Spinnaker Release 1.33.0


Note: Broken Functionality

Spinnaker 1.33.0 upgrades to liquibase 4.24.0 which breaks the following scenarios when using postgres:

  • new installation with versions 1.33.0, 1.33.1, 1.34.0 & 1.34.1
  • upgrade/migration from versions < 1.33.0 to 1.33.0/1.33.1/1.33.2/1.34.0/1.34.1/1.34.2

These scenarios work from Spinnaker 1.33.3 (and above) and Spinnaker 1.34.3 (and above).

See https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/6941 and https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/6942 for more details.

Note: This release requires Halyard version 1.45.0 or later.

This release includes fixes, features, and performance improvements across a wide feature set in Spinnaker. This section provides a summary of notable improvements followed by the comprehensive changelog.

Lambda changes

In 1.33, several changes were made to allow full exposure of Lambda timeouts to operations. Previously the SDK would restrict timeouts despite any configuration to 55 seconds - you can now change this for things like long running lambda invocations. Further the duplicate retry behavior (between custom retry code and SDK retry behavior) has been removed entirely in favor of SDK retry behavior. This means pipeline retries no longer work at this time. Future enhancements could restore custom retry per operation configurations. To set retries and timeouts for Lambda operations you can set a clouddriver profile like so:

      enabled: true
    invokeTimeoutMs: 4000000
    retries: 1

See PR for more information: https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/pull/6077

Java 17

Following the changes to use JRE 17 for Front50 and Igor in 1.32 , all other services (Clouddriver, Orca, Gate, Echo, Fiat, Rosco, and Kayenta) have now been upgraded. Java 11 variants of all services continue to be published. Please report any problems by creating a GitHub issue.

In future releases, services will be gradually updated to compile using JDK 17 in order to complete the migration to Java 17.

Artifact Store

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    region: <region>
    bucket: <bucket>

After this PR, the way to enable both stores to and gets from s3 is:

  type: s3
    enabled: true
    region: <region>
    bucket: <bucket>

To enable gets only, but not stores:

  type: s3
    enabled: false
    region: <region>
    bucket: <bucket>

This makes it possible to disable storage of new artifacts, while retaining the ability to process existing artifact store references.


  • https://github.com/spinnaker/deck/pull/10036 adds support to deploy different versions of artifacts based on the target cluster API and Kubernetes version, significantly improving the user experience when deploying Helm charts.

  • To enable this feature, you must set API_VERSIONS_ENABLED to true in Deck.

    For configuration, see Deploy Helm Charts .

Other related PRs are: https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4546 https://github.com/spinnaker/rosco/pull/1020

Groovy 3

All Groovy based implementations and tests have been upgraded to use Groovy 3 in place of Groovy 2. Supporting Spock test framework has been upgraded from 1.3-groovy-2.5 to 2.0-groovy-3.0. Removed the support of junit-vintage-engine. Groovy dependency has been unpinned and bring version from Spring Boot dependencies transitively.

Spring Boot 2.5.15

As part of the continued effort to upgrade Spring Boot, Spinnaker 1.33.0 now uses Spring Boot 2.5.15, an upgrade from Spinnaker 1.32.0’s use of Spring Boot 2.5.14.

Kotlin 1.5

In order to sync and upgrade the compatible version of Kotlin with Spring Boot, Kotlin based implementations and tests have been upgraded to use Kotlin 1.5.32 in place of 1.4.32. Now Spinnaker 1.33.0 uses this version for all services.

