- appengine: prevent flaky appengine deploy failures (#1685) (c58d930c)
- cats: Remove lock key from Redis when agent is unscheduled. (#1695) (34607d2c)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#1656) (eabc457e)
- eureka: Add back eureka caching agent (#1654) (aa33e128)
- loadtest:
- provider/amazon:
- update block devices when changing instance types (2855e994)
- add build info (#1718) (70976e3b)
- handle instance not found exception in describeinstances (#1715) (b43a363e)
- send correct source region when copying scaling policies (#1704) (1fffafdc)
- Allow target groups to have more than one lsitener (#1713) (a2f6a9a3)
- Check default actions for used target group names (#1712) (176c2a0f)
- Fix create alb for real (#1709) (07b9dc9f)
- fix the alb create validator (#1707) (3cce38d5)
- Certificate provider is optional (#1706) (0c8c7956)
- Fix deleting of classic load balancers (#1705) (49a33d4f)
- NullPointerException if Edda is not present (#1671) (9a0ec380, closes #1723)
- Disable alb caching via edda by default (#1668) (a6d3e0c9)
- Fix ELB deploy; stop modifying the input (#1665) (3e2e5c3a)
- add gov-cloud special case to arn patterns (#1653) (38e5297f)
- Fix load balancer loading (#1660) (49e8f87f)
- Fix upsert ALB when target group does not exist (#1655) (0e8da150)
- provider/google:
- provider/kubernetes:
- requestQueue: differentiate timeout in queue vs in processing. (3bbc9fe2)
- requestqueue: adds additional instrumentation. (cff0dd26)
- loadtest: Rough cut of some gatling-based load tests for clouddriver (#1666) (bd2c24b0)
- provider/amazon:
- Support on demand caching for ALBs (#1689) (1cf4a1fc)
- Add cachingagent and provider for server certificates (#1702) (01a3f419)
- Add validation rules around listeners and target groups (#1694) (2f0b5335)
- Remove associated listeners and target groups on delete of ALB (#1687) (50c9a309)
- Use edda if available for listener rules (#1680) (49c83182)
- Use ActionTypeEnum value everywhere to make alb upsert simpler (#1681) (fb978901)
- Support caching of Rules and support CRUD of rules (#1675) (8f3dbb81)
- Add support to upsert an ALB with certs on the listener (#1664) (0bb3e2fc)
- Use edda views if available for TargetGroup* and Listener aching (#1662) (3f7486ca)
- Add target groups to load balancer description on direct lookup (#1663) (af912e53)
- Add target group lists to load balancer summary (#1651) (feb4317b)
- provider/dcos:
- provider/google:
- provider/kubernetes:
- provider/oraclebmcs: Adding initial loadbalancer support (#1673) (86bc9099)
- request buffer: optional buffer to distribute api requests (25f67873)
- Markdown: Do not render when
is empty (9831d6d3) - core:
- Protect against undefined nodes in the pipeline graph (#3885) (1e4261fe)
- improve error message on script stage failure (#3868) (f04569b7)
- fix scroll on standalone views (#3866) (36ac32a8)
- hide judgment inputs if manual judgment succeeded (#3865) (6c4595b4)
- fixes ui-select clearable X button (#3870) (b5214b60)
- trim spaces from pipeline name before delete (#3867) (45a455e1)
- reduce badge size in compact headers (#3855) (8da4b515)
- import from base rxjs (#3842) (dbbbd260)
- correctly set default state on custom strategy params (#3836) (fd2e3874)
- include "feature" on spinnaker component ctrl (a4327123)
- initialize strategy selector (02c42173)
- core/bootstrap: Add missing imports (e5041cce)
- core/entityTag:
- core/executions: Show durations in execution details/permalink (#3809) (d85896ef)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#3781) (cec0bb4e)
- firefox: Fix application config scrolling in firefox (#3785) (111715fe)
- permissions: Prevent user from only specifying READ permission, and thus locking everyone out of that application (#3835) (509a6768)
- pipeline-templates:
- pipelines:
- provider/amazon:
