Spinnaker Release 1.34.0


Note: Broken Functionality

Spinnaker 1.33.0 upgrades to liquibase 4.24.0 which breaks the following scenarios when using postgres:

  • new installation with versions 1.33.0, 1.33.1, 1.34.0 & 1.34.1
  • upgrade/migration from versions < 1.33.0 to 1.33.0/1.33.1/1.33.2/1.34.0/1.34.1/1.34.2

These scenarios work from Spinnaker 1.33.3 (and above) and Spinnaker 1.34.3 (and above).

See https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/6941 and https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/6942 for more details.

Note: This release requires Halyard version 1.45.0 or later.

This release includes fixes, features, and performance improvements across a wide feature set in Spinnaker. This section provides a summary of notable improvements followed by the comprehensive changelog.

https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4644 introduces a new feature to retry kubernetes DeployManifestTask tasks if clouddriver itself is running in kubernetes, and the cloudriver pod handling the task dies before it’s complete. The following configuration flags (and their defaults) control the behavior of this new feature:

  retry-task.enabled: false
  maximum-period-inactivity-ms: 300000L
  maximum-forced-retries: 3
  account: "" # the name of the account where clouddriver runs, required if enabled is true
  namespace: spinnaker

https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4620 introduces a new feature to compress pipeline executions stored in sql using these new config flags:

      enabled: true # defaults to false
      compressionMode: read-write # read-only also valid, defaults to read-write
      bodyCompressionThreshold: 1024 # bytes above which compression happens
      compressionType: "ZLIB" # GZIP also valid, defaults to ZLIB

(Breaking change) Springfox 3.0.0

API documentation implementing swagger has been upgraded to use Springfox 3.0.0.

Breaking Change: Swagger-ui endpoint changed from /swagger-ui.html to /swagger-ui/index.html.

Spring Boot 2.6.15

As part of the continued effort to upgrade Spring Boot, Spinnker 1.34.0 now uses Spring Boot 2.6.15, an upgrade from Spinnaker 1.33.0`s use of Spring Boot 2.5.15. Spring Boot 2.6 considers session data cached by Spring Boot 2.5 invalid. Therefore, users with cached sessions will be unable to log in until the invalid information is removed from the cache. Open browser windows to Spinnaker are unresponsive after the deployment until they’re reloaded. Executing:

$ redis-cli keys "spring:session*" | xargs redis-cli del

on Gate’s redis instance removes the cached session information.

Spring Cloud 2021.0.8 (Jubilee)

As per the compatibility matrix of Spring Cloud Release document, Spring Boot 2.6.x and 2.7.x supports Spring Cloud 2021.0.


In order to use compatible Spring Cloud version along with Spring Boot, upgrade Spring Cloud from 2020.0.6 used in Spinnaker 1.33.0 to 2021.0.8 as part of Spinnaker 1.34.0.

Kotlin 1.6

In order to sync and upgrade the compatible version of Kotlin with Spring Boot, Kotlin based implementations and tests have been upgraded to use Kotlin 1.6.21 in place of 1.5.32. Now Spinnaker 1.34.0 uses this version for all services.


kubectl in the latest releases has removed support for external auth flows using the apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1 exec API. 1.34 includes an aws cli (version 1.24) which supports both old and new exec api versions. Additionally the aws-iam-authenticator binary also supports both exec api versions. 1.34 is the last release that will support v1alpha1 exec APIs in kubeconfig files. Please update your kubeconfig files to use the v1beta1 api version. Please see the upcoming PR that will remove support for these after this release.

Clouddriver 5.85.0


  • account: Implement the isAccountManager flag ( 5da2a2d9 )
  • account: Implement isAccountManager ( 5da2a2d9 )
  • aws: Upgrade aws CLI to 1.24 to support k8s client exec API v1beta1 and v1alpha1 concurrently ( 9248f072 )
  • docker: Add RBAC support to Docker accounts ( 4d786f78 )
  • ecs: Add support for ECS deployment circuit breaker ( 3a1e81bb )
  • ecs: Add support for ECS deployment circuit breaker ( 3a1e81bb )
  • ecs: remove unnecessary lines of code, oriented at enableExecuteCommand ( 3a1e81bb )
  • kubernetes: Support multiple kubectl versions ( 1a787e33 )
  • kubernetes: Support multiple kubectl versions ( 1a787e33 )