Clouddriver 5.83.0


  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3be8c450 )
  • gcp: provide a configurable option to bypass gcp account health check. ( df2bb06c )
  • gcp: provide a configurable option to bypass gcp account health check. ( df2bb06c )
  • gcp: replace with in-line check solution. ( df2bb06c )
  • integration-tests: updated version of kind and added images for k8s v1.19 - v1.28 for the tests to run against in parallel ( 21041835 )
  • java17: use JRE17, run tests on JRE17, compile with JDK11 ( 231722d3 )
  • java17: use JRE17, run tests on JRE17, compile with JDK11 ( 231722d3 )
  • kubectl: Extract interface for KubectlJobExecutor and use it. ( bb048780 )
  • kubectl: Extract interface for KubectlJobExecutor and use it instead of the implementation. ( bb048780 )
  • kubectl: Extract interface for KubectlJobExecutor and use it instead of the implementation. ( bb048780 )
  • kubectl: Extract interface for KubectlJobExecutor and use it instead of the implementation. ( bb048780 )
  • kubectl: Extract interface for KubectlJobExecutor and use it instead of the implementation. ( bb048780 )
  • kubectl: Extract interface for KubectlJobExecutor and use it instead of the implementation. ( bb048780 )
  • lambda: Allow timeouts to be set for operations ( b7672c6e )
  • lambda: Lambda calls default timeout after 50 seconds causing longer running lambdas to fail. This adds configurable timeouts for lambda invocations ( 50d9f54f )
  • provider/google: Modified the CloudrunDeployManifestDescriptionTest class to use the junit 5 constructs. ( 20a8cf6a )
  • provider/google: Added cloudrun manifest functionality in clouddriver. ( 20a8cf6a )
  • provider/google: Modified the CloudrunDeployManifestDescriptionTest class to use the junit 5 constructs. ( 20a8cf6a )
  • provider/google: Added cloudrun manifest functionality in clouddriver. ( 3e0bcfb3 )
  • provider/kubernetes: support for kubectl server-side-apply strategy ( ce121b32 )
  • provider/kubernetes: support for kubectl server-side-apply strategy ( ce121b32 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerE… ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks and add spinnakerErrorHandler. ( 7de01d41 )


  • fix: Fix docker build in GHA by removing some of the GHA tools ( fb0fe555 )
  • aws: ignore deserialziation of getServerGroupNames ( 4a8471fe )
  • aws/test: Fix requests for time in “where” not fixed ( 015c948b )
  • aws/test: keep up with SpinnakerNetworkException constructor changes ( 7a61a2e6 )
  • aws/test: fix test placeholders to show unrolled iteration names ( 98581311 )
  • cats: passing incorrect redis config into interval provider ( 05016507 )
  • configserver: make AbstractBootstrapCredentialsConfigurationProvider.getPropertiesMap aware of SecretAwarePropertySource. ( 09c387ab )
  • databaseChangeLog: rollback element’s indentation correction ( 4caca45d )
  • java17: remove invalid usage of BigInteger constructor ( 231722d3 )
  • java17: fix GHA workflows ( 231722d3 )
  • java17: replace SystemLambda dependency incompatible with Java 17 ( 231722d3 )
  • java17: revert changes to clouddriver.yml ( 231722d3 )
  • java17: add missing converters to RestAdapters to avoid GSON reflection ( 231722d3 )
  • kubernetes: use getFullResourceName in KubectlJobExecutor.create ( 738e5eda )
  • lambda: Lambda is leaking threads on agent refreshes. remove the custom threadpool ( 32b0df9b )
  • spring/request: Optional class is not serializable. ( 29d5f1c3 )


  • Revert “feat(kubectl): Extract interface for KubectlJobExecutor and use it. (#6076)” ( c4d1827f )
  • appengine: remove isDisabled() method with groovy 3 upgrade ( d9f6d523 )
  • artifacts: remove reference to artifact-store.enabled ( 456f39de )
  • aws/test: remove isDisabled() method with groovy 3 upgrade ( d9f6d523 )
  • aws/test: fix conflict of variable scope by renaming local variables during upgrade of groovy 3.x ( 12dc0106 )
  • azure: refactor boolean field to use default getter implementation of groovy 3.x ( 8825c133 )
  • azure: fix incompatible generic type issue faced during upgrade to springboot 2.5.15 ( d2e83e46 )
  • core/test: remove isDisabled() method with groovy 3 upgrade ( d9f6d523 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 4eb23bbf )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 12135376 )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 2143139f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a89b0988 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( da9be4ce )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3fbad46f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 529cbd87 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f5dfbbbb )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d4fb41b3 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c90e3e3b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 27c44562 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 023ff65d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7a61a2e6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7a61a2e6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9beb889c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d9f6d523 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d9f6d523 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d90c6536 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ab6d9ad5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3be8c450 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 1e4e627e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ae834e9e )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.5.32 in clouddriver along with kork ( f11ef958 )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of groovy-json in clouddriver-web while upgrading groovy 3.x ( 6fb89dcc )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of groovy-templates in clouddriver-kubernetes while upgrading groovy 3.x ( ff7c74e1 )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of groovy-test in clouddriver-google while upgrading groovy 3.x ( 5bcd9918 )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( d13d0e5a )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 25a269a1 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( ad5f5f8c )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( 863e5d60 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( caa202e6 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 27257dab )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( 6f1a53c3 )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 73d15fdb )
  • event: replace deprecated method to fix error during upgrade to Kotlin 1.5.32 ( 01718c32 )
  • google: remove isDisabled() method with groovy 3 upgrade ( d9f6d523 )
  • google: add @Autowired to make members explicit for DI ( 609932e0 )
  • google: add constructor-based DI to mock private members in test and resolved the scope of variables during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( 5020f442 )
  • google: add constructor-based DI to mock private members in test and resolved the scope of variables during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( 12939454 )
  • junit: centralize org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine dependency in build.gradle ( d22be37b )
  • kubernetes/test: replace deprecated NioGroovyMethods.append() with ResourceGroovyMethods.append() during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( c09d9189 )
  • oracle: remove isDisabled() method with groovy 3 upgrade ( d9f6d523 )
  • oracle: introduce explicit constructor for initialization of inner class members in OracleServerGroup.groovy ( 6240ce89 )
  • oracle: introduce explicit constructor and initialization of inner class members ( 18533690 )
  • saga/test: replace deprecated method during upgrade to Kotlin 1.5.32 ( 44124e21 )
  • test: add runtime jupiter engine and remove vintage engine with upgrade of groovy 3 ( d9f6d523 )
  • test: convert junit4 assertion to junit5 ( 4dccd10d )