- change "deprecated" to "not recommended" on rolling push (#3849) (ac77afb0)
- provide explanatory text when no target groups present (#3847) (5bfe31d8)
- restrict rolling push strategy to AWS (c9012455)
- Only enforce TG naming to be based on appname (#3877) (14db9c52)
- Check to make sure cache types exists before showing refresh (#3875) (20fa7509)
- Force certificate type if only one is available (#3873) (f1ae2587)
- Fix deleting ALBs (#3862) (369c718e)
- Fix missing information for ALB target groups (#3852) (92d434a9)
- Require target groups to have unique names (e03f5981)
- Fix key collisions when an ALB and classic LB existed with the same name (afc4267a)
- Fix instance health setting in target groups (#3813) (c7f3c76a)
- Add server groups to target group details (#3794) (41092270)
- fix load balancer vpc id (053aa698)
- provider/gce:
- prevent npe when loading server group wizard in project without default network (#3863) (f9dc1803)
- minor formatting change for user data input field (#3829) (0b7655a2)
- placate linter (#3844) (a7b93563)
- cast load balancers to pacify TS compiler (#3840) (c0556709)
- Make the linter happy. (#3854) (d0f635a8)
- Disallow editing ports for ILBs. (#3790) (a5aec45b)
- provider/kubernetes: Search not working if result contained K8S load balancer (65d40ec1)
- tests: exclude /lib/ from test context (6fcddb65)
- core:
- core/entityTag:
- core/utils: Add timing debug decorators (#3880) (47abf81f)
- pipeline-templates: config view (#3787) (30d64393)
- pipeline/RunJob: Allow container name conf (#3858) (74228deb)
- provider/amazon:
- Load certificates on demand (#3874) (eec53580)
- Enforce target group naming convention (#3869) (f768f18f)
- Cleanup ALB listeners CRUD UI (#3857) (80e98757)
- CRUD for ALBs (#3803) (dd5abf4b)
- Add link back to load balancer from target group details (#3796) (065ba9cc)
- Expose ipAddressType in the ALB details panel (#3795) (a4ebc375)
- provider/google:
- adds ability to package deck/google as a library (#3805) (84b5b506)
- allow ilb port update (#3879) (05db0cf2)
- better custom instance selector (#3851) (f59df3f6)
- Add support for Minimum CPU Platform. (#3856) (dfbe4adb)
- Add ILB listeners. (#3832) (d723db8c)
- Add support for Shared VPC Networking (XPN). (#3831) (7d0d532a)
- provider/kubernetes:
- react: Route to react components; use react UISref components (0e553337)
- rest: introduces a new configuration option,
which creates a https client which is insecure by ignoring host verification and does not validate certificate chains. (#148) (a8cecd0a)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#147) (7e127d45)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#178) (50ef2ab5)
- health: Caches downstream dependency calls (to Clouddriver/Front50) and removes failure-count-based health indicator. This should prevent cascading failure scenarios where CD/F50 are down, and after some time Fiat would go down, causing the rest of the system to go down too. (#182) (09bb686f)
- logging: Adds some extra logging to /roles/sync invocation (#180) (17b1c627)
- redis: Fix issue where redis configs were only using defaults (#183) (af0040cc)
- cats: Adds cats scheduler from Clouddriver, which will eventually eliminate the need for fiat.writeMode.enabled (#185) (e775f0d8)
- health: Adds msSinceLastSuccess and last success time to /health endpoint (#181) (e4f1f6ab)
- logging: Adds user header propagation to Fiat API, which is then optionally logged via MDC (#184) (2dfa6324)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#240) (64b4b711)
- permissions: Fix issue where not all roles were being synced upon permission modification. (#241) (d9f34e0d)
- *: Set anonymous principal to x-ratelimit-app header if provided (#404) (6e259157)
- applications: allow filtering on accounts from /applications endpoint (#409) (95a70137)