  • fix: Change the agent type name to not include the account name since this would generate LOTS of tables and cause problems long term ( 40bd7068 )
  • account: Make docker account properties comparable, thus reduce load on DB and docker registry ( d963f684 )
  • account: Make docker account properties comparable, thus reduce load on DB and docker registry ( d963f684 )
  • account: Converted tests to Java ( d963f684 )
  • account: Allow reflection to read private fields ( 5da2a2d9 )
  • aws: Fix bug in AWS provider after Groovy 3 upgrade ( b19a9064 )
  • aws: Fix bug in AWS provider after Groovy 3 upgrade ( b19a9064 )
  • azure: circular dependencies ( c530a1ed )
  • azure: circular dependencies ( c530a1ed )
  • build: give gradle more memory ( ce602456 )
  • build: give gradle more memory ( f8cd2113 )
  • build: 8g isn’t enough, try 10 ( f8cd2113 )
  • builds: Fixes JVM memory for builds to be set and lowers compilation memory usage ( acd369d5 )
  • builds: Fixes JVM memory for builds to be set and lowers compilation ( 538a6379 )
  • builds: Fixes JVM memory for builds to be set and lowers compilation memory usage ( 538a6379 )
  • cats/sql: keep up with API changes from jooq 3.13 to 3.14 ( 3f31190d )
  • clouddriver: fix broken TARGETARCH comparison on ubuntu base ( cd5368c6 )
  • core: Fix type migration issue ( 93d45712 )
  • ecs: used wrong syntax to test for enabled deploymentCircuitBreaker ( 3a1e81bb )
  • gha: Reduce JVM memory for builds significantly and increase test memory ( acd369d5 )
  • gha: Reduce JVM memory for builds significantly and increase test memory ( 538a6379 )
  • google: introduce explicit constructor and initialization of inner class members ( d0a01cdf )
  • provider/docker: Support multiple challenges from WWW-Authenticate header ( 2aeea5a1 )
  • provider/docker: Support multiple challenges from WWW-Authenticate header ( 2aeea5a1 )
  • sql: Fix indexes for the accounts table ( ae2e2023 )
  • sql/test: render list as a string in saga_ids field of tasks table in SqlTaskCleanupAgentTest ( 3f31190d )
  • tests: fixes test setup after upgrading testcontainers ( 2ac17cf7 )
  • tests: Fixes a few more memory settings for tests - not JUST integration tests. ( acd369d5 )
  • tests: Adjust JVM memory for tests ( acd369d5 )


  • account: Define when an account manager can modify accounts ( 5da2a2d9 )
  • account: Test validateAccountWritePermissions ( 5da2a2d9 )
  • azure: AzureLoadBalancerProvider circular dependency ( c530a1ed )
  • build: use –no-daemon for ecs integration tests ( c6a58258 )
  • build: increase the stack size to try to fix build failures ( c6a58258 )
  • build: try a bigger stack ( c6a58258 )
  • cats: remove duplicate info from cats-*.gradle ( 0678d334 )
  • cats/cats-test: remove unused lombok dependency ( 0678d334 )
  • core-tests: Convert DescriptionAuthorizerService tests to java ( 069140ba )
  • core-tests: DescriptionAuthorizerService tests to java ( 069140ba )
  • core/tests: improve DescriptionAuthorizerServiceTest ( 069140ba )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 7b2f4c82 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2ac17cf7 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2ac17cf7 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( f532734f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 64b870f3 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 869a53b1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 53396d00 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 225d98b9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 225d98b9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 032b9564 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( fc7028ab )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9bbed30b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6d6afde4 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c6a58258 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c6a58258 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3f31190d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3f31190d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9ee7ca1d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ce602456 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ce602456 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f8cd2113 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f8cd2113 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 14abd691 )
  • dependencies: use enforcedPlatform with kork-bom consistently ( 0678d334 )
  • dependencies: add testRuntimeOnly dependency on kork-bom ( 0678d334 )
  • dependencies: remove duplicate lombok dependencies ( 0678d334 )
  • dependencies: add api dependency on kork-bom ( 0678d334 )
  • dependencies: add compileOnly and testCompileOnly dependency on lombok ( 0678d334 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f335fe64 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3f74a857 )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.6.21 in clouddriver along with kork ( 46aeefab )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of com.jcraft:jsch and org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch during upgrade of spring boot 2.6.x ( 225d98b9 )
  • dependency: fix issues after upgrading oci-java-sdk-bom to 2.32.0 in kork ( ce602456 )
  • dependency: exclude bouncycastle *-jdk15on libraries from com.yandex.cloud:java-sdk-services to remove CVE-2023-33201 ( ce602456 )
  • deps: bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 ( 90495edd )
  • deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1 to 2 ( 2522e91a )
  • deps: bump peter-evans/repository-dispatch from 2 to 3 ( bf1f6092 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 6f24dfcd )
  • deps: bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 ( 8a184f4b )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( d7e9c7e5 )
  • ecs: Formatting of code ( 3a1e81bb )
  • gradle: remove implementation dependency on kork-bom ( 0678d334 )
  • kubernetes: use Resilience4jHelper from kork to configure logging ( 0fc5ed27 )
  • kubernetes: refactor and upgrade kubernetes java client apis and its relevant dependency during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( 57784f73 )
  • provider/docker: Add test for WWW-Authenticate header parsing ( 2aeea5a1 )
  • test: replace deprecated mockito class Matchers with ArgumentMatchers and its methods during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( 9eb4ecdb )