Deck 3.16.0


  • feat: Expose spinnaker/kayenta to the plugin framework to allow us to create kayenta plugins in Deck ( dbf05741 )
  • feat: Add feature flag for multi block failure messages. ( 374f724d )
  • feat: Split deployment failure messages. ( 73dda48c )
  • core: Add ability to set Default Tag filters for an application in application config ( c768e88f )
  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( d9681830 )
  • java17: use Java 17 ( 11c96031 )
  • peerdep-sync: Synchronize peerdependencies ( 20d6ca89 )
  • peerdep-sync: Synchronize peerdependencies ( 217b7539 )
  • peerdep-sync: Synchronize peerdependencies ( 581f9d43 )
  • upgrades: OS Upgrades ( d17ec1af )


  • fix: Scaling bounds should parse float not int ( b763cae8 )
  • amazon: Allow scaling bounds to use floats between input steps ( 5c1ebfdf )
  • kubernetes: export rollout restart stage so it’s actually available for use ( c19f9ce9 )
  • lambda: available Runtimes shared between Deploy stage and Functions tab ( 889d769c )
  • publish: set access config in deck libraries ( 2a5ebe25 )


  • Correct invalid changeset name ( 94a80c69 )
  • Revert “fix(core): conditionally hide expression evaluation warning messages (#9771)” ( 62033d0f )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 9bd9b014 )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 3c0387d4 )
  • deps: bump @spinnaker/kayenta from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 ( 3064f852 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( 83722c6a )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( 2b818dc7 )
  • deps: bump actions/github-script from 6.4.1 to 7.0.1 ( a0bb7905 )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 ( c7d804ce )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( 8c112bbe )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 03bab904 )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 0fa26fcd )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 2862352c )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( 934b94d9 )
  • deps: bump angular and @types/angular in /packages/cloudrun ( b454a797 )
  • deps: bump luxon from 1.23.0 to 1.28.1 in /packages/cloudrun ( 3b2f6240 )
  • deps-dev: bump vite from 2.4.2 to 2.9.16 in /packages/app ( d1932d32 )
  • publish: publish packages (dbf0574176cbbca781d970c64dfe49f6911ef8b8) ( 20d6ca89 )
  • publish: publish peerdeps (dbf0574176cbbca781d970c64dfe49f6911ef8b8) ( 20d6ca89 )
  • publish: publish packages (2a5ebe25662eeb9d41b5071749266bf9d6d51104) ( 217b7539 )
  • publish: publish peerdeps (2a5ebe25662eeb9d41b5071749266bf9d6d51104) ( 217b7539 )
  • publish: publish packages (b763cae826039df46b8dbe019689316ff5034e33) ( 581f9d43 )
  • publish: publish peerdeps (b763cae826039df46b8dbe019689316ff5034e33) ( 581f9d43 )
  • upgrades: OS Upgrades ( d17ec1af )

