Configuring the Script Stage

Use a Script stage to configure Slack notifications.


The Script stage lets you run an arbitrary shell, Python, or Groovy script on a Jenkins instance as a first class stage in Spinnaker. For example, you can use it to launch a test suite from a pipeline instead of doing it manually. Using the Script stage requires some additional setup after you add Jenkins to your Spinnaker deployment.


To configure a Script stage, you need:

  • A running Jenkins instance at $JENKINS_HOST, with a Jenkins user profile set up with access to create jobs
  • A running Spinnaker instance, with access to configuration files, and in which you have set up Jenkins on Spinnaker

Configure Jenkins

  1. Download the raw job xml config file with the command:

    curl -X GET \
        -o "scriptJobConfig.xml" \
  2. Create the Jenkins job where your script will run. To create the job, you need the following information:

    • $JENKINS_HOST: your running Jenkins instance with protocol (http/https - e.g. or http://somejenkins:8080).
    • $JOB_NAME: the name of the Jenkins job where your script runs.
    • $USER: your Jenkins username.
    • $USER_API_TOKEN: the API token for your user. You can find this in Jenkins in the Configure page for your user (e.g. $JENKINS_HOST/user/$USER/configure).

    Then, run the command:

    curl -s -XPOST "$JENKINS_HOST/createItem?name=$JOB_NAME" \
        -u $USER:$USER_API_TOKEN \
        --data-binary @scriptJobConfig.xml \
        -H "Content-Type:text/xml"
  3. Navigate to Jenkins » the job you just created » Configure and do the following:

    1. Add the GitHub repository containing your scripts.
    2. Either create a Spinnaker node in which Jenkins will run all Script jobs, or de-select the Restrict where this project can be run checkbox.

    At this point, you can manually run the script job in Jenkins (including manually adding necessary parameters) and see it succeed.

  4. If your Jenkins master is named anything other than master in your Spinnaker configuration, you’ll need to add the following to orca-local.yml in order for Spinnaker to find it:

      master: your-jenkins-master
      job: $JOB_NAME  # from step #3

You can now use the Script stage in your pipelines.

Last modified May 4, 2021: rest of migration (700781a)