Deck 3.17.0


  • cdevents-notification: CDEvents notification to produce CDEvents ( fc96adb1 )
  • cdevents-notification: CDEvents notification to produce CDEvents ( fc96adb1 )
  • ecs: Add support for ECS deployment circuit breaker ( 32dfea87 )
  • ecs: Add support for ECS deployment circuit breaker ( 32dfea87 )
  • wait-stage: Make Wait Stage restartable. ( f3df0561 )


  • runJobs: Persist External Log links after the deletion of the pods ( fd55cf1f )
  • runJobs: Persist External Log links after the deletion of the pods ( fd55cf1f )
  • runJobs: Persist External Log links after the deletion of the pods ( fd55cf1f )


  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 484716bf )
  • deps: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 6 ( 438e0c28 )
  • deps: bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 ( 59adc51d )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 539020a9 )
  • deps-dev: bump vite from 2.9.17 to 2.9.18 in /packages/app ( 420c291d )
  • deps-dev: bump vite from 2.9.16 to 2.9.17 in /packages/app ( a7c6ec6a )
  • ecs: rearrange checkbox for deployment circuit breaker to better align with other form elements ( 32dfea87 )

Echo 2.41.0


  • build: add echo-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( da37acb5 )
  • build: add echo-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( da37acb5 )
  • docker: add HEALTHCHECK ( da37acb5 )
  • gha: run integration test in pr builds ( da37acb5 )
  • gha: run integration test in branch builds ( da37acb5 )
  • jenkins: Enable Jenkins job triggers for jobs in sub-folders ( 18d038db )


  • integration: remove stale comment ( 823dd032 )
  • jenkins: Enable properties and artifacts with job name as query parameter ( 44317c1f )
  • test: unit testing with negative scenario ( 9442bac8 )
  • web: remove circular dependency in configuration of services.fiat.enabled ( da37acb5 )
  • web: remove circular dependency in configuration of services.fiat.baseUrl ( da37acb5 )
  • web: replace deprecated spring.profiles in configuration ( da37acb5 )


  • build: give local gradle builds more memory ( da37acb5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( faad6555 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d229f2e0 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 317cc3f1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 89f5f147 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5b9a3243 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e978a435 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 59225abd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 671b5a2f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8325aef4 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e21444cd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5a85a7ee )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 99eaa431 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 47f78706 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( fb864a6f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7fe973cf )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 37b8085b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e74fa6b4 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 687185ac )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ba979731 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8226536b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ac79d7c7 )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.6.21 in echo along with kork ( 58858298 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 61a5940e )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 0bd18d23 )

Fiat 1.46.0


  • sql/test: keep up with API changes from jooq 3.13 to 3.14 ( d417651a )