Echo 2.40.0


  • cdevents-notification: Implementing produce CDEvents using Notification ( 8bdcaa55 )
  • cdevents-notification: Implementing produce CDEvents using Notification agent ( 8bdcaa55 )
  • cdevents-notification: unit tests to produce CDEvents using Notification ( 8bdcaa55 )
  • cdevents-notification: update variable name to cdEventsType ( 8bdcaa55 )
  • java17: use JRE17, run tests on JRE17, compile with JDK11 ( 4a17a5ca )


  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 953c35d6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 104666d9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 13455b4c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 495c619a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 599b6f92 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9b00515c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7dc79bf2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 67f59500 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2833ee6d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7b1db17d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7f15208f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 329ba044 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b4097ca7 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4fa2665c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 89a810a2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e1bbdd5d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d8a5beb0 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9141d113 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8d8a609f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3fc2aa70 )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.5.32 in echo along with kork ( b3812547 )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of groovy-json in echo-core and echo-pipelinetriggers while upgrading groovy 3.x ( 538546b3 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( a803ea68 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( d2034c50 )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( 1f86bdda )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 48ed86fc )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 76ffa97e )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( ba07e414 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( 43e00494 )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 5891ad22 )
  • test: add runtime jupiter engine and remove vintage engine with upgrade of groovy 3 ( 044206bd )
  • tests: fix conflict of variable scope by renaming local variables during upgrade of groovy 3.x ( 31779124 )
  • tests: fix conflict of variable scope by renaming local variables during upgrade of groovy 3.x ( a6e00b21 )

Fiat 1.43.0


  • java17: use JRE17, run tests on JRE17, compile with JDK11 ( c1ebc768 )


  • build: empty commit to prepare for release-1.32.x ( 9c42ba2a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5b8ba8e8 )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( ff66cc31 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( dd126d3a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6e12f71f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 37835ea4 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b78360e9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e52afb2b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7510303a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( fea25592 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e562d44d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b64c9ea2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2e96f480 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 438da504 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f8fcd064 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 15e3009f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 23b8393c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 168389ef )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ff465935 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c76bd5af )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.5.32 in fiat along with kork ( 3947a1bc )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( a993ac4f )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 25c4e507 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( b450064b )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( f9b87004 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( bfbe8548 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 8df4e518 )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( f2a8c66d )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( 676b336e )
  • roles/test: refactor test class functions accessing parent class members ( 301b9808 )
  • test: add runtime jupiter engine and remove vintage engine with upgrade of groovy 3 ( bfa6a9f3 )

Front50 2.31.0


  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks. ( a0da1008 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks. ( a0da1008 )
  • retrofit: Replace RetrofitError catch blocks. ( a0da1008 )


  • dependency: fix dependency version leak of google-api-services-storage from kork in front50-web ( fb5850c0 )
  • web: Treat newly saved pipelines as not stale ( d2894cbb )


  • core/test: refactor NioGroovyMethods.readBytes() to use java.nio.file.Files ( 765dbdb1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( a282939c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9559934d )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 577935b2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5734b136 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7d7b8196 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9c776afd )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8359faaa )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4b40a261 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b17042de )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6cab5e94 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( dde66b86 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0b92adc0 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f03f5472 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3bec84a9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9be242a2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3b52b3ae )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2a997f69 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4e91679c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6f343f31 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 759b552c )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.5.32 in front50 along with kork ( 04997e25 )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of groovy-json in front50-web while upgrading groovy 3.x ( 61699656 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( 66826bb8 )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( 300d01a9 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 2d2c71b6 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( 520f0bdc )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 6cf5f208 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( f5a1036c )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( 4051154c )
  • redis/test: update EmbeddedRedisConfig to use the hostname from EmbeddedRedis ( 408c34a0 )
  • test: add runtime jupiter engine and remove vintage engine with upgrade of groovy 3 ( 960e3149 )

Gate 6.61.0


  • java17: add configuration to build JRE 17 images and run tests with JRE 17 ( 9f664b07 )


  • fix(cachingFilter: Allow disabling the content caching filter ( 7e403b06 )
  • core: RetrofitError thrown on login ( 5f73a67b )
  • java17: refactor test fixture to not mock static class ( 9f664b07 )
  • java17: add Jackson converters to RestAdapters to avoid GSON ( 9f664b07 )
  • spring/profile: fix the profile property to be processed by spring boot 2.4+ ( d69b93d0 )


