the code formatter (cd6b6cad)
- *: Apply codestyles to orca (cd6b6cad)
- *: Turn on codestyle enforcement (cd6b6cad)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (338c2e3a)
- *: Apply codestyles to non-project files (338c2e3a)
- *: Bump spinnaker-dev plugin (338c2e3a)
- *: Rename time.kt to timeutil.kt to keep intelliJ happy (7b215131)
- *: Rename time.kt to timeutil.kt to keep intelliJ happy (7b215131)
- *: remove reliance on servo library (f7842b2c)
- *: Bump dependencies to 1.42.0 (5dca85ad)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (4286d4c3)
- BOM: Make orca use kork-bom (fedf50d6)
- MPTv2: Change nomenclature from version to tag. (78206c1f)
- TaskResult: Add a TaskResultBuilder and use it everywhere (fdc5f6a5)
- build: Gradle 5.4.1 (e9e731cc)
- build: Upgrade to Gradle 5.0 (54ddceb4)
- cf: Move cfServiceKey from orca-core to orca-integrations-cloudfoundry (7fb824e3)
- ci: Generify RetryableIgorTask (7fca7d78)
- ci: Generify RetryableIgorTask (7fca7d78)
- ci: Add tests to JenkinsStage and ScriptStage (bb3fce8e)
- ci: Add tests to JenkinsStage and ScriptStage (bb3fce8e)
- ci: Move CIJobRequest and rename it CIStageDefinition (bb3fce8e)
- ci: Remove explicit casting from CIStage (bb3fce8e)
- clouddriver: rest helper for deploying clouddriver-sql with an empty cache (6e7c4ce9)
- conditions: Adding a flag to skip wait (56a768c8)
- conditions: Adding metrics around deploy pauses (482cee4f)
- conditions: Adding better log messages (5d14938b)
- conditions: Adding logging (c47172b3)
- conditions: Do not inject waitForCondition on no conditions (b73775d4)
- core: Remove noisy spel function registration log message (4a770d81)
- dependencies: Boot 2 and the BOM (a1de32d0)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (de7c6324)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (7a2a2525)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (a1e76e7b)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (cea5cad4)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (b3d5184b)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (fdf476d4)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (2494077f)
- expressions: Don't create new objectmapper all the time (a9b5e0e3)
- gcb: Add test for starting build with artifact (13512a44)
- gcb: nest gcb artifact properties under one key (5c95c51a)
- gcb: Refactor monitor task to use generic retry logic (cbea43c4)
- gcb: Use a GoogleCloudBuild type as return from igor (820a3cc2)
- gcb: Use generic maps for GCB objects (d92a9763)
- gradle: Convert orca to use kork-bom (fedf50d6)
- headers: Update spinnaker headers (f4499708)
- jobRunner: refactor k8s job runner (20cbe5e6)
- logging: improve logging for AbstractWaitForClusterWideClouddriverTask (3dbe0b63)
- logging: remove high volume logs used to debug old issue (9cb32764)
- logging: add complete explanations (726f57e3)
- logging: add a log wrapper in chatty WaitForUpInstancesTask (694ed2e9)
- migrations: ignore empty migrations (ce29a72c)
- openstack: remove openstack provider (117c9c27)
- pipelinetemplates: Add tests to ModuleTag (58c32e6e)
- provider/kubernetes: Re-order statements in tests (68259b3f)
- provider/kubernetes: Change control flow in refresh (68259b3f)
- provider/kubernetes: Add tests and simplify cache refresh (909c2cbe)
- provider/kubernetes: Add tests to ManifestForceCacheRefresh (909c2cbe)
- provider/kubernetes: Replace nested maps with an object (909c2cbe)
- provider/kubernetes: Add account to ScopedManifest (909c2cbe)
- provider/kubernetes: Track ScopedManifests directly (909c2cbe)
- provider/kubernetes: Use constructor injection (fba1bff3)
Rosco 0.12.0
- artifacts: Fix NPE on empty artifact (#373) (59f79299)
- bake/manifests: capture only stdout in Helm bakery - 2nd attempt (4e887be7)
- *: Seeding initial OWNERS file (ef375fd6)
- .gitignore: Update .gitignore (e0459c23)
- dependencies: ensure direct dependency on kork-secrets-aws (6ce45452)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (d7190008)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (77016378)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (e6d50e61)
- dependencies: Autobump spinnaker-dependencies (74f07187)
- openstack: remove openstack provider (0a3286ae)
- redis: Stop using KEYS command in BakeStore (0f63f8dd)
Spinnaker-monitoring 0.13.0
- prometheus: setup script for using prometheus operator to monitor spinnaker (9734b22f)
- prometheus: add optional kubeconfig context to prometheus operator setup script (9734b22f)