  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ec6ef151 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c7ffa723 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7be74b6d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8b130e52 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3a6275bc )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9456e0ac )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 65761ce5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2cf9ded2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a33d2825 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c2033bb1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d417651a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d417651a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 75d89384 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 82ad305f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6105621e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a448409d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 79310348 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 842ed4d9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4c3ba84a )
  • dependencies: remove org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-properties-migrator ( c8d4f937 )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.6.21 in fiat along with kork ( 09362497 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 507d4a27 )
  • deps: bump peter-evans/repository-dispatch from 2 to 3 ( 36cb0ff7 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 2bbaa020 )

Front50 2.32.0


  • build: add front50-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( 2f928dbe )
  • build: add front50-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( 2f928dbe )
  • docker: add HEALTHCHECK ( 2f928dbe )
  • integration: run integration test in pr builds ( 2f928dbe )
  • integration: run integration test in branch builds ( 2f928dbe )


  • core: don’t include CommonStorageServiceDAOConfig when redis is enabled ( 2f928dbe )
  • sql: teach SqlStorageService.loadObjects and loadObjectsNewerThan to skip invalid objects ( 8551575e )
  • sql: teach SqlStorageService.loadObjects to skip invalid objects ( 8551575e )
  • sql: teach SqlStorageService.loadObjectsNewerThan to skip invalid objects ( 8551575e )
  • sql/test: keep up with API changes from jooq 3.13 to 3.14 ( a949e82f )
  • web: restore check for regenerateCronTriggerIds in PipelineController.save ( f99f3bae )
  • web: restore check for regenerateCronTriggerIds in PipelineController.save ( f99f3bae )


  • build: give local gradle builds more memory ( 2f928dbe )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 035a626c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0867288a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 1d70cf74 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 2014dabd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9259e1cf )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e5c739cb )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 604627fd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9c838ea4 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 51da7f82 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d26a079b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5f33cce3 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 62258dfe )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8a3edf5a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a949e82f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a949e82f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f50ff40c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 21446cef )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 21446cef )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 1d4a51b9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 294621a1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 70b7af32 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( bf7e1aec )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 563c74da )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.6.21 in front50 along with kork ( 4d4f0b11 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 1771f02c )
  • deps: bump peter-evans/repository-dispatch from 2 to 3 ( 7f797b7c )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 2dff66d0 )
  • gcs/test: replace deprecated test application context initializer class during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( eec0005f )
  • web: adjust pipeline triggers directly ( f99f3bae )
  • web/test: construct Pipeline objects in the first place ( f99f3bae )

Gate 6.62.0


  • fix: Fix git trigger issue caused by a misconfig of the object mapper when creating the echo retrofit service ( 4aae98d6 )
  • cdevents-webhooks: Adding support for Artifact Constraints and Parameters using CDEvents data ( 082e4d14 )
  • redis: circular dependencies ( d59518c0 )
  • request: Properly declare optional request parameters ( ba6c51bd )
  • requests: Properly handle optional request parameters ( ba6c51bd )
  • test/core: refactor constructor by passing context to HttpSecurity instance updated with spring boot 2.6.x ( 64afe5dd )
  • tests: fix enableRedisKeyspaceNotificationsInitializer bean creation issue during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( 64afe5dd )


  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 74eb5648 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8d7be108 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( cc1dca42 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( b519b919 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a438159b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d3d55ad5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( c7c45924 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 64afe5dd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 64afe5dd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7019150e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b7a1f837 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3401bdc6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( bc9212b5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f9629ccd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c1dad242 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b5ef0358 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b681e074 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b681e074 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b42b304d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 1747a622 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 428e1434 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e52dc7d8 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 20878643 )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.6.21 in gate along with kork ( f108416e )
  • dependency: upgrade bouncycastle dependency to 1.77 ( b681e074 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 7b3edc43 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 3767a326 )
  • redis: moving config to a new class ( 3383e775 )
  • web: Define the behavior of the /type/{accountType} endpoint ( ba6c51bd )
  • web/test: remove circular reference from GateConfig class identified during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( 64afe5dd )

Igor 4.16.0


  • build: add igor-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( 3e0789ec )
  • docker: add HEALTHCHECK ( 3e0789ec )
  • integration: add igor-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( 3e0789ec )
  • integration: run integration test in pr builds ( 3e0789ec )
  • integration: run integration test in branch builds ( 3e0789ec )
  • java17: compile with JDK17 targeting Java 11 bytecode ( 0c564b46 )
  • jenkins: Enable Jenkins job triggers for jobs in sub-folders ( 54fbbcc8 )