- provider/amazon: Provide endpoints for the certificate provider in clouddriver (#414) (4be8aafa)
- ratelimit: Adding principal metrics (#402) (b4e49473)
- serviceAccounts: Allows login by registered service accounts (#415) (51e740ac)
- web: Request-time clouddriver client selection (#405) (b34bc852)
- api-docs: Pull in new swagger library & include Auth controller in generated docs (#406) (01dc8a87)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#401) (1a72b0dc)
- fiat: Makes ObjectMapper not fail on unknown enum values. (#418) (935d23f2)
- insight-links: filter invalid insight links based on cloud provider (#412) (0fc870cb)
- ratelimit:
- serviceAccounts: Wrap F50 call and guard with permissionService.enabled flag (#417) (ee212650)
- web: Implementing missed clouddriver selector callsites (#407) (92b145bc)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#167) (b3ece2af)
- aws: fix monitor task name on delete scaling policy stage (#1404) (4be09229)
- aws/deploy: before stage preprocessors were not working on v3 (1c1b1534)
- clouddriver: NPE safe some HTTP error condition checks (95223f72)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#1375) (edf7f2a0)
- exceptions: ensure exception handlers are evaluated in order (a3aad211)
- expressions:
- orca:
- don't NPE if a pipeline has
(ddcaa492) - add a metric for task completions tagged by status and task type (326a1ba0)
- stage timeout override can apparently be any type of number (3d033b1d)
- safer read of timeout override from stage context (eba65589)
- honor timeout overrides in v3 (158151d2)
- restarted pipelines should block new executions (242228e8)
- fix stall at join stage when branch restarted (e466cf9d)
- don't NPE if a pipeline has
- permissions: Fix issue creating/deleting application config by updating Permission model (#1395) (c1080a79)
- pipelines: remove the generic signature of ExceptionHandler (97c42ba8)
- pipelinetemplate:
- pollers: Update TopApplicationExecutionCleanup to scan instead of keys (3cac3cf4)
- queue:
- Correctly wire up priority capacity listener (#1425) (650919e0)
- rare race condition where branch stops just between other branches stages running (69fc5d08)
- ensure null queue state is never returned on new instances (1189fa09)
- retry 429s (87ff27c8)
- handle recoverable errors when planning a stage (417a6e5a)
- allow cancellation of paused pipelines (82bf1111)
- temporary flag to control de-duping (7584ff53)
- distinct counter for failing to acquire lock on message read (974194c6)
- handle old messages that were never hashed (62bac447)
- clarify callback shenanigans (2ca72003)
- better hash for messages (324ec650)
- prevent duplicate messages getting pushed to the queue (e337170f)
- don't retry ContinueParentStage if a BEFORE stage has failed (2844bdeb)
- don't ping-pong messages when an execution doesn't exist (a179a3ac)
- execution windows should precede parallel stages (2ecb1002)
- tagging: Fix cleaning of entity tags during rolling push (#1422) (1d0a8ed6)
- aws/commits: add build info to execution (#1429) (8d6b6ffe)
- orca: per-app flag in redis to run orchestrations on v3 (2d7aefa2)
- pipelinetemplate:
- provider/dcos: Add support for DC/OS pipelines (#1363) (cacc1372)
- queue:
- redis/metrics: adds metrics for redis connection pools. (d3887dff)
- task: add flag to let stage succeed on timeout (#1417) (22e1ff35)
- core: Explicitly convert -var-file GString to String to avoid CCE on json serialization to redis. (#207) (b735a175)
- docs: Update PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE contributing link (#206) (f41f2787)
- google/xpn: Add support for shared VPC networks. (#212) (7fe25ac8)
- prometheus: Various prometheus monitoring enhancements (#54) (0d728098)
- datadog: Use configparser to read datadog config file (#53) (a407deb3)
Generated by spinnaker at 2017-07-05 18:47:54