  • core: Move managed delivery model classes ( 346ca355 )
  • core: Remove unused Eureka leftovers ( 346ca355 )
  • core: Migrate remaining Groovy code to Java ( 346ca355 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( e01e687d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( db11a65f )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( b83c9c45 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e7530c71 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 6e487bc9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 23806cc6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d457399c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 73df737f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d240baa3 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 22d3c681 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9524bfa0 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e7956552 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f9414f86 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 87a5dcb6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5345fe30 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 77d22831 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a18163c1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 84550aea )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 21837d38 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 853e343e )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.5.32 in gate along with kork ( 626e3987 )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of groovy-json in gate-web while upgrading groovy 3.x ( 0c04a78c )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( 54bf338c )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( 30684655 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( f1ac512a )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( 0ab9907e )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( a3602004 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 5496ff7c )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 88fafffd )
  • test: add runtime jupiter engine and remove vintage engine with upgrade of groovy 3 ( 4412a029 )
  • upgrades: OS Upgrades ( 27b44731 )
  • web: fix groovy compilation failure due to missing type conversions during upgrade to springboot 2.5.15 ( f748e034 )
  • web/test: update RedisTestConfig ( b955dddb )
  • web/test: replace assert with assertThat and introduce explicit mocks ( e8eea522 )

Igor 4.15.0


  • scm: add ability to retrieve raw delivery config ( a9838d4c )
  • scm: add ability to retrieve raw delivery config ( a9838d4c )


  • GitHubMaster,GitLabCommitController,ManagedDeliveryScmController: change Spinnaker*Exception handling code for readability ( c48d215e )
  • JenkinsService: separate Spinnaker*Exceptions to handle retryable conditions ( bd93cebe )
  • JenkinsService: fix to make Spinnaker*Exceptions code handling readable by removing redundant code ( bd93cebe )
  • JenkinsService: fix to add SpinnakerServerException blocks which were missed in previous commit ( bd93cebe )
  • JenkinsService: remove catch block for SpinnakerServerException from ScmDetails.getGitDetails() as no need to catch and rethrow ( bd93cebe )
  • java17: add Jackson converter to RestAdapters to avoid Gson ( c1bd0b19 )
  • java17: stop accessing private fields, run tests using JRE17 ( d1f6ed81 )
  • java17: remove long-deprecated import that doesn’t work with JRE17 ( 03c1ace0 )
  • scm: restore original behavior in GitHubCommitController, fix compile error in ManagedDeliveryScmController ( c48d215e )
  • scm: restore original behavior in GitHubCommitController, restored missing line for GitHubCommitController in catch of SpinnakerServerException ( c48d215e )
  • web: fix exception handling in JenkinsBuildMonitor.processBuildsOfProject ( 667678ec )