  • jenkins: Enable properties and artifacts with job name as query parameter ( 097a08ac )
  • telemetry: fix polling gauges and timers ( 957000fe )


  • build: give local gradle builds more memory ( 3e0789ec )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 0dd07621 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d7544219 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ea5a23d6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 38b13c5f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e07a0af2 )
  • dependencies: clean up igor-web.gradle ( 185264bb )
  • dependencies: remove dependencies that build.gradle defines centrally ( 185264bb )
  • dependencies: unpin com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8 ( 185264bb )
  • dependencies: remove duplicate dependencies on io.spinnaker.kork:kork-retrofit ( 185264bb )
  • dependencies: remove org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-properties-migrator ( 46521951 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 31d7e8b2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( be2ddc74 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a2b8bd49 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a2b8bd49 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( eb1a48e9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4c8c2e84 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 15e27fd4 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 689db374 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 81359c71 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 58f855dd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 78304719 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 74d9f02b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 88331ddc )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 659da2e7 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 080d5708 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 77375940 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 686ed985 )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of jackson-module-jaxb-annotations while upgrading spring boot 2.6.x ( 6d470eab )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of jaxb-api while upgrading spring boot 2.6.x ( c734a324 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 27215736 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 1cf58c52 )
  • web: replace the path matching strategy for spring mvc from PathPatternParser to Ant Matcher during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( a2b8bd49 )
  • web/test: replace deprecated mockito api verifyZeroInteractions() with verifyNoMoreInteractions() during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( 793665f4 )

Kayenta 2.40.0


  • core: remove circular reference from CanaryJudgeTask, CompareJudgeResultsTask, MetricSetMixerServiceTask, MonitorCanaryTask and RunCanaryTask classes identified during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( 8c30e062 )
  • stackdriver: read INT64 metrics correctly ( a560c2f8 )
  • stackdriver: read INT64 metrics correctly ( a560c2f8 )
  • test: Update swagger-ui endpoint with springfox 3.0.0 upgrade ( abcd11c7 )


  • core/test: replace deprecated mockito api verifyZeroInteractions() with verifyNoMoreInteractions() during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( dcae9d65 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 14b68d62 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 827008ca )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( abcd11c7 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( abcd11c7 )
  • dependency: unpinning and cleanup springfox dependencies ( 876c2c28 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( b7e5c82a )
  • deps: Remove what is unused dep and bump commons text ( 22b1bf15 )
  • deps: bump gradle/wrapper-validation-action from 1 to 2 ( f0e67c36 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 3c71ecc5 )
  • prometheus/test: replace deprecated test application context initializer class during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( ae9d112f )
  • swagger: Update swagger-ui endpoint with springfox 3.0.0 upgrade ( c933f7f9 )

Orca 8.51.0


  • execution: remove spinnaker accounts from execution context ( f5fb537c )
  • execution: Add a method to build AuthenticationDetails without ( f5fb537c )
  • execution: Add the execution.includeAllowedAccounts feature flag ( f5fb537c )
  • execution: Add feature flag when building a PIPELINE ExecutionType ( f5fb537c )
  • jenkins: Enable Jenkins job triggers for jobs in sub-folders ( 13c6f6eb )
  • jenkins: Enable Jenkins job triggers for jobs in sub-folders ( 13c6f6eb )
  • jenkins: initiate flag to false in tests ( 13c6f6eb )
  • kubernetes: identify and retry if the deploy manifest k8s task owner died while orca is monitoring the task ( cc35b5d3 )
  • servergroup: Allow users to opt-out of the target desired size check when verifying if the instances scaled up or down successfully ( f5fa468d )
  • servergroup: Allow users to opt-out of the target desired size check when verifying if the instances scaled up or down successfully ( f5fa468d )
  • sql: log the size of executions when they complete ( fff90a45 )
  • sql: conditionally compress large pipeline execution bodies ( 385145fe )
  • sql: conditionally compress large pipeline execution bodies ( 385145fe )
  • sql: add execution-repository.sql.compression.compression-mode flag ( 385145fe )
  • sql/test: enable logging ( 385145fe )


