Authentication Architecture

Authentication for Spinnaker involves three pieces, the Spinnaker UI (Deck), the Spinnaker API (Gate), and your identity provider.


There are three basic players in Spinnaker’s authentication workflow:

  1. Deck: Spinnaker’s UI. Consists of a set of static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files. Generally served from an Apache server, but there is nothing special about Apache that makes Deck work. Replace with your favorite HTTP(S) server if you’d like.

  2. Gate: Spinnaker’s API Gateway. All traffic (including traffic generated from Deck) flows through Gate. It is the point at which authentication is confirmed and one point (of several) where authorization is enforced.

  3. Identity Provider: This is your organization’s OAuth 2.0, SAML 2.0, or LDAP service. X.509 client certificates can be used in addition to any of these services or as a standalone identity provider.


Deck is a Javascript Single Page Application (SPA). This means that when a user leaves the page to enter their credentials, the entire application gets loaded again when they return. As a result, the process below involves numerous redirects between the three parties (Deck, Gate, and the Identity Provider).

ApacheDeckGateIdentityProviderGET deck.urlReturns Deck's landing pageGET /auth/user for user's identityNo or expired session cookie.Returns empty responseApacheDeckGateIdentityProvider
  1. Browser requests Deck’s landing page: https://deck.url:9000/

  2. Deck checks for the user’s identity: https://gate.url:8084/auth/user. Specifically, a user is logged in if the response contains a JSON object with a non-null “username” field. /auth/user is an unprotected URL but will only return the currently logged in user.

    If a user is found - all done!
  3. Without a user logged in, Deck requests a protected URL: https://gate.url:8084/auth/redirect?to=https://deck.url:9000.

DeckGateIdentityProviderGET /auth/redirect?to=deck.urlURL is protected. Save URL in session, start login process.Redirect URL is auth-mechanism dependent)HTTP 302 to /loginGET /loginHTTP 302 to Identity ProviderGET https://idp.url/?redirect_uri=gate.url/loginLogin PageDeckGateIdentityProvider
  1. Given that the URL is protected, Gate sees that there is no logged-in user, so it issues an HTTP 302 redirect to an authentication-method-specific page. It saves the requested URL (https://gate.url:8084/auth/redirect?to=https://deck.url:9000) in the session state.
DeckGateIdentityProviderLogin credentialsSuccess!HTTP 302 to https://gate.url/login?successGET /login?successOptionally retrieve validation info.DeckGateIdentityProvider
  1. In the case of LDAP, the /login page is hosted in Gate and is a basic form asking for credentials. Gate attempts to establish a session (preferably over SSL) with the LDAP server, sending the username and password. If successful, the session is established. Otherwise, a “Bad Credentials” exception is thrown. For SAML/OAauth methods, these will redirect to the appropriate login page for the IDP.

  2. The user logs into the authentication provider.

  3. The authentication provider sends a request back to Gate, usually through redirects of the user’s browser.

  4. Gate processes the received data. This can include making additional requests to confirm the user’s identity.

DeckGateIdentityProviderRetrieved saved URL from session.HTTP 302 /auth/redirect?to=deck.urlGET /auth/redirect?to=deck.urlURL is protected, but user is authenticated. Proceed!HTTP 302 to deck.urlDeckGateIdentityProvider
  1. Upon successful processing, the user is now considered logged in. Gate retrieves the originally requested URL from the session state. It issues an HTTP 302 to that URL (https://gate.url:8084/auth/redirect?to=https://deck.url:9000).

  2. The request from the browser hits the API gateway, along with the session cookie from the newly logged in user. The to query parameter is validated to be the associated Deck instance, and a final HTTP 302 is sent, directing the user to the https://deck.url:9000.

ApacheDeckGateGET deck.url.GET /auth/userValid session cookie, user is authenticated!{'username': 'foo'}User logged in! Huzzah!ApacheDeckGate
  1. Repeat this process from step 1. Now, the response from https://gate.url:8084/auth/user will contain a proper JSON object and the rest of the application will proceed to load.

OAuth Workflow

The OAuth specification defines numerous flows for various scenarios. Spinnaker utilizes the authorization code flow, more commonly known as the three-legged OAuth. The three-legged OAuth flow looks like:

DeckGateIdentityProviderResourceServerGET /something/protectedHTTP 302 to /loginGET /loginHTTP 302 to https://idp.url/userLogin?client_id=foo...GET https://idp.url/userLogin?client_id=foo...Returns login pageDeckGateIdentityProviderResourceServer
  1. User attempts to access a protected resource.

  2. Gate redirects to OAuth provider, passing the following important bits:

    • client_id: A pre-established identifier for this Gate instance.
    • redirect_uri: Where to send the user after login. Must be accessible by the user’s browser.

    Gate attempts to intelligently guess the redirect_uri value, but outside components like SSL terminating load balancers can cause this guess to be wrong. See SSL documentation for how to fix this.

    • response_type=code: Indicating that we are performing the three-legged OAuth flow.
    • scope: What data or resources Gate would like access to. This is generally something like email profile to access the user’s email address.
  3. OAuth provider prompts user for username & password.

    DeckGateIdentityProviderResourceServerUser sends credentialsConfirms client_id 'foo' can access user's informationUser confirmsHTTP 302 to https://gate.url/login?code=abcdefDeckGateIdentityProviderResourceServer

  4. OAuth provider confirms that the user is granting Gate access to their profile.

  5. Using the redirect_uri, the OAuth provider redirects the user to this address, providing an additional code parameter.

DeckGateIdentityProviderResourceServerGET /login?code=abcdefPOST /token "{code:abcdef, client_id:..., client_secret:...}"Responds with access token `12345`GET /userInfo with "Authorization: Bearer 12345" headerRespondes with JSON of user profile informationGate extracts data based on userInfoMappingHTTP 302 to originally requested URLDeckGateIdentityProviderResourceServer
  1. Gate uses this code parameter to request an access token from the OAuth provider’s token server.

  2. Gate uses the access token to request user profile data from the resource server (security.oauth2.resource.userInfoUri).

  3. Gate uses the userInfoMapping to extract specific fields from the response, such as the username and email address, and associates it with the established session cookie with the user. See UserInfoMapping below.

The authorization code flow is the most secure way to get this data, because the access token is never revealed outside of the server using it.

Last modified May 4, 2021: rest of migration (700781a)