  • Echoservice: make changes to Echoservice use customSpinnaker Exceptions using SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler ( ae0d3d5c )
  • Githubclient: make changes to Git(master|lab) and BitBucket… ( c48d215e )
  • JenkinsClient: make changes to jenkinsclient to use Spinnak… ( bd93cebe )
  • JenkinsClient: make changes to jenkinsclient to use Spinnaker custom exception instead of RetrofitError using SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler ( bd93cebe )
  • JenkinsService: add SpinnakerConversionException ( bd93cebe )
  • StashClient,WerckerClient: separate catch blocks for SpinnakerNetworkException for readability ( 23be6305 )
  • StashClient,WerckerClient/test: make changes to StashClient, WerckerClient use customSpinnaker Exceptions using SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler ( 23be6305 )
  • StashClient,WerckerClient/test: replace RetrofitError with SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler for custom error handling in StashClient, WerckerClient ( 23be6305 )
  • WerckerClient: extract url from SpinnakerHttpException for WerckerBuildMonitor process pipeline runs ( 23be6305 )
  • WerckerClient: move try block to handle exception from werckerService.getBuilds(pipeline), and add separate catch block for SpinnakerServerException as e.getCause() may be relevant for non-SpinnakerHttpException-eg cause for IOException could be SocketTimeoutException/ConnectException ( 23be6305 )
  • WerckerClient: Remove if-else block related to e.getUrl() and e.getCause(), since Spinnaker*Exception contains relevant info in the exception message, which is already handled in existing log message ( 23be6305 )
  • WerckerService: behavior change, when triggerBuildWithParameters throws SpinnakerServerException, err log shows exception err msg, because SpinnakerHttpException response body raw contents are not accessible ( 23be6305 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( acfa6a0d )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a3285c0b )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 0339b70a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 1b87f707 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 25435d8a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7e074f11 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 86f205d5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d183bb0b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 79991f42 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ea96fff6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 445c2871 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e70116b3 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 667678ec )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 667678ec )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 8ff1cc30 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5ab862c1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 04a8c748 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 4be56c36 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 32cc7728 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 70f37d1a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b2f5cee3 )
  • dependency: add testImplementation of groovy-json dependency while upgrading to groovy 3.x ( aaa075cf )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( 4fdf3926 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( 6e813661 )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( 98c3cc40 )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 77d79d21 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 3f7579ce )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( ec93eca8 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( ab5a69ad )
  • front50,clouddriver: replace RetrofitError with SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler in DockerRegistry and PluginMonitor for custom error handling in front50 and clouddriver ( fa7bfa80 )
  • helm,concourseclient,keel: replace RetrofitError with SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler for custom error handling in helm,concourseclient,keel ( 898687c8 )
  • igor: Replace HelmAccountsService, KeelService, ConcourseClient to replace RetrofitError -> Spinnaker custom exceptions ( 898687c8 )
  • scm/test: replace RetrofitError with SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler for custom error handling in Github, GitlabCi, BitBucket, ManagedScmDelivery ( c48d215e )
  • scm/test: separated SpinnakerNetworkException and SpinnakerHttpException exceptions for readability ( c48d215e )
  • travisService: remove try-catch since e.getBodyAs() is no longer called ( 1c884127 )
  • travisService/test: replace RetrofitError with SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler for custom error handling in travis client ( 1c884127 )
  • travisService/test: added null check to response body ( 1c884127 )
  • travisService/test: response body could be null for eg when a json converter is unable to convert non-json format ( 1c884127 )
  • travisclient: make changes to travisClient to use Spinnaker custom exception instead of RetrofitError using SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler ( 1c884127 )
  • web: remove unnecessary catch-and-throw from JenkinsService ( bd93cebe )
  • web: no need to wrap SpinnakerHttpException ( bd93cebe )
  • web: add explicit SpinnakerNetworkException catch block in scm/github/CommitController.compareCommits ( c48d215e )
  • web/test: clean up exception mocking in JenkinsBuildMonitorSpec ( 667678ec )

Kayenta 2.39.0


  • java17: use JRE17, run tests on JRE17, compile with JDK11 ( b08dcdb7 )


  • core/test: keep up with SpinnakerNetworkException constructor changes ( 4bac6089 )
  • prometheus/test: keep up with SpinnakerHttpException message change ( f24744ef )


  • refactor: Refactor how the kayenta object mapper is being configured to allow overriding from kayenta plugins ( bac3719f )
  • core/test: fix test placeholders to show unrolled iteration names during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( 0a1502c7 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( ce32f5b0 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 9c9ae508 )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 37fb5dd3 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( d1f7ee2e )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( eb916194 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 6e856ad1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( c603e72d )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 574d3a84 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 4bac6089 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 4bac6089 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( 880028f9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( f24744ef )
  • dependencies: Autobump orcaVersion ( f24744ef )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( 00c750de )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( c7157470 )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( 59b2eacf )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 816b2e22 )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 8a53bbf9 )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( e51523a6 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( 04e2888b )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 54396532 )
  • tests: convert junit4 based testcases to junit5 and clean up in kayenta ( 1bd22b4c )

Orca 8.48.0


  • fix: duplicate entry exception for correlation_ids table. ( 8523343b )
  • clouddriver: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler for retrofit client beans in CloudDriverConfiguration ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • clouddriver: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler for retrofit client beans in CloudDriverConfiguration ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( cd9781f1 )
  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( cd9781f1 )
  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( cd9781f1 )
  • java17: use JRE17, run tests on JRE17, compile with JDK11 ( 6118137b )
  • retrofit: add SpinnakerServerExceptionHandler ( 83d2d3a6 )
  • retrofit: add SpinnakerServerExceptionHandler ( 83d2d3a6 )
  • retrofit: add SpinnakerServerExceptionHandler bean ( 83d2d3a6 )