  • SqlExecutionRepository: fixed bug in sql repository in orca-sql … ( fc072b3a )
  • SqlExecutionRepository: fixed bug in sql repository in orca-sql module ( fc072b3a )
  • check-pre-condition: CheckPrecondition doesn’t evaluate expression correctly after upstream stages get restarted ( 613427f4 )
  • core: handle null when invoking pipelines with stages that are missing a “type” ( d3ede818 )
  • core: handle null when invoking pipelines with stages that are missing a “type” ( d3ede818 )
  • explicitRollback: Add configurable timeout for serverGroup lookup from Clouddriver API ( 2b8af022 )
  • explicitRollback: Add configurable timeout for serverGroup rollback from Clouddriver API ( 2b8af022 )
  • explicitRollback: Fix tests ( 2b8af022 )
  • explicitRollback: Add configurable timeout for serverGroup lookup from Clouddriver API ( 2b8af022 )
  • explicitRollback: Add configurable timeout for serverGroup lookup from Clouddriver API ( 2b8af022 )
  • explicitRollback: Add configurable timeout for serverGroup lookup from Clouddriver API ( 2b8af022 )
  • expressions/test: keep up with SpinnakerRequestInterceptor constructor change ( 3cc1b254 )
  • jenkins: Enable properties and artifacts with job name as query parameter ( fa913819 )
  • jenkins: Enable properties and artifacts with job name as query parameter ( fa913819 )
  • jenkins: Enable properties and artifacts with job name as query parameter ( fa913819 )
  • jooq: Refactor query for execution history retrieval ( a27e88a0 )
  • mine: handle exceptions when error response body is null in RegisterCanaryTask ( 886e2b1e )
  • queue: Fix ZombieExecutionCheckingAgent to handle queues with more than 100 items ( 0a52909d )
  • retrofit: use SpinnakerServerException.getHttpMethod() instead of reflection in SpinnakerServerExceptionHandler ( da1f0bbb )
  • retrofit: update shouldRetry method in SpinnakerServerExceptionHandler to default to using SpinnakerServerException.getHttpMethod() since findHttpMethodAnnotation returns null for retrofit2 exceptions ( da1f0bbb )
  • sql: Selecting only necessary fiels ( a27e88a0 )
  • sql: Yaml parse bug in liquibase changelog file ( 8c563f52 )
  • sql: fix copyright in ExecutionCompressionProperties ( 385145fe )
  • sql: only use compressed tables for queries when compression is enabled ( 385145fe )