  • artifacts: Automated triggers with artifact constraints are broken if you have 2 or more of the same type ( 645059dc )
  • artifacts: Parent and child pipeline artifact resolution ( 2e3c5f06 )
  • artifacts: Resolving is broken in multiple places ( 98b814b5 )
  • artifacts: Resolving is broken in multiple places ( 98b814b5 )
  • bakery: change exception handling in MonitorBakeTask to use Spinnaker*Exception instead of RetrofitError now that https://github.com/spinnaker/orca/pull/4529 has added SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler to BakerySelector ( b1071bd1 )
  • bakery/test: use dynamic port in BakeryServiceSpec ( 7a95d5a7 )
  • clouddriver: change exception handling in ClouddriverClearAltTablespaceTask ( 42a9a1a3 )
  • core: give the ObjectMapper bean two names: mapper and objectMapper ( 3e0c67a6 )
  • databaseChangeLog: fix for ‘addAfterColumn is not allowed on postgresql’ ( 976d469f )
  • execution: do not copy ‘alias’ from parent context to restrictTimeWindow so that the synthetic task works on aliased stages ( dd8ddafe )
  • front50: teach MonitorPipelineTask to handle missing/null execution ids ( 7523f5dc )
  • orca: tying exceptions to tasks ( 27b697ec )
  • orca: tying exceptions to tasks ( 27b697ec )
  • orca: added test separately ( 27b697ec )
  • qos/test: fix syntax in DefaultExecutionPromoterTest ( 54fd30bf )
  • redirect: Allow for redirects instead of throwing exception ( b34b257f )
  • redirect: Allow for redirects instead of throwing exception ( b34b257f )
  • redirect: Allow for redirects instead of throwing exception ( b34b257f )
  • redirect: add redirect handling and validate url for 301 and 302 status codes ( b34b257f )
  • redirect: Add redirect handling and validate url ( b34b257f )
  • retrofit/test: keep up with SpinnakerServerException, SpinnakerNetworkException constructor changes ( bbcb52c2 )
  • test: fix intermittent issue of port binding by using dynamic port for WireMockServer ( baacddb1 )
  • test: fix test placeholders to show unrolled iteration names ( 73a1c6f5 )
  • vpc: add data annotation to vpc ( 9a1fa511 )


  • MonitoredDeployBaseTask: Add tests to verify log message for different types of RetrofitError ( adc81ac1 )
  • artifacts: partially reverting #4397 ( 645059dc )
  • artifacts: reverted #4489 ( 645059dc )
  • artifacts: reverted #4526 ( 645059dc )
  • artifacts: added test when parent pipeline does not provide expected artifacts ( 645059dc )
  • artifacts: resolve artifacts for default and prior artifacts ( 645059dc )
  • bakery: fix incompatible generic type issue faced during upgrade to springboot 2.5.15 ( 5385ad26 )
  • bakery/test: wiremock cleanup ( 4666ce01 )
  • bakery/test: use wiremock-jre8-standalone ( 4666ce01 )
  • bakery/test: remove unused import ( 4666ce01 )
  • bakery/test: remove junit annotations ( 4666ce01 )
  • bakery/test: only start one wiremock server for all of BakeryServiceSpec ( 4666ce01 )
  • clouddriver: InstanceService - Eliminated the usage of RetrofitError in the catch blocks and added SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler in the retrofit config which handles the RetrofitError and throws a customised Spinnaker*Exception ( a5d151f8 )
  • clouddriver: Code formatted to bring the statements inline with the existing formatting ( a5d151f8 )
  • clouddriver: Replaced the ‘request’ mock bean with RetrofitError to wrap up the customised Spinnaker*Exception ( a5d151f8 )
  • clouddriver: Modified the wrapper exception from generic RetrofitError to more specific Retrofit network error ( a5d151f8 )
  • clouddriver: Reordered the RetrofitError import ( a5d151f8 )
  • clouddriver: fix scope resolution of static method explictly calling by class name during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( d55949b4 )
  • clouddriver: remove OortService where it’s not used: SourceResolver, JarDiffsTask, VerifyQuipTask ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • clouddriver: demonstrate behavior when resolveByParams receives an invalid response ( 8050e9ed )
  • clouddriver: use typed endpoints in TargetServerGroupResolver ( 8050e9ed )
  • clouddriver: remove OortService.getTargetServerGroup ( 8050e9ed )
  • clouddriver: rename OortService.oort.getTargetServerGroupTyped to getTargetServerGroup ( 8050e9ed )
  • clouddriver/test: refactor Spy.with{} closure during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( 3101d8bd )
  • clouddriver/test: use more fully formed RetrofitErrors in TargetServerGroupResolverSpec ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • clouddriver/test: use more fully formed RetrofitErrors in FindImageFromClusterTaskSpec ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • clouddriver/test: use a converter with RetrofitErrors in WaitForDestroyedAsgTaskSpec ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • cloudriver: fix enum constructor modifier as private during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( bc0e35b8 )
  • core/test: fix cardinality issue by replacing Stub to Mock during upgrade to groovy 3.x ( b34be072 )
  • dependencies: Autobump fiatVersion ( 50096133 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 276114b5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( 6207d543 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( f202f902 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ae09c5a8 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 78640b96 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3e0c67a6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 3e0c67a6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 976d469f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 976d469f )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b013bc8e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 7e1e74f9 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a3d15bd6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 2e8ebf81 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( bbcb52c2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( bbcb52c2 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 342dcc6e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 41ad5580 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0b39d7e1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c6a98958 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b54874e5 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ec14ce10 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 5ef8a2ee )
  • dependency: upgrade kotlin to 1.5.32 in orca along with kork ( 134cf300 )
  • dependency: add explicit dependency of groovy-json in orca-web and orca-webhook during upgrade of groovy 3.x ( 8830c6c0 )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( e51c7c94 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( 62a00604 )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( 02675ef3 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 185e7084 )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( daa85ed1 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( 12df8f74 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( 7d5ebb4b )
  • flex/test: fix conflict of variable scope by renaming local variables during upgrade of groovy 3.x ( 778989e7 )
  • igor: add helper methods for exception handling in GetCommitsTask ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • igor/test: rename retrofit-specific variables ( 6dfe7ddc )
  • peering: replace deprecated method during upgrade to Kotlin 1.5.32 ( f9c8b9a0 )
  • queue: demonstrate behavior of RunTaskHandler when a task throws a RetrofitError ( 83d2d3a6 )
  • queue/test: replace deprecated method during upgrade to Kotlin 1.5.32 ( 2f8829d6 )
  • retrofit: use SpinnakerRetrofitErrorHandler as a step towards simplifying exception handling ( 6ae6207c )
  • retrofit: split retry logic from RetrofitExceptionHandler into BaseRetrofitExceptionHandler ( 83d2d3a6 )
  • retrofit: change BaseRetrofitExceptionHandler.shouldRetry to take an Exception instead of only RetrofitError ( 83d2d3a6 )
  • retrofit: change BaseRetrofitExceptionHandler.shouldRetry’s kind argument to a String ( 83d2d3a6 )
  • test: add runtime jupiter engine and remove vintage engine with upgrade of groovy 3 ( 4ba2cc05 )