  • applications: Cleanup RetrofitError in DeleteApplicationTask ( 38b447f9 )
  • clouddriver: demonstrate behavior of EvaluateDeploymentHealthTask ( d13aa79d )
  • clouddriver/test: configure logback to log messages ( d13aa79d )
  • core: demonstrate the current behavior when invoking some invalid pipelines ( d3ede818 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 90a38326 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7e923cc0 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2a2110d8 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 61d5de7e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e7ced26b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e08819af )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 74ba9caa )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b2f95921 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a0960044 )
  • dependencies: unpin com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path ( 19082b4a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e2896cbc )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ec088175 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ad75861a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3cc1b254 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3cc1b254 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 140b43fb )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 22a60b9a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 39576af7 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4cfb9ad0 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e8e60a0c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( fbab2202 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 74f26127 )
  • dependencies: replace com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock with com.github.tomakehurst:wiremock-jre8-standalone ( 93e3c21c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4ccba0d9 )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.6.21 in orca along with kork ( bede273c )
  • deploymentmonitor: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with DeploymentMonitorService ( d13aa79d )
  • deploymentmonitor: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with DeploymentMonitorService ( d13aa79d )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 31e7fc6e )
  • deps: bump peter-evans/repository-dispatch from 2 to 3 ( c3528667 )
  • deps: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 6 ( c6d82fa1 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( d50e949a )
  • echo: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with EchoService ( 5f0f94b9 )
  • execution: Define the behavior when building a PIPELINE ExecutionType ( f5fb537c )
  • flex: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with FlexService ( 72ad04c3 )
  • front50: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with Front50Service ( 38b447f9 )
  • front50: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with Front50Service ( 38b447f9 )
  • front50: suppress noisy logs in DependentPipelineStarter ( 5444774f )
  • igor: Cleanup RetrofitError in GetCommitsTask ( 38b447f9 )
  • igor: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with IgorService ( 38e426e1 )
  • igor: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with IgorService ( 38e426e1 )
  • integrations-gremlin: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with GremlinService ( ad53c176 )
  • kayenta: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with KayentaService ( ad1b83c1 )
  • keel: Cleanup RetrofitError in ImportDeliveryConfigTask ( 38e426e1 )
  • keel: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with KeelService ( ca3db121 )
  • keel: Test to verify the timestamps in SpringHttpError ( ca3db121 )
  • keel: demonstrate behavior of ImportDeliveryConfigTask on http errors and network errors ( ca3db121 )
  • keel: remove duplicate tests from ImportDeliveryConfigTaskTests ( ca3db121 )
  • keel: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with KeelService ( ca3db121 )
  • mine: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with MineService ( 886e2b1e )
  • mine: verify http error case in RegisterCanaryTask ( 886e2b1e )
  • mine: verify network error case in RegisterCanaryTask ( 886e2b1e )
  • mine: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler with MineService ( 886e2b1e )
  • restarts: Optimized RestartStageHandler. ( 8c0c189f )
  • retrofit: add retrofit2 exceptions to SpinnakerServerExceptionHandlerTest ( da1f0bbb )
  • sql: demonstrate behavior of retrievePipelinesForApplication ( fc072b3a )
  • sql: Optimise searchForPipelinesByTrigger LIMIT and OFFSET SQL query ( a27e88a0 )
  • sql: verify that SqlExecutionRepository store followed by retrieve works ( 385145fe )
  • sql: remove default value for enableCompression argument of SqlExecutionRepository.upsert ( 385145fe )
  • sql: replace use of deprecated retry function ( 385145fe )
  • sql/test: convert SqlExecutionRepositoryTest to use a real database ( 385145fe )
  • sql/test: remove circular reference from SqlQueueIntegrationTest identified during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( a587515c )
  • test: adjust UpsertApplicationTaskSpec tests to use realistic behavior of Front50Service.get ( 38b447f9 )
  • test: replace deprecated mockito api verifyZeroInteractions() with verifyNoMoreInteractions() during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( d382b380 )
  • test/applications: Cleanup impractical tests in UpsertApplicationTaskSpec ( 38b447f9 )
  • test/clouddriver: Cleanup impractical tests in TrafficGuardSpec ( 38b447f9 )

Rosco 1.20.0


  • artifact: Introduces the expansion of artifact store references in parameters ( e9c58fbf )
  • artifact: logic to handle reference URIs in overrides ( e9c58fbf )
  • artifacts: Updates to tests due to Helm util constructor changes ( e9c58fbf )
  • aws: Upgrade packer and add SSM support (Amazon) ( c0e6d3b5 )
  • aws: Upgrade packer and add SSM support (Amazon) ( c0e6d3b5 )
  • docker: add HEALTHCHECK ( fe105328 )
  • integration: add rosco-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( fe105328 )
  • integration: add rosco-integration module to exercise the just-built docker image ( fe105328 )
  • integration: run integration test in pr builds ( fe105328 )
  • integration: run integration test in branch builds ( fe105328 )


  • integration: use test configurations for dependencies ( f16c1f8a )


  • core: remove circular reference from cloud provider bake handlers and its configuration classes identified during upgrade to spring boot 2.6.x ( 2228ab32 )
  • core: add tests to verify the rosco startup with various cloud providers enabled ( 71072186 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 456a2f7e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( eb4f1c86 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 648984ab )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d6c40774 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2228ab32 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2228ab32 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 06b8e7ca )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e3830a0a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 206aa7c1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3e002773 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( cd595095 )
  • dependencies: centralize lombok dependencies in build.gradle ( 2eb8bee3 )
  • dependencies: use enforcedPlatform with kork-bom ( 2eb8bee3 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b85314f9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f1c2532a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9cffd978 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 10e0d834 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( be3e7923 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 845c8f56 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5e70d8bb )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2d789884 )
  • deps: bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 ( 0514db33 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/upload-cloud-storage from 1 to 2 ( 64277ea6 )
  • deps: bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 ( b3d1e810 )