Rosco 1.19.0


  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( 4a12958a )
  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( 4a12958a )
  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( 4a12958a )
  • helm/bake: Add additional input fields where we can fill in details of the APIs versions ( 4a12958a )
  • java17: use JRE17, run tests on JRE17, compile with JDK11 ( cdd535bf )


  • manifests/test: add missing @Test annotation ( 526da75a )
  • manifests/test: keep up with SpinnakerNetworkException constructor changes ( e8ffd89a )
  • npe: Fixes an NPE when no overrides are set ( 36968c28 )
  • npe: Fixes an NPE when no overrides are set ( 36968c28 )


  • artifacts: always configure artifact store-related beans ( 144b433e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 9d2add15 )
  • dependencies: Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion ( a00298f1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ecdc0ffe )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( efd06022 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( b18bc06c )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( a9eec226 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 59132a57 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ea551b9e )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d9b755f1 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c3f35728 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0c0c97eb )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e8ffd89a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( e8ffd89a )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( c2d210fb )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 0506436b )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 028ff017 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( 40a4f449 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( da08d0ab )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( d4168cd6 )
  • dependencies: Autobump korkVersion ( ba4b9649 )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( 1ff766b4 )
  • deps: bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 ( 6147e3f7 )
  • deps: bump google-github-actions/auth from 1 to 2 ( 3c63ab4d )
  • deps: bump docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5 ( bfc6789e )
  • deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 ( dca133c8 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3 ( c5894676 )
  • deps: bump docker/login-action from 2 to 3 ( 931bb2e7 )
  • deps: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3 ( 7db3fce0 )
  • feature: Change codeql to scan daily instead of weekly ( 4a12958a )
  • nullable: Add nullable annotation as well to signify overides can be null ( 36968c28 )
  • test: add runtime jupiter engine and remove vintage engine with upgrade of groovy 3 ( 6976265b )
  • tests: convert leftout junit4 based testcases to junit5 ( 70a06b06 )
  • web/test: disable BakePoller in V2BakeryControllerTest ( f6